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Junior Member
Why people here bitching about Israel's action in Palestine. Based on everything said here, the Palestinians deserve to be kicked off/killed - they weak. Rule of the jungle is the most fair and just remember.
your a fucking idiot. No Phillipinos live in the islands and the Philippines never had claims over the island. Squatter mentality. Post again when China starts killing tens of thousands Phillipinos and drive them from their homes.


Registered Member
That's what I thought. The strong tramples on the weak.

Then don't blame the Philippines for wanting to partner with the US or Japan. It is the natural thing to do.

Wouldn't the natural thing to do be not to create an unwinnable situation and trying to team up with partners that will more than likely leave you with a worthless piece of paper? Rather, try to find a mutually acceptable situation like the previous administration?


Registered Member
If PH killed 1200 Chinese fishermen or if PH supported the attack of China over Taiwan, you think China would respond that much differently than Israel. PH would prob lose more than just the Spratlys.
I know one thing is that China probably wouldn't go out in a killing spree of hundred of thousands Philippines and Taiwanese civilians mainly children and women over a terrorist attack.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Why people here bitching about Israel's action in Palestine. Based on everything said here, the Palestinians deserve to be kicked off/killed - they weak. Rule of the jungle is the most fair and just remember.
But Palestine is evidently able to defend itself, so too with Yemen, and Hezbollah. So at the very least they are not weak, and at most have a lot of firepower pointed towards Israeli critical infrastructure. So if their agenda is to kick off/kill all the colonizers, you'd agree to this, because the Israelis are weak?

I might hate Israel government because they support terrorists and are now attempting and failing a genocidal invasion. But even I don't go anywhere as far as saying Israeli non combatants deserve to die once Palestine and it's allies have the upper hand.

If you're a salty pinoy then don't try to draw these ridiculous equations with other countries that are actually being attacked for real. You are using your navy seals to attack (unsuccessfully) our coast guard. Then cry when they get treated as border trespassers. China never said it was the law of the jungle here, in fact it's the opposite and the Philippines have been invited to the SCS code of conduct many times, which would grant unprecedented rights for other countries to exploit Chinese resources.


Registered Member
What? Thats the central dispute between China and PH. E.g, China claims the entirety Spratly island group while PH claims the northeastern section of the islands - the ones closest to PH EEZ.

If PH killed 1200 Chinese fishermen or if PH supported the attack of China over Taiwan, you think China would respond that much differently than Israel. PH would prob lose more than just the Spratlys.
This is the most retarded and insulting comparison to be made. A literal carnage and wanton violence being committed and permitted by the supposed arbiter of rules based order b.s. against a situation where China is being more than restrained against a literal chihuahua like country where no killings or unrestricted kinetic violence is being waged.

You ought to have your head checked or smash your head against the wall for being that despicable.


Registered Member
What? Thats the central dispute between China and PH. E.g, China claims the entirety Spratly island group while PH claims the northeastern section of the islands - the ones closest to PH EEZ.

If PH killed 1200 Chinese fishermen or if PH supported the attack of China over Taiwan, you think China would respond that much differently than Israel. PH would prob lose more than just the Spratlys.
Another dumb and retarded retort from a truly retarded person. You keep casting aspersion on China's imaginary action in a hypothetical scenario where history ought to have been your guide when gauging what China's capable of doing when faced with adversity. When the Japanese killed millions of Chinese during it's genocidal and imperial campaign against China have you ever read or seen any documentation and pronouncements from Chinese leadership like Mao Zedong and alike where they were calling for extermination and wanton killings of Japanese people regardless of their station? When the Korean War erupted did the Chinese leadership and the PVA volunteers instructed to ape the wanton killings and massacres committed by South Koreans, American used of biological warfare, unrestricted bombings and killings against the civilian populace? Did the Chinese commit heinous crimes and abused against American prisoners of war? No such abuse or barbaric killings were perpetrated and committed against the Vietnamese during the Sino-Vietnam war of 1979 and border clashes from 1981 to 1991 either unlike the savagery committed by the South Koreans in Vietnam. How about the most recent terrorist killings and separatism committed by radical Islamic Uyghurs? Did the Chinese government and people killed them by the millions, segregated, discriminated, ostracized, isolated, further impoverished by the actions of both the central governments and people?

Quit making assumptions and casting aspersions against Chinese leadership and people; they are not like the western hypocrites who readily quotes either the bible or human rights on the one hand while busy butchering and killing you with their other hand. Least of all, the Chinese ain't like your kind who loves to profess humanity and karma while busy creating endless discrimination and maintaining caste system that's still in full effect in the supposed supapowah wannabe country while hypocritically dreaming of ending its largest muslim people, coveting territories that were never part of India/bharat.

I actually wish Chinese leadership were more Mongol like when it comes to dealing with barbarian like countries and people, especially chihuahua countries like the Philippines to really put them in their place, but alas, and THANKFULLY, they are not idiots and easily provoke like I am and many others.