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In recent years, their attitude has become increasingly hostile. The Japanese are slightly better, but the Koreans are very bad. Korean films and TV works always deliberately portray China as a very bad country, and show off that they are better than China.
For me, it is a very arrogant idealism.
I watched some Japanese discussions on "Black Myth Wukong" on ltaaa.cn. Their attitude was very contemptuous, believing that this was just a poor imitation behavior following behind Japan. Even though Ubisoft has humiliated them with black samurai, they still firmly believe that Chinese elements are not as popular as Japanese samurai and ninjas.

Of course, this is only the opinion of some people, but you can intuitively feel that they do not expect China's success.
As Korean website Naver once said, China is like a great wall for Korea.

Whenever Korea wanted to be great, China just said no and that was the end of it. It's even more humiliating when sometimes the rulers were Mongolian or Manchus and they still said no, maybe even more harshly.

So of course they want to say China is below them. If not, then what future is there for Korea? Japan is probably thinking the same thing.


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As Korean website Naver once said, China is like a great wall for Korea.

Whenever Korea wanted to be great, China just said no and that was the end of it. It's even more humiliating when sometimes the rulers were Mongolian or Manchus and they still said no, maybe even more harshly.

So of course they want to say China is below them. If not, then what future is there for Korea? Japan is probably thinking the same thing.
I literally never even think about Korea at all without their instigation.


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Sun Wukong is anti CCP?

One of the most braindead takes of all time and a complete shame of using a popular Chinese mythology against China all because the monke king is rebellious to heaven in the story.
Black myth Wukong was all along about the alliance between global south (monkey) and global North (Zhu Baijie, a literal white pig i.e. Ziopig) fighting against stereotypical Asian man (Erlang shen). 100/100 based.

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Black myth Wukong was all along about the alliance between global south (monkey) and global North (Zhu Baijie, a literal white pig i.e. Ziopig) fighting against stereotypical Asian man (Erlang shen). 100/100 based.

+1 million US card credit
Big difference: pigs are very chill and cool. Just toss them some vegetable junk to eat and scratch their ears and belly, and they are happy.

Some people I can't talk about are very not. If you know you know. I can't talk more or my FICO credit may go down.


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Asians now making up 47% of the incoming class at MIT, similar to what it is at Berkeley, Cal. Tech, etc.; the school blames the end of affirmative action.
That's it? 47%? I think there are still many forces skewing it against Asians and towards other minorities. From what I'm seeing, 65-70% Asian (which includes Indians) would be reasonable with about 25% Caucasian makes sense if it was truly merit-based without diversity considerations.


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he war and struggle could have never been won and will never be won when the U.S. and her allies were busy crafting fiction that the TALIBAN was a monolithic group within Afghanistan. Did not care to understand and study the TRIBAL STRUCTURE OF THE AFGHAN SOCIETY & how its societal, culture and mores differ greatly from that of the west. Lumping Islam into a single basket not realizing or too lazy to acknowledge and study that within Islam itself there's different sects namely Sunni, Shia, Whabbi, Salafi, Berelvi, Sufi and Deobandi (Seven Sects) have different perspectives on creativity in Islam. And Pashtun being the biggest/largest tribe in Afghanistan has its own governing principles that are anathema to many western peoples and countries. Without trying to belabor this Afghanistan situation, I am simply trying to point out that how is America and Americans writ large going to expect themselves to win and beat China when its unable to adopt and humble itself enough to study the very enemy that knows them far more than they know its supposed declared enemy?
whats the point of studying Tribes and sects when conflict was with Arabic Soft Power?. All those sects only mattered if the Gulf Monarchies were not as powerful as they are today. They are only inhibited by desert geography and small population.
The unique think about Arabic soft power is that it was simultaneously supporting both sides. Both Afghan and Uzbek are landlocked countries with higher population growth and Afghan has periodic table in there country. The more competence Afghan show the more support they will get from Gulf. Uzbek are positively engaging Afghans on large scale.
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That's because China isn't doing anything that justifies direct action against China. Their attention will always be drawn away to more immediate active emergencies. Acting against China for just for being competition doesn't sit well with the rest of the world that is watching. Today the West is trying to get the Global South on their side and away from China. China is the example of ideal independence from the West. The US and West will knock off opponents because they're losing to them. That's why they have to lie about it being about democracy versus autocracy. They're democracies that had slaves and they protect countries that are democracies that violate human rights. Also they ally with autocracies who they need. They act like holding out democracy is the answer to anyone questioning them. No it just says how they can lie in the face of it.

Every time I read or see something about what Kamala Harris' foreign policy is going to be, mostly everyone agrees that she will follow Joe Bidens's foreign policy. Yeah if she wants to be a footnote in history then that's what she should do. If the Democratic establishment has any influence on her, then she'll probably stick to Biden's policies. The Democratic establishment are filled with old crones stuck in their ways like Biden and former Democrat Joe Manchin. Despite how the Democrats are lionizing Joe Biden at the convention, look at the relief in general that he's no longer the nominee. Joe Biden didn't encourage excitement and with Trump as the other choice, Democrats were just depressed in general. I guess a true test where Kamala is heading is if she sticks with Biden's staff choices in the State and Commerce Departments.

There was an article recently that said California politicians want an easing on sales restrictions of high tech on China because it's costing the state jobs. If the likes of Trump and Biden were right, China would already have collapsed and surrendered to the US by now because that was the real goal not thinking they can leave China behind. That isn't happening so because of ego Biden wants the US to stick to its guns hoping it's just a matter of time before China can no longer hold out. The US is losing jobs in the tech sector because they slit their own throat cutting themselves off to their biggest customer. It's only a matter of time when China makes alternatives on advanced tech from the West. That's why the US is in a more precarious position than China. China can survive without the West's advanced tech. But when China does make it own equivalent and then better semiconductors... it's game over for the West. Look at the state of the US's allies where they can buy all the tech that China cannot. They're in the economic dumpster. China is doing all right without it but when China starts making them, the West won't be first world civilized countries anymore. By the time they admit their China policy was wrong from the beginning, it will be too late.
It is important for China to make good long term choice for itself, like self reliance. Not because of stupidity of enemy, cant rely on that for decision. If US suddenly reverse the tech sanction should China stop? Of course not. Being the dominant and self sufficent on tech is always good regardless of American availability. Why give that up to save a couple bucks? A good policy in the long run is always a good policy, regardless of current difference.