Miscellaneous News


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Regarding the Olympics and Pan Zhanle's win, it's basically the ending of The Karate Kid
Maybe the Australian and American swimmers are afraid of their own doping results coming out showing them coming up short?

It's amazing how much the Anglos made a big deal out of Hitler and the Nazis portraying the olympics as a way of depicting "aryan superiority" only to get trounced by african american jesse owens.

Well, today, the anglos got their own jesse owens moment and they, in their entirety as a culture displayed their own disgrace. Chalmers was forced to acknowledge Pan's win because to do otherwise would be damaged his credibility and ability to get sponsorships.


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Says the person who doesn't understand the basics of nuclear weapons. Yet wanna act smart and smug about it.

Stop playing victim. You can't face the truth. You like to generalise anyone who criticises the Muslim world is a Western stooge. Again, I do not believe that Islam as evil. But I know that there are men who interprets Islam in their own way to do evil. It's the same problem that is happening in all the other Abrahamic religions. There are plenty of Muslims who readily believe the lies of West and kill people for them. So do not dismiss my frustration about the Muslim world. Answer my question! Why should the Muslim world be trusted when so many of them have hurt, betrayed, and oppressed their own and so many people on behalf of the West, or to pursue their extremist agenda?

It's still a moot argument. Both the Salafi and Wahhabi sects have produced their fair share of violent extremists. ISIS, and Jabhat al-Nusra all exist. ETIM who targets the Chinese are Salafi.

You bringing up other ethnicities and violent groups is just for distraction. You wanna know who else chop heads? The Europeans in the Middle Ages, Japan before the end of WW2, Imperial China, the Ottomans, the Saudis, etc. Stop throwing things around, playing victim, and pretending that there are no serious problems in the Muslim world. This is the hard truth, and you're refusing to face it. Which makes me respect you even less.
I noticed that the folks who talk about how Islam isn't evil are folks that haven't lived around enough Muslims for long enough. Liberals who live in the west and educated Asians who live in the east tend to hold this view. Those of us who have lived with enough of them for a long time will tell you something different. Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology of conquest, the Quran reads like a war manifesto. It's very exclusive and intolerant in nature and prizes war and conflict with the "other", that's why they tend to attract violent and near psychopathic people to its cause. Sure, there are "good" Muslims but they are good because they just happen to be good people stuck into a life way they were born into, but even then they tend to have a short fuse when it comes to criticism of their religion.

Everywhere they go and settle they fight, once they reach a certain size they'll demand special treatment, once they reach a sizeable population they'll fight to create a parallel society, if they don't get their way they'll want to break up because they can't be governed by "Kaffirs", and woe betide you if they reach majority, they'll seize power and lock up the top and everybody becomes second class at best. Think about it, who do Muslims not fight with? In the west and Africa they fight with Christians, in India they fight with Hindus, in the Middle East they fight with Jews, in China they had to be slapped up by the Atheists (the Hui Muslims along with the Yoruba Muslims of Nigeria are the exception not the rule) and you know you've got to be all kinds of fucked up when Buddhists want to kick your ass like they did in Myanmar. In these complex equations they are the constant.

I've never cared too much about the Middle East, their fight is beyond anything most of us can imagine but because I'd rather live in a decentralized world where the US isn't playing god, I want the conflict with Israel and Hamas to drag on as long as possible so the US will be bogged down. If I'm honest, I don't particularly feel bad for the Palestinians, they've navigated their grievances all wrong and they are paying the price for it today.
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Registered Member
I have already not hold any illusions for Chinese born and bred in western countries. Most have fully adopt their western identity and mindset. Some even go full retard and follow their masters ideology to denigrate anything Chinese.

This particular person was born in China though. Maybe those born in China but choose to move to West are even worse. I dun know. They wholeheartedly become anti China even till this day when China has proven to the world they are non imperialistic, peaceful, people first and moving in the right direction. Certainly some of the are just banana grifters like Colin Koh and the two Melissas. There are others who do it for their careers. Certainly There is no shame left in these people.
My Post in thread 'Miscellaneous News' from a while back
Miscellaneous News


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I noticed that the folks who talk about how Islam isn't evil are folks that haven't lived around enough Muslims for long enough. Liberals who live in the west and educated Asians who live in the east tend to hold this view. Those of us who have lived with enough of them for a long time will tell you something different. Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology of conquest, the Quran reads like a war manifesto. It's very exclusive and intolerant in nature and prizes war and conflict with the "other", that's why they tend to attract violent and near psychopathic people to its cause. Sure, there are "good" Muslims but they are good because they just happen to be good people stuck into a life way they were born into, but even then they tend to have a short fuse when it comes to criticism of their religion.

