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>Representatives of Iran's Palestinian allies Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, as well as Yemen's Tehran-backed Houthi movement, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iraqi resistance groups will attend the meeting in Tehran

Israel: i'm gonna do the funny

Seriously though, unwise against the country who practically pioneered the double tap.


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Video of how Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated.

Looks like placed bomb, multiple detonations, filmed by small drone by the assassination team. Iran is so easy to infiltrate, mozad operator got away with it scotch free many times already. If Iran is half way competent they'd at least be able to exact some cost to such operation but no.


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This is actually really interesting in a mindfuck moment. After years of American elites threatening to sanction DJI and only relenting because they discover how reliant they are on DJI, the Pentagon especially, China decided to go ahead and fuck with them by implementing export controls anyway. Can only imagine the message being sent.
You can bet the same applies for rare earths and eventually, semiconductors once China corners the market.


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  • Foreign mercenaries fighting for Russia (according to him) are from Cuba, Nepal, China, India.
  • Polish mortars are dangerous. Unlike other Western', these don't make a sound coming in.
  • In one upcoming urban battle, many soldiers refused to participate, including Russian, Indian, and Nepali. The Nepali with him is scared to death.
  • Lot of drone warfare from both sides.
  • Lot of dead bodies.
  • Very ruthless war.

Is there another source for the video? This YouTube channel is very FLG. She's a very pro FLG media source. I don't trust her interpretations.


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Is there another source for the video? This YouTube channel is very FLG. She's a very pro FLG media source. I don't trust her interpretations.
Yes, no one should give traffic to an American government mouthpiece cult.

I've seen this particular interview on a few different sources, what he says is not really anything groundbreaking. He is one of those post-Wagner Wagner equivalents, that are tasked with doing the most dirty parts of fighting. That is what he knew he would be going into as well.

If you go there as that type of unit, it's not going to be a kill Europeans hunting safari. The enemy will defintely shoot back, but as this soldier also says, he can shoot back way more. Interestingly he misses the PLA because he has better ability to request help when he's fighting there.

The situation for Russian soldiers is far from risk free, but afaik no Chinese mercs have gone home in body bags so far, despite some going to these types of breakthrough units.

On the Ukraine side, it is more like a 100 go in and you can count the survivors on 1 hand. I have first hand accounts of this repeatedly happening.

Maybe fighting for Russia is somewhat comparable to the danger of being an American soldier during the Vietnam war. It's a pretty apt comparison because Vietnam also had infinite mobilized manpower backed by a few specialists from hostile nations fighting under their flag.

Which is why Russia is taking the war very carefully, especially before Ukraine lost most of their manpower and material, there was a real risk they can overrun Russia if Russians didnt advance very carefully and fortify everything.

Arij Javaid

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They are the same, the only difference is that the Anglos espouse a progressive ideology while Islam is very retrograde.

Like I said, Islam is not just a religion, it's an complete ideology with different components. It has a political component, legal component (sharia), financial component, religious component, societal and cultural component, and even a military component (exemplified by jihad). It becomes a problem when adherents try to adopt its complete form, where the Chinese and the Yorubas have succeeded is only adopting the religious component but rejecting the rest. The Chinese understand this well that's why you see them making sure that while its Muslims can practice their faith in peace they make sure they keep them culturally Chinese, hence a successful pacification. It's the same with the Yorubas, they are culturally Yoruba and keep their traditional culture above everything else, it's because of this reason they can marry non Muslims without requiring them to convert and have children where some are Muslim and some are Christian, they live in peace.

There's another Central Asian nation that has just recently banned the hijab and other cultural elements that comes with Islam, they have also figured it out. They want to promote their traditional culture and keep Islam only as a religion and not a complete ideology. It's the same with Albania that's why you don't hear about problems there.

