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Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
in China they had to be slapped up by the Atheists (the Hui Muslims along with the Yoruba Muslims of Nigeria are the exception not the rule) and you know you've got to be all kinds of fucked up when Buddhists want to kick your ass like they did in Myanmar. In these complex equations they are the constant.
Hui massacred Han Chinese in the late Qing era.
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Going by on paper numbers no, but seeing how useless NATO has been in Ukraine against Germany sized economy Russia, I'm actually starting to doubt if EU are any use at all.
thats incorrect to put it mildly. I dont think Russia and Germany measure there economies same way. Europe is facing some thing bigger than US in military power. Russia build close 900k single family homes. and that is number closer to US. this show Russia can provide high standard of living to its Elites. Germany is a rentier state does not have any worth, that cannot complete unique complex projects. thats why it never match Russia in those various school competitions like Chemistry/Physics/Maths Olympiads. Germany really needs Jews for scientific potential if it wants to stay afloat. what i wrote above directly transform to Russia military potential.

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According to the president, in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity, “we have overtaken the whole of Europe, but per capita we still have some work to do.”

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Taliban Wants to Conclude Memorandums of Understanding with EAEU Countries​



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Check out all the polls on what percentages of country's population believes Uighur genocide is real. Muslim world has the least percentage saying it is real. So I don't get where you had the idea that they believe western lies.

Check out which countries have a favourable view of china, it's Africa and Muslim world again.
True, and that is a good point. However I would point out that there are still problematic elements in the Muslim world such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Wahabi-affiliated extremist groups. These people continue to peddle hate against Russia, China, other Muslims, and other enemies the West designates for them. These groups are still quite influential and continue to do damage.

I accept your argument that the the vast majority of the Muslim World are ok with China. Yet there are a significant minority who still believe the Western lies fed to them by the Muslim Brotherhood. I have observed that where the Muslim Brotherhood is influential, like in Malaysia, many Muslims there who were pro-Palestine would also readily believed Western lies like the Srebrenica Massacre, evil Assad, and the Uighur genocide. They believed them anyway because they trust the Muslim Brotherhood. This is one of the problems of the Muslim world.

You were able to come up with strong arguments to my question, and I appreciate that. But @_killuminati_ strikes me as one of those sensitive defenders of Islam who would not take any criticism about the Muslim world. He just dismisses these criticism and attacks me. I have seen a few Muslims like this, and they are very intolerant of any criticisms about their community, even when those were justified. The more extreme ones will get triggered and threaten violence. They are quite similar to the Zionists and Evangelical Christians, even though they are opposed to those groups. These kinds of people are also another problem in the Muslim world.

Muslim world have many problems, lack of progress is one of them but in the war that west has waged against china. They are allies. Literally the only thing that's standing in the way of US satellite state Israel conquering all of middle east is Iran and it's proxies. Do you really want US to control the trade and oil in the region?? No. I disgaree with Iran's internal politics but you would be delusional if you don't think that supporting Iran isn't vital for Chinese interests.
A large portion of the Muslim world are reliable allies for China and Russia, and I do count Iran as one of them despite of all of its troubles. But I consider the Gulf States as cowards, and I consider Qatar and Turkey as treacherous.

I am actually behind Iran, and my criticisms are towards its current state of mismanagement. I want Iran to do better. Out of all the Muslim nations in the Middle East, Iran is the only major nation who is serious about dealing with the West and the Zionists. But Iran's enemies are powerful indeed. It needs help from Russia and China, but is not urgently seeking for them, which is frustrating. Iran's intelligence services right now is not good enough. They could learn something from the FSB. China is ready to work with Iran on its economy, but progress has been slow. And Iran urgently needs to upgrade its airforce to face Israel, but for some reason it hasn't done it yet. Iran is vital to not only China's interest, but also the Global South. But Iran has to improve itself.
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No, monks have to watch helplessly and therefore allow evil to happen; they are useless. The Chinese military, when built up, can stop it. If you want be kind and you want to see kindness push out evil, to defeat genocide, then engineering for the Chinese military is the path.

If everybody becomes a monk. Then what evil is there to defeat.


If everybody becomes a monk. Then what evil is there to defeat.
Problem is the evil people committing and helping to commit genocide in Gaza will not become monks, so neither can the good kind people afford to or the world will always be ruled by evil.

And what is this about being a monk? I'm kind; I like to help people and stop evil and all that good shit but I never said I don't like having sex, eating meat and having kids! I gotta be a monk to be kind?


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Problem is the evil people committing and helping to commit genocide in Gaza will not become monks, so neither can the good kind people afford to or the world will always be ruled by evil.

And what is this about being a monk? I'm kind; I like to help people and stop evil and all that good shit but I never said I don't like having sex, eating meat and having kids! I gotta be a monk to be kind?

Who is evil who is kind.

OP thinks killing families of your enemies is evil. Yes….But what do you think we been doing to each other for the last 10,000 years.

Regarding being a monk, if you don’t give up sex, desires for women, etc…better food, then there will also be competition. And competition plants the seeds for evil. I’m no philosopher, but that’s just my 30 second thought on the subject.