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Holy shit, so President 牛送国 might really be happening?

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Nah man, Muricans are going to get their first female president 哈里斯

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Predictit has Biden tied with Harris.

American SDF homies, please vote Harris if she's the Dem candidate. Your motherland thanks you.

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Peter Thiel probably doesn't like Nvidia because its CEO isn't white and not because of the monopoly like he says. Thiel and Palantir CEO Alex Karp are self-proclaimed right-wing nationalists on technology. I know a Chinese woman who once dated one of Palantir's executives and he told her that it's discouraged that any of their important staff there date anyone Chinese for fear they might be a spy.
Fascism as an expression of homosexual sexual frustration and penis envy is a real thing.

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The war of assassins has begun; House Rus declares kanly against House Anglo


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Peter Thiel probably doesn't like Nvidia because its CEO isn't white and not because of the monopoly like he says. Thiel and Palantir CEO Alex Karp are self-proclaimed right-wing nationalists on technology. I know a Chinese woman who once dated one of Palantir's executives and he told her that it's discouraged that any of their important staff there date anyone Chinese for fear they might be a spy.
No one is making any money in AI. Everyone is hoping to make money, but I doubt they will be able to make as much as they hope. Generative AI will be a massive commodity that everyone uses but no one makes money.

Nvidia is making money but only for a little bit. AMD, Intel and Chinese companies will take away massive market share soon.


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This kind of study from singapore would produce a very big data bias or wrong perception. For example, Singapore's Chinese population are from very small geography regions of their ancestral home mostly from south and south-east costal regions, see the picture. These regions are genetically very closed (less mixed with the rest of China). Study of Sigaporian Chinese would give an unreliable result regarding Chines in general.

This kind of data bias and faulty perception can be seen elsewhere. For example, northern Europeans can be close to 10cm taller than southern Europeans on average. A statistic taken in one European country will certainly give the wrong result when applying caucasian in general.

Indian is also a very diverse population. If Singaporian Indians are from a small region of India, the result of the study would be missleading as well. Only study of Malay is more reliable because they are local and same as Malaysians just over the border.

Similar study has been made in Taiwan and BMI standard officially adjusted in the same way. Guess what, Taiwan's 60% or more population are from Fujian province over the straight. Mainland China however does not set a different BMI standard officially, nor is a study conducted because it is meaningless for a continental sized country.
The Body Fat Percentage(BF%) study in Singapore did not claim to represent China, India or Malaysia.
Malays in Singapore are mostly Muslims who come from as far as the Middle East claiming to be Malay. I asked them why and their answer is " cheap ". Malays enjoy many privileges and subsidies in Singapore. All my Malay classmates with Malaysian roots have migrated to enjoy even more extensive Bumiputra(Malay) privileges.
Our former Singapore President is a "Malay" with a Muslim Indian father, and similarly Mahathir from Malaysia.

As for Indians in India.
Differences between ethnic groups and within the same ethnic group is present in all countries, but generally depending on the sample selection, I believe there is no "big data bias or wrong perception".

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Anika Gupta Oct 07, 2009
The scientists analysed volunteers of European, Chinese, Aboriginal and South Asian descent, and found that even among individuals with the same percentage of body fat, South Asians have a lower percentage of skeletal muscle, one of the body’s main muscle groups and the one responsible for all voluntary actions.

The difference in lean muscle mass may be why Indians are more likely than other ethnic groups to develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease, said the researchers. The study is the first to look at ethnic differences in muscle mass as a potential reason for disease risk.

“In general, excess body fat tends to be accompanied by an increase in muscle mass,” said Scott Lear, a researcher at Simon Fraser University in Canada and lead author of the study. “But South Asians had significantly less lean mass than each of the three other groups.

The researchers found that South Asian men had at least 3 kg less of skeletal muscle than Chinese and European men. South Asian women also had less muscle mass than their counterparts of other ethnicities — by at least 2 kg.
Indians Have Low Muscle Mass B2.jpg
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Excellent news: foreign banks are retreating from China's financial market.

Global investment banks cut jobs in China retreat​

Wall Street and European groups scaled back in 2023 in ‘challenging’ environment
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The archetypal blaming China story:

The next generation of Chinese may be fewer in number, but much higher in quality.

LMAO: Havana Syndrome, yeah.