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Are the the Philippines that gullible or is it more because they want to ally with the US, they look up to the US, and when you have a large neighbor that wants your land, what choice do you have other than partner with another country.
So you're Filipino. I know you're Asian, but I thought you were Chinese, so I wondered why you were so anti-Chinese.


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Registered Member
I wouldn’t be surprised if it relates back to Ukraine. The Philippines wouldn’t be doing this if the Americans didn’t give their blessings for it. Create a problem and offer the solution. If China forces Russia to accept an unconditional surrender then maybe they will tell the Philippines to cool it down.

The groundwork has already been laid for an economic war against China with tools to attack the financial sector. Likewise with Russia global oil exports. The only reason why they haven’t escalated is due to the elections but regardless of who wins. Both sides will probably try using coercion on China to get Russia to accept western demands after the election.


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Spanish massacres Pinoys => PH loves ES
Americans massacres Pinoys => PH loves US
Japanese massacres Pinoys => PH loves JP
Taiwanese massacres Pinoys (during WWII) => PH loves TW

I'm noticing a pattern, and no it's not just US hegemony, otherwise their country wouldn't be called Philippines.

Do Philippines schools even teach history?
And sadly that simple equation as you outlined also shows what burden China must shoulder in the very near future

It seems that some cultures have entirely alien thinking compared to others

It is what it is


Senior Member
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I wouldn’t be surprised if it relates back to Ukraine. The Philippines wouldn’t be doing this if the Americans didn’t give their blessings for it. Create a problem and offer the solution. If China forces Russia to accept an unconditional surrender then maybe they will tell the Philippines to cool it down.

The groundwork has already been laid for an economic war against China with tools to attack the financial sector. Likewise with Russia global oil exports. The only reason why they haven’t escalated is due to the elections but regardless of who wins. Both sides will probably try using coercion on China to get Russia to accept western demands after the election.
Groundwork has been laid for an economic war? They have been trying for years. Even decades if you count the Asian Financial Crisis. This is delusional. The US is in no position to wage economic war against China. They weren't in a position to do so back when Trump was first elected, and they're in a drastically weaker position today. Trying to do so will instead trigger their own economic collapse.

If you truly believe what you say, and think that they are about to have China in a financial and economic death grip, and that they can leverage such a power monopoly to force China to force Russia to surrender unconditionally, you're even more delusional than the Americans who plot such schemes.


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Groundwork has been laid for an economic war? They have been trying for years. Even decades if you count the Asian Financial Crisis. This is delusional. The US is in no position to wage economic war against China. They weren't in a position to do so back when Trump was first elected, and they're in a drastically weaker position today. Trying to do so will instead trigger their own economic collapse.

If you truly believe what you say, and think that they are about to have China in a financial and economic death grip, and that they can leverage such a power monopoly to force China to force Russia to surrender unconditionally, you're even more delusional than the Americans who plot such schemes.
When Steiner's (economic) attack arrives, US will become the largest economy again


Registered Member
Groundwork has been laid for an economic war? They have been trying for years. Even decades if you count the Asian Financial Crisis. This is delusional. The US is in no position to wage economic war against China. They weren't in a position to do so back when Trump was first elected, and they're in a drastically weaker position today. Trying to do so will instead trigger their own economic collapse.

You are trying to argue rationally against people who are irrational.

If you truly believe what you say, and think that they are about to have China in a financial and economic death grip,

And where did I say that? All I said is that they are laying the groundwork for an economic war against China. That they want to use coercion on China to make Russia surrender. Seriously, some of you people are ridiculous. All I said is what they have publicly said themselves and then you twist it around as if I am saying China collapse is immediate. They gave the treasury power to sanction China themselves without the need of executive authority.

If I said that the US wants war with China. Are you going to turn around and claim that I believe that the US has China in a military death grip? Because that is what you sound like.
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Senior Member
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They've been trying to overt
Let's be realistic here. Iran will never have a successful car industry. So it really doesn't matter that they want this. They have no realistic means of achieving it and no real markets to sell to.
Iran produced 1.2 million cars last year... and exported to several countries. African countries and Venezuela is their target.

Iran at 1.8 billion $ gdp has a larger economy than Pakistan... Despite a smaller population.

China's concern is with international reach sanctions only. Since neither Iran nor Pakistan are under significant sanctions, the fact Iran out performs Pakistan strongly points that they're doing something right that Pakistan isn't. And conversely, more developed economies than Iran are also doing something right that Iran isn't.
Iran was outperforming Pakistan even while under sanctions. They are the most industrious and scientific people in the region, historically. Just sanctions held them back.

You can have effective jurisdiction at any distance. It's how US controls Hawaii and Guam, and at one point, entirety of Philippines, almost 11000km away.
Many Greek islands are less than 10km away from mainland Turkey, while +300km away from mainland Greece.

Yes China has historical claims. Doesn’t Israel also have historical claim to all of Palestine? Does it have the right to take it by force.
Israeli claim on Palestine isn't historical. It is entirely religious, fabricated by a European Ashkenazi fantasy. Italy has a more legitimate claim on Palestine as a former dejure Roman province. But an eastern European claim is totally non historical and nonsensical. A person living in Siberia for generations saying he is Jewish is enough to settle Palestine illegally.. that's the gist of the Israeli claim.