Noone should get away with irradiating and poisoning China and East Asia. That land is sacred, as sacred to humanity as the cradle of civilisation. The only response to that is the complete irradiation of North America, Europe and the British Isles, twice. See how welcome anglo europeans are in post apocalyptic cartel territory.
Expanding further on my point; the CPC should have a similar 'Putin Doctrine' where a 'world without Russia is not a world worth existing' but expanded to any part of China that is attacked with nuclear weapons and that can include radiological weapons, dirty bombs, etc and the poisoning of Chinese people with radiation poisoning must be interpreted as attempted genocide and be responded to with counter- value strike options. eg 4-1 ratio of global suicide drones targeting all member of the perpetrating entity. Assuming the attack came from North America, there is little point to irradiating that area in retrospect, since the Chinese people will need to move into those territories horde style, whilst we wait for the half life from the initial nuclear attack in China to subside. This could be a half life of 500-1,000 years effectively.Keep the land, leave the people.
What is Australia without white supremacy? Genuine question.
What is apartheid south africa without apartheid? What is Rhodesia without white supremacy?
There is no Australian state, nation nor country; there is simply a territory that Anglos dominate and exploit. If you doubt this, explain how a former Prime Minister (tony abbott) can become a minister of a foreign nation (UK)? I have lived all over the world and the level of implicit racism in australian society is overwhelming. Implicit meaning it's constantly, under the surface rather than overt, because overt racism is crass and unbecoming; instead you'll get cowardly snide remarks and passive aggression against Chinese and other Asians who are doing better.
rollback is spreading; especially after Faceberg banned a malaysian official's post against the Israeli attack in Tehran.
Question, with the Olympics and more westerners visiting China and behaving badly, how will this affect Chinese youth who can accurately see how the West views and treats Asians and Chinese communities in the West?