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Arij Javaid

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You know why I'm so confident that china would crush US in a military conflict in the Pacific or anywhere 1000KM away from its border??

Because China has 220 times the shipbuilding capacity of the US. Also china's manufacturing prowess in missiles who have automated factories. Steel, power generation is second to none.

In a prolonged warfare, a country's productivity and material economy matters the most

If you can outproduce your opponent, you have greater chances.

This is how Russia got the edge against NATO's entire stockpile, they put workers in their factories to produce weapons and artillery at a much higher rate than entire NATO combined.

US economy is heavily financialized, Incase of war, it doesn't matter how good treasury yields are doing or how good the stock market is or how good Nvidia's stock price is. What matters is the material you produce.


Registered Member
Pro-China government replaced by a pro-Western puppet. It’s a colour revolution by the CIA.
Sheikh Hasina is friendly with China, but she is even closer to India. Her job's scheme favoured the descendants of the Bangladeshi Independence War, which was largely assisted by India. So she does appear to be more pro-Indian, rather than pro-China. Still, that doesn't mean that the CIA didn't topple her for whatever reasons.

I don't know enough about Bangladesh politics to know who is their preferred next PM.

What do you think happens next for Bangladesh @Nobo?


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Sheikh Hasina is friendly with China, but she is even closer to India. Her job's scheme favoured the descendants of the Bangladeshi Independence War, which was largely assisted by India. So she does appear to be more pro-Indian, rather than pro-China. Still, that doesn't mean that the CIA didn't topple her for whatever reasons.

I don't know enough about Bangladesh politics to know who is their preferred next PM.

What do you think happens next for Bangladesh @Nobo?
Bangladesh joined BRI, started trading in yuan, got closer to Russia.


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Pro-China government replaced by a pro-Western puppet. It’s a colour revolution by the CIA.
What color revolution ? Do you think our public are into BDSM, gay right bs? Did you actually see anything what happened?

Since when Hasina was Pro-China? I didn't know that. She used to play little games while being indian puppet.
Hell, she fled to India for fuuk's sake.

And where is that pro-western government? Army is in charge at the moment.
You think public want khaleda back? ROFLOLMAO.

BNP has an opening, but it needs to show us it's not remote controlled.

We hated Hasina, but we hate West, specially U.a$$ even more. So anyone who goes in that direction,
I would advice to book their seats in transport helicopter in advance.

largely assisted by India
Umm, india didnt even enter the war until the last month when Pak intentionally got them involved.
India didn't want independent Bangladesh, they wanted a satellite. That's why they were against formation of armed forces here which Sheikh Mujib denounced.

Not to mention, you should hear the slogans, most of us here refer to her as "Dalal",India's puppet.

As for next PM, two names are in fore front. Barrister Anisul islam mahmud, an educated & well respected person.
And Salah Uddin, former governor of Bangladesh Bank.

Regardless of whoever comes, I don't think China would be worried too much.

Bangladesh joined BRI, started trading in yuan, got closer to Russia.
And that will continue. No future government here will get close to west because of large anti-western sentiment.

Actually that is the reason why BNP couldn't do in 17 years what our students did in 17 days. Public are very anti-west & anti-india here.

In the meantime

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শেখ হাসিনাকে বহনকারী হেলিকপ্টার শিগগিরই নয়াদিল্লিতে অবতরণ করবে​

Hasina's gonna land at her bff modi's home at delhi soon :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Registered Member
What color revolution ? Do you think our public are into BDSM, gay right bs? Did you actually see anything what happened?

Since when Hasina was Pro-China? I didn't know that. She used to play little games while being indian puppet.
Hell, she fled to India for fuuk's sake.

And where is that pro-western government? Army is in charge at the moment.
You think public want khaleda back? ROFLOLMAO.

BNP has an opening, but it needs to show us it's not remote controlled.

We hated Hasina, but we hate West, specially U.a$$ even more. So anyone who goes in that direction,
I would advice to book their seats in transport helicopter in advance.

Umm, india didnt even enter the war until the last month when Pak intentionally got them involved.
India didn't want independent Bangladesh, they wanted a satellite. That's why they were against formation of armed forces here which Sheikh Mujib denounced.

Not to mention, you should hear the slogans, most of us here refer to her as "Dalal",India's puppet.

As for next PM, two names are in fore front. Barrister Anisul islam mahmud, an educated & well respected person.
And Salah Uddin, former governor of Bangladesh Bank.

Regardless of whoever comes, I don't think China would be worried too much.

And that will continue. No future government here will get close to west because of large anti-western sentiment.

Actually that is the reason why BNP couldn't do in 17 years what our students did in 17 days. Public are very anti-west & anti-india here.

In the meantime

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Hasina's gonna land at her bff modi's home at delhi soon :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I understand that the public is anti-west in general, but don't underestimate how good America is a infiltrating another country's political process.

America thrives on others' instability. That's how they managed to topple the USSR.

I will not be surprised if somehow Bangladesh's political situation ends up worse than before


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America thrives on others' instability. That's how they managed to topple the USSR.
We don't underestimate them. We simply don't over estimate them.
Political teams didn't topple Hasina. It was general public.
Yes, you can say it aligns with their interest. However ,to do that, they'll have to install a puppet. You wanna try that?

This will be another burning in fire/drowning in water situation for them, kind of like Iran. Where they want to topple the current regime, but then they want to install a regime public hate even more. So they are stuck in between rock & wood :D:D


Registered Member
Regardless of whoever comes, I don't think China would be worried too much.

And that will continue. No future government here will get close to west because of large anti-western sentiment.

Actually that is the reason why BNP couldn't do in 17 years what our students did in 17 days. Public are very anti-west & anti-india here.

In the meantime

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Hasina's gonna land at her bff modi's home at delhi soon :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Wow. Even I have underestimated the Bangladesh's public resentment towards India. Surely its gotta be more than just nationalism. Is it because India has been trying to colonize Bangladesh for decades, or maybe planning to annexing it?


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Wow. Even I have underestimated the Bangladesh's public resentment towards India. Surely its gotta be more than just nationalism. Is it because India has been trying to colonize Bangladesh for decades, or maybe planning to annexing it?
Its because of their history, behavior & delusional grandeur . These Indis think they own south Asia, they believe they gave us freedom when they couldn't even free themselves from brit step over.
The killings at the border.
The seven sisters. The seven states of north east belongs to us, brits gave it to them.
But in more recent time, it's their BS in every internal matters of Bangladesh. You heard their politicians said "Bangladeshis are trying to change demographics of India going there" before election? Those mofos don't even have toilets.
And then there are other things.

There are things you dislike naturally. You don't need a logical reason for it. India is one of them for us.
We hate everything that is Indian. They are just creepy cringy delusional roaches.

In the meantime, our public are having a field day


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Society won't collapse. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, people just kept on going. Although cash today is fiat currency, there will always be people willing to use it out of habit. The only way for your scenario to become true is if no one is willing to rebuild society after some time (i.e. generation) post-collapse.

It doesn't matter what OS is used if a business decides to install software from firms such as Crowdstrike. IIRC, there were Linux machines negatively affected by Crowdstrike a few years ago before the last debacle. The only reason we're talking about the latest fuck-up and not the previous one, is because there were more Windows machines using Crowdstrike than Linux (or whatever *nix).
Wasnt one of the big features of eCNY that it could be used without any internet aka peer to peer transactions?