Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Why did they plunge so much? Because of 0.25% rise in interest?
A lot of talk about the unwinding of the Yen carry trade online, basically borrowing JPY at 0% and using it to buy US stocks and Treasuries (at ~5% yield). Worked while JPY was weak but if JPY strengthens then your USD assets are worth less in JPY terms and you owe more (in USD) to the lender. So, assets down, debt up = panic!

Not sure how this would affect Japan's own stock market though.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I understand that the public is anti-west in general, but don't underestimate how good America is a infiltrating another country's political process.
America thrives on others' instability. That's how they managed to topple the USSR.
I will not be surprised if somehow Bangladesh's political situation ends up worse than before
This has all the telltale signs of a US op. We will see what happens with Russia's $12.65 billion USD investment building two nuclear power reactors in Bangladesh. The first reactor is supposed to be finished in construction this year with grid connection next year. The grid connection is being financed and built by Indian companies.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
This has all the telltale signs of a US op. We will see what happens with Russia's multi-billion dollar investment building two nuclear power reactors in Bangladesh. The first reactor is supposed to be finished in construction this year with grid connection next year.
No, this is much bigger than a reactor deal.

Indian puppet ousted on territory India considers it's colony, right next to the Indian high population density delta.

India wanted to signal that they would attack China if US attacked Chinese homeland. China showed India just how vulnerable the most core areas of India really are.

America and their bootlickers were emboldened by a calm China to believe they have the initiative to pick where to fight. But Chinese calm masks the fact that it remains the world's most powerful country, and places like India or America are about to find out that they were never in control of where and how they will fight.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
As if. China has better things to do than finance student demonstrations. It has all the signs of something financed by the US NED and amplified with the assistance of US social media. In fact this is the exact same playbook used in the Maidan coup in Ukraine, in Hong Kong, and other places.

Modi visits Russia, India is negotiating a deal with China, and by sheer coincidence, of course, Bangladesh then blows up. It is pretty clear who benefits here.

The ruling party had just won the elections in Bangladesh and now they are being forced to stand down with a coup. This is just like what they are trying to do to Maduro in Venezuela as well.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Is Bangladesh government being kicked out good or bad for China. People say Hasana was just doing India's bidding.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Hasina was pro-india and pro-china. Probably one of the rarest scenarios lol

Anyway I'm loving jai hinds getting mad. Bangladesh was their last neighbour that wasn't anti-india. Now that's gone too.

India's ego led to this. India has worse living conditions than the poorest african countries and they act like as if they are guardians of south Asia.