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Chill with the personal attacks.

Facts of the matter is both the ROC and PRC claim the same SCS islands. China's territorial claims have been consistent since WW2. Prior to the founding of the PRC, the US actually supported their pet fascist's SCS claims but did a 180 when the KMT lost the civil war.

The PRC, as successor state to the ROC, will maintain the same territorial claims as a matter of legitimacy—end of discussion.


Registered Member
The PLAN conducted drills within the Philippines EEZ & deployed the Shandong carrier group to nearby waters

The best the Filipinos can do is murder some random Chinese and Malaysian tourists.
meanwhile, where are the Anglo Five Eyes who aspire to be masters of Asia to preserve their mail order bride farms and ladyboys? Where are the U.S. carriers? Are they in Asia? No, they’ve pissed off and are running to nato to get other white bodies to die for them alongside Asian bodies like Japan.

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some day, we will see similar speeches by Ukrainians


Registered Member
Israeli claim on Palestine isn't historical. It is entirely religious, fabricated by a European Ashkenazi fantasy. Italy has a more legitimate claim on Palestine as a former dejure Roman province. But an eastern European claim is totally non historical and nonsensical. A person living in Siberia for generations saying he is Jewish is enough to settle Palestine illegally.. that's the gist of the Israeli claim.
i have to correct you one more time. Since Jews are Turks they have the right to all the lands of Ottoman empire that include Palestine.
This is Orban sitting in Azerbaijan talking to other Turkic heads. (Erdogan is hiding). Just look at recent Hungary history in support of Israel. All those prominent Scientific Jews came from Black Sea region and this oil discovery in Baku in 19th century have prominent role in wealth and education.

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Registered Member
Excellent, another document for my collection of US biological warfare allegations. Gonna drop these whenever some angloid brings up the China COVID bullshit.
Many things get classified for 50 to 100 years... Trump promised to declass the JFK stuff then he must have gotten sat down and talked to.... Wouldnt surprise me if the real truth about covid wont be revealed until 2119... if humanity even lasts that long... or rather, perhaps like 911/wtc7 some things are "off the record" completely


Senior Member
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That's what I thought. The strong tramples on the weak.

Then don't blame the Philippines for wanting to partner with the US or Japan. It is the natural thing to do.
It's the absolute dumbest thing to do. Instead of working it out diplomatically with their larger neighbor, they actively antagonize china, and try to bring in other countries instead of focusing on their own development.

I don't see Vietnam or Malaysia, being as antagonizing as the Philippines.

They want to be Ukraine 2.0, expect the power difference between China and Phillipines at sea are much larger than between Russia and Ukraine.

Using Israel versus Hamas is just a strawman argument. Israel has been systematically destroying Palestinians for decades and now is ethnically cleansing them under the guise of anti terrorism. That's a disingenuous counter.


Registered Member
Why people here bitching about Israel's action in Palestine. Based on everything said here, the Palestinians deserve to be kicked off/killed - they weak. Rule of the jungle is the most fair and just remember.
Because without the support of the US, it would be Israel that is weak, and would have been duly wiped off the planet decades ago.

It is this fundamental inversion of the natural order, in the former gas chamber victims becoming the new Nazis with the help of daddy, that is the core of the derision.


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