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Best article you are going to get about JD Vance foreign policy view on China. Chopped up sections in smaller bits. The more detailed version is in the article

General Foreign Policy

Nationalist Economic Policy (Sounds like Mercantilism)

Could expect investments bans into China and bullying on non-US aligned countries due to their economic relations with China being a threat to US economic interests. Would not be surprised if they sanctuon Africa for using Huawei or Chinese stuff and demand they buy US instead.

Avoid war with China. At least until they are reindustralized.
If there's one thing I do find refreshing about these new age Trumpists is that they are at least more brutally honest about their intentions. They aren't hiding what they are really fighting for; American supremacy at all costs. They aren't trying to wrap it under "Democracy vs. Authoritarian" bs so they can package and sell their behavior to their citizens.

I'm glad to read your post, you've broke it down well and you've figured them out. They will do everything in their power to keep supremacy and I predict that it is America's last gasp at staying above water, they'll be punching wildly. I think you're right that they'll try to bully Global South countries into not doing business with China and form something of an economic NATO with EU countries creating exclusive trade deals that exclude China. I don't believe they'll succeed too much in bullying countries into not doing business with China but the EU puppies will line up when the master says "sit". We're heading for very interesting times but one thing I know is that the unipolar order is on its way out.


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Xi Jinping's great economic rewiring is cushioning the nation's slowdown. UBS says US tariffs at 60% would halve China's growth rate. And the copper market's biggest whale fuels speculation of a major shift. The economic redirect toward EVs, solar and semiconductors is helping China navigate its property slump

Is their math correct? 60% U.S tariff will halve China GDP growth?


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I mean this is kind of what Mao seemingly believed in, stacking nuclear defenses, waiting for the decisive trade, and hundreds of millions in China would emerge as the survivors and create global socialism. It was certainly not an unwise line of thinking, especially since he lived in the hopeless time when China didn't not only not have economic dominance, but it was not even in sight. Military was the only thing we could match the Americans in.
Mao lived through the century of humiliation and would have seen the true face of westerners vis-a-vis China and Asia in general and ultimately became the man that China needed. The Maoist all of society response throughout the cold war was a response against anglo american predation of Asia, up until Deng era.
If NATO chooses hostility, a morgenthau plan or some of the USSR proposed variations thereof is probably necessary to secure lasting peace.

But I think you misread how far China needs to go to permanently solve the issue of American aggression. Salting the Midwest fields? Burning Australia?

Midwest fields isn't what allows US to be a threat. What makes US able to be a threat to China? Is it:

A) the high quality of their individual person (no).

B) their agriculture industry (no).

C) the high efficiency of their industry (no lmao).

D) they have usurped international systems to serve their interests through corruption and pan-white supremacy ideology (yes).

So to remove what makes them dangerous, you don't even have to take away their agriculture, their population, or the hand making workshops they call industry.
The ability to feed their people with the bounty of the land is crucial though; Rome or rather Byzantium could not sustain large armies after the loss of Egypt and its grain shipments and even after losing Anatolia, the Bynzantines often had manpower shortages and had to rely on Western mercenaries. Similarly, in this decade long campaign on the North American continent, the anglo american people and its auxiliaries will not be able to sustain a large enough population to field an army if frequent firebombings deplete their grain fields and grain reserves. Their children will grow up stunted with rickets without adequate nutrition rendering reisistance ineffectual against China power. Additionally, it would be poetic justice.

ng with their demographics and at the same time promoting European nationalism and/or alternative competing white "supremacy" ideologies.

Americans want to gather up the whiteys like they're interchangeable ant colony soldiers, born to serve USA simply because they're white. It can be spoiled by for example asking Polish nationalist why they're supporting Ukrainian nazi that massacred Polish collaborators in ww2. Or using Russian white supremacist to highlight how American white supremacist is lgbtqia friendly or any of the other trigger terms that nazis don't like. Or American support for Israel means that backing America means putting the white race under the thumb of Zionists. Regardless of how true or false these accusations are, similar arguments can be used to spoil the low iq white supremacist crowd.
True, problem is that the americanisation of online internet culture and english as the lingua franca of the West feeds the desire for a pan white Bismarkian alliance especially given white male anxiety over competing for jobs and women against africans and muslims in europe and Asians in the anglosphere. This is why you have puny lithuania and otherwise neutral sweden adopting anglo american geopolitical stances and views over issues that need not concern them eg south china sea. The old world way of doing things was to kill all the men and boys and castrate all the young boys to serve as eunuchs and to enslave all the women and girls. Nowadays the anglo prefers to do it with globohomo third wave feminism (look at the 3M movement in korea) and hollywood depicting asians as the enemy, and encouraging asian women to act as the bride of last resort for the otherwise involuntary celibates of the west. The result is that a westerner with no status nor prospects feels compelled to behave arrogantly and atrociously in Asia eg look at Thailand, Pattaya with its sex tourists from britain. Even worse, you have indian emigres who identify as westerners adopting the same disgusting behaviour.

And now, with the rise of China? All of that western privilige in Asia now has a shelf life. Hence why anglo americans who would otherwise have no dealings with china eg vice president select Vance, agree that all effort must be done to beat China down to maintain white anglo american supremacy, and to additionally unite all the white races of the world into a Bismarkian polity. A fourth Reich, if you will.


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Xi Jinping's great economic rewiring is cushioning the nation's slowdown. UBS says US tariffs at 60% would halve China's growth rate. And the copper market's biggest whale fuels speculation of a major shift. The economic redirect toward EVs, solar and semiconductors is helping China navigate its property slump

Is their math correct? 60% U.S tariff will halve China GDP growth?

Total US export amount to 2 to 3% of Chinese GDP, Chinese GDP growth is roughly 5 to 6%. So a total ban of ALL Chinese export to US may indeed slow China's growth by half. In return the US will suffer complete social and economic breakdown.

So, technically they could be right I guess


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Total US export amount to 2 to 3% of Chinese GDP, Chinese GDP growth is roughly 5 to 6%. So a total ban of ALL Chinese export to US may indeed slow China's growth by half. In return the US will suffer complete social and economic breakdown.

So, technically they could be right I guess

China could create more reexport hubs to bypass the tariff such as sending shipments to Canada, South East Asia, South America or countries with no tariff. Honestly that is even cheaper than tariff.


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Total US export amount to 2 to 3% of Chinese GDP, Chinese GDP growth is roughly 5 to 6%. So a total ban of ALL Chinese export to US may indeed slow China's growth by half. In return the US will suffer complete social and economic breakdown.

So, technically they could be right I guess
The kill-the-virus-by-drinking-bleach approach. The article did mention that this is assuming China doesn't retaliate. America is going to go full bully mode and try to bully the world into not doing business with China because if it doesn't it will lose out otherwise. Trump already hinted at this when he mentioned something about sanctioning countries that are dedollarizing. They are going to fight like hell for their hegemony and it won't be pretty, let's just hope China is prepared.


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Xi Jinping's great economic rewiring is cushioning the nation's slowdown. UBS says US tariffs at 60% would halve China's growth rate. And the copper market's biggest whale fuels speculation of a major shift. The economic redirect toward EVs, solar and semiconductors is helping China navigate its property slump

Is their math correct? 60% U.S tariff will halve China GDP growth?
If dedollarization continues UBS will probably go belly up and be bought by a Singaporean or Hong Kong bank that will strategically slant the eyes of upper management staff. We all love fantasy scenarios, and mine is looking more likely.
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