Everywhere they go and settle they fight, once they reach a certain size they'll demand special treatment, once they reach a sizeable population they'll fight to create a parallel society, if they don't get their way they'll want to break up because they can't be governed by "Kaffirs", and woe betide you if they reach majority, they'll seize power and lock up the top and everybody becomes second class at best. Think about it, who do Muslims not fight with? In the west and Africa they fight with Christians, in India they fight with Hindus, in the Middle East they fight with Jews, in China they had to be slapped up by the Atheists (the Hui Muslims along with the Yoruba Muslims of Nigeria are the exception not the rule) and you know you've got to be all kinds of fucked up when Buddhists want to kick your ass like they did in Myanmar. In these complex equations they are the constant.
That make them exactly the same as Anglo Zionists no?

The difference is that China has successfully pacified Islam. Islam within our borders had their values changed into ones worthy of the modern era. Whereas the Anglo Zionist remains untamed and is a more dangerous threat, globally speaking.

So then it is completely natural that China should strengthen the side that can help us get rid of American threat. That the Islamic world would be weakened by this conflict is not a bad thing, perhaps it will make them abandon some of their less agreeable traits, just like the Hui and Uyghur did.


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That make them exactly the same as Anglo Zionists no?

The difference is that China has successfully pacified Islam. Islam within our borders had their values changed into ones worthy of the modern era. Whereas the Anglo Zionist remains untamed and is a more dangerous threat, globally speaking.

So then it is completely natural that China should strengthen the side that can help us get rid of American threat. That the Islamic world would be weakened by this conflict is not a bad thing, perhaps it will make them abandon some of their less agreeable traits, just like the Hui and Uyghur did.
They are the same, the only difference is that the Anglos espouse a progressive ideology while Islam is very retrograde.

Like I said, Islam is not just a religion, it's an complete ideology with different components. It has a political component, legal component (sharia), financial component, religious component, societal and cultural component, and even a military component (exemplified by jihad). It becomes a problem when adherents try to adopt its complete form, where the Chinese and the Yorubas have succeeded is only adopting the religious component but rejecting the rest. The Chinese understand this well that's why you see them making sure that while its Muslims can practice their faith in peace they make sure they keep them culturally Chinese, hence a successful pacification. It's the same with the Yorubas, they are culturally Yoruba and keep their traditional culture above everything else, it's because of this reason they can marry non Muslims without requiring them to convert and have children where some are Muslim and some are Christian, they live in peace.

There's another Central Asian nation that has just recently banned the hijab and other cultural elements that comes with Islam, they have also figured it out. They want to promote their traditional culture and keep Islam only as a religion and not a complete ideology. It's the same with Albania that's why you don't hear about problems there.

I'm not so sure it's in China's long term interests to strengthen the Islamic world, it's in China's interests to make sure the Americans are bogged down protecting its baby in the region long enough for it keep gaining strength. There's no inherent benefit to inserting itself by explicitly picking a side, it can get the same benefits by not committing as much resources to one side against the other.


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Super Moderator
Love Republican propaganda.

View attachment 133381

I believe that's Israel. The Great Wall in China is just a wall. It holds no religious deference.

It’s not Republican propaganda but rather a way to bypass censorship on Twitter. You can criticize China all you want but if you criticize someone else your post will get taken down.


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They are the same, the only difference is that the Anglos espouse a progressive ideology while Islam is very retrograde.

Like I said, Islam is not just a religion, it's an complete ideology with different components. It has a political component, legal component (sharia), financial component, religious component, societal and cultural component, and even a military component (exemplified by jihad). It becomes a problem when adherents try to adopt its complete form, where the Chinese and the Yorubas have succeeded is only adopting the religious component but rejecting the rest. The Chinese understand this well that's why you see them making sure that while its Muslims can practice their faith in peace they make sure they keep them culturally Chinese, hence a successful pacification. It's the same with the Yorubas, they are culturally Yoruba and keep their traditional culture above everything else, it's because of this reason they can marry non Muslims without requiring them to convert and have children where some are Muslim and some are Christian, they live in peace.

There's another Central Asian nation that has just recently banned the hijab and other cultural elements that comes with Islam, they have also figured it out. They want to promote their traditional culture and keep Islam only as a religion and not a complete ideology. It's the same with Albania that's why you don't hear about problems there.

I'm not so sure it's in China's long term interests to strengthen the Islamic world, it's in China's interests to make sure the Americans are bogged down protecting its baby in the region long enough for it keep gaining strength. There's no inherent benefit to inserting itself by explicitly picking a side, it can get the same benefits by not committing as much resources to one side against the other.
Oh boy... here we go:
WARNING: wall of text crits you!
You're right in saying that Islam has different components, but there's still a giant misunderstanding in what you wrote. The "true" components (what's explicitly mentionned in Quran and Hadith) are based on fairly simple and reasonable principles that can be found in other religions since they're universal in nature. In fact, they can be summarised as: do good, don't do bad. The rest of it is simply tradition that originated mainly from arabs and the middle east in general.