I'm not so sure it's in China's long term interests to strengthen the Islamic world, it's in China's interests to make sure the Americans are bogged down protecting its baby in the region long enough for it keep gaining strength. There's no inherent benefit to inserting itself by explicitly picking a side, it can get the same benefits by not committing as much resources to one side against the other.
I disgaree. This take will be the reason why China will never dominate the US if you continue to remain naive

Let's be honest. China doesn't have the same quality of allies like the US does. That's simply the truth and the US is hellbent in maintaining a global order. Muslim world and China have one thing in common and that is to bring US hegemony down and that cause should unite both Muslims and Chinese because it isn't an easy task. There are no permanent allies and permanent friends.

We aren't here to judge values and religion of allies when the desired goal we share is of much greater importance. That's the reason why you don't see most muslims falling for western lies on Uighur propaganda.

Which countries even have a positive opinion on china?? Not the west, not Israel, certainly not India. Only the African and Muslim world. That's right.

And strengthening the Muslim world is in China's favour as it allows to reduce US influence in the middle east. I don't see how you don't see the obvious.

As for Israel, it's a country that works actively against China's interests and believe it or not, a large section of Jewish billionaires to fund anti-china movements in Latin america and around the world. You don't wanna see Israel getting weakened?

It seems like you value your personal grievances over what's best for China. Or maybe you secretly like genocidal Israel that's why you have nothing to say about them.

Arij Javaid

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Answer my question! Why should the Muslim world be trusted when so many of them have hurt, betrayed, and oppressed their own and so many people on behalf of the West, or to pursue their extremist agenda?
Check out all the polls on what percentages of country's population believes Uighur genocide is real. Muslim world has the least percentage saying it is real. So I don't get where you had the idea that they believe western lies.

Check out which countries have a favourable view of china, it's Africa and Muslim world again.

Muslim world have many problems, lack of progress is one of them but in the war that west has waged against china. They are allies. Literally the only thing that's standing in the way of US satellite state Israel conquering all of middle east is Iran and it's proxies. Do you really want US to control the trade and oil in the region?? No. I disgaree with Iran's internal politics but you would be delusional if you don't think that supporting Iran isn't vital for Chinese interests.


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I disgaree. This take will be the reason why China will never dominate the US if you continue to remain naive

Let's be honest. China doesn't have the same quality of allies like the US does.
Going by on paper numbers no, but seeing how useless NATO has been in Ukraine against Germany sized economy Russia, I'm actually starting to doubt if EU are any use at all.

Japan and SK might be the only "quality" allies US have. While Russia and NK should logically be worse than EU + SK + Japan, the difference may have been vastly overestimated by past Chinese analysts.
That's simply the truth and the US is hellbent in maintaining a global order. Muslim world and China have one thing in common and that is to bring US hegemony down and that cause should unite both Muslims and Chinese because it isn't an easy task. There are no permanent allies and permanent friends.

We aren't here to judge values and religion of allies when the desired goal we share is of much greater importance. That's the reason why you don't see most muslims falling for western lies on Uighur propaganda.

Which countries even have a positive opinion on china?? Not the west, not Israel, certainly not India. Only the African and Muslim world. That's right.

And strengthening the Muslim world is in China's favour as it allows to reduce US influence in the middle east. I don't see how you don't see the obvious.

As for Israel, it's a country that works actively against China's interests and believe it or not, a large section of Jewish billionaires to fund anti-china movements in Latin america and around the world.
As I see it, because of this, Israel earns their place as an enemy that must be exterminated, like the Japanese nazis and xinjiang islamists. The crime of the Israeli nation is the same as Japan, inhuman behavior and also betrayal of China's trust, the latter is actually the worst of all. They are a snake that when persecuted ran to China for support, then later show their true nature and snap at us for no reason other than cultural nature.

Until these ideologies are totally eliminated, there can not be lasting peace in Asia.

And because Israel fancies itself to be America's balls, China should put them to the hydraulic press, if nothing but to make America scream.

Arij Javaid

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Didn't realize that Olympics will be such a shitshow, first the controversial ceremony and now allowing trans to compete in women sport. Who would have thought it would turn out bad??

I didn't see such controversy when China hosted Olympics.

Qatar hosted World cup without a single incident of hooliganism or foul play. Russia hosted a world cup without any controversy too.

Maybe it's time that western countries should stop hosting sports events as they can't help themselves.