I'll give some examples: for the military component, what is mentionned in the original text can be summarised as "if you want peace, prepare for war" and "don't initiate conflict, but be ready to retaliate". The whole Jihad thing is a misunderstanding. Jihad means "struggle": overcoming the multiple tribulations encountered through life without losing one's faith. Fighting a war can be a form of Jihad IF it is done with just cause (so within the limits set by the text). Those who die while doing so become martyrs, but martyrdom is not exclusive to fighters. Innocent victims who fall victim to unjust murder (in war or otherwise) are also martyrs. Heck, depending on circumstances, even those who die by drowning can become martyrs. And the list goes on... The association between killing "infidels" and going to heaven is fundamentally false (on purpose or due to ignorance) since Quran explicitly states "killing a person without a just cause is equivalent to killing all of them (in sin)": it doesn't stae "killing a believer..." and if you read the rest of the text you'll find that simply being an infidel doesn't make one eligible for killing since they'll be punished in the afterlife (even that is circumstantial).

For the cultural component, outside of the arabic language which must be learned to recite Quran, it is nonexistent. Whatever culture is associated with Islam, is a product of arabic traditions that they might have imposed on other civilizations later on.
For the economic component, it is mainly based on "don't cheat and scam people" and "don't practice usury". There might be other less important "commandments" (I heard that profit margins are limited to 1/3, but I'm not sure), but those are the main ones.

Now for the big one: the political and legal component. Sharia law is a completely different set of laws that is based on completely different set of priorities accorded to certain morals and punishments. It may appear extremely severe and overkill on the surface, but it's actually pretty fair once you explore it's details. Here's an example: those who steal get their hand chopped off to scare those who might be harboring similar intentions, but that only applies to people who are not in need. Those who are poor and desperate should get free money and help to find an honorable job. Now I won't be debaiting wether it is superior to other systems or not since I lack the relevant knowledge, but I will say this: while Islam does encourage implementing Sharia law or seeking to do so through politics, activism and other forms of peaceful persuation, it PROHIBITS doing it through violence since innocents will inevitably be involved.

One last thing I want to add wrt the relation between Islam and the different cultures/governments, is that the text states that one must first obey Allah, the the prophet, then their parents and then those who gouvern them, in that order. So unless the government issues a law that forces people into committing a severe transgression against those who have a higher priority (ex: you MUST eat pig meat or drink alcohol), one shouldn't seek conflict against it. Even then you're not obliged to do so. A well known Hadith goes by smth like this "if you see evil, oppose it through your actions. If you can't, then through your tongue (words). If you can't, then through your heart (inner thoughts)".

As for how China should deal with the Muslim world, it depends on what kind of muslim they are (how actually useful and disciplined they are), but it should at large leave them alone, neither helping nor hampering and exploiting them. They don't deserve China's friendship and benevolence, given how badly they've been behaving and their utter ignorance/disregard to their "most sacred" religion which should constitute the basis for their values and morals.


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I noticed that the folks who talk about how Islam isn't evil are folks that haven't lived around enough Muslims for long enough. Liberals who live in the west and educated Asians who live in the east tend to hold this view. Those of us who have lived with enough of them for a long time will tell you something different. Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology of conquest, the Quran reads like a war manifesto. It's very exclusive and intolerant in nature and prizes war and conflict with the "other", that's why they tend to attract violent and near psychopathic people to its cause. Sure, there are "good" Muslims but they are good because they just happen to be good people stuck into a life way they were born into, but even then they tend to have a short fuse when it comes to criticism of their religion.

Everywhere they go and settle they fight, once they reach a certain size they'll demand special treatment, once they reach a sizeable population they'll fight to create a parallel society, if they don't get their way they'll want to break up because they can't be governed by "Kaffirs", and woe betide you if they reach majority, they'll seize power and lock up the top and everybody becomes second class at best. Think about it, who do Muslims not fight with? In the west and Africa they fight with Christians, in India they fight with Hindus, in the Middle East they fight with Jews, in China they had to be slapped up by the Atheists (the Hui Muslims along with the Yoruba Muslims of Nigeria are the exception not the rule) and you know you've got to be all kinds of fucked up when Buddhists want to kick your ass like they did in Myanmar. In these complex equations they are the constant.

I've never cared too much about the Middle East, their fight is beyond anything most of us can imagine but because I'd rather live in a decentralized world where the US isn't playing god, I want the conflict with Israel and Hamas to drag on as long as possible so the US will be bogged down. If I'm honest, I don't particularly feel bad for the Palestinians, they've navigated their grievances all wrong and they are paying the price for it today.
I've been to many countries in the Middle East. Nothing you mention exists, and this is nothing more than hate speech. The only sign of conquest and I have witnessed in the Middle East, is American invasions in Palestine (under the Israel made up state flag of course), then Iraq, then Syria, and I have been to Iraq and Syria before and after the invasions. I have not once encountered any cases of hate or extremism or discrimination in the Middle East. The only time extremists such as ISIS show up, is when Americans roll in first to pave the way for them. In my experience, Muslims are great people like all other good human beings out there.