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Depends on which flavour, Singapore has lots of Indians but they're mostly from Dravidian South or Tibeto-Burman North east, Tamil is even an official language in Singapore, However the Indians Taiwan will probably be importing is the Northern Indo-Aryans since they make up majority of Modi's Jai Hind vote bank and have a Western zero sum victim game colonial mindset and can become a burden easily, Ask Canada.
Maybe in the past. It seems many of the new imported Indians into Singapore are the Northies or Central guys who bring the really bad cultural aspects we all know and love.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Chinese people living in America have to contend with the fact as Indian immigration to US increase, more and more of your doctors, surgeons, managers, etc…people you depend on for critical services will be Indian.

You want a colonoscopy, well that GI doc is likely to be Indian. And you want them to do a good job right and not “miss” a polyp cause you Chinese. And it’s not like you have a lot of choices since you often have to wait months to see a specialist.
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of physicians in US are Indian-American, so I am not worried at all. You make it sound like majority of doctors will be Indians, which is easily google-able to debunk.


Chinese people living in America have to contend with the fact as Indian immigration to US increase, more and more of your doctors, surgeons, managers, etc…people you depend on for critical services will be Indian.

You want a colonoscopy, well that GI doc is likely to be Indian. And you want them to do a good job right and not “miss” a polyp cause you Chinese. And it’s not like you have a lot of choices since you often have to wait months to see a specialist.
Like I said, Indians are basically not Indian anymore when they come to the US. They hold no allegience to India and no hostility to China as best I can tell. Unlike some lighter skinned Latinos who gain US citizenship and immediately start talking pro-Trump trash in a heavy Spanish accent, Indian Americans are rather pragmatic; they don't jump up and down about being Americans. They just want to live a comfortable wealthy life. They'll value their license infinitely more than screwing over Chinese patients.
I have a feeling over the long run, having more Indians in US STEM will contribute to a higher rate of critical errors in key US industries (e.g. Intel), as well as a higher rate of academic plagiarism (e.g. Stanford copying Chinese LLM), leading to an eventual blacklist of Indian students meeting a certain criteria (e.g. Canada and Australia freezing Indian student visas due to them overstaying and working menial service jobs while never intending to attend class)
They won't do it. You have to be PC in America so they will have no defense but to let Indians rot out America's industries. They won't be able to make an anti-Indian STEM bill unless India became a hostile rival nation, which is just not on the horizon.
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Junior Member
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Chinese people living in America have to contend with the fact as Indian immigration to US increase, more and more of your doctors, surgeons, managers, etc…people you depend on for critical services will be Indian.

You want a colonoscopy, well that GI doc is likely to be Indian. And you want them to do a good job right and not “miss” a polyp cause you Chinese. And it’s not like you have a lot of choices since you often have to wait months to see a specialist.
Yes, indeed, not just Asians but white Americans or in fact every single flavor of American would soon have to worry about this possibility as well...

Hinduization has never let to quality improvement. Not in tech, not in industry, and it won't be in healthcare either.

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It is easy to deal with green berets, abrams and f-16 during reunionification, it is hard to deal with 30000 Indian "citizens of ROC" after reunification.

I actually agree. I wasn’t making fun of you. I just thought it would be funny if after all the restraint shown by the PRC in the face of never-ending provocations regarding Taiwan, it was the issue of Indian-worker residency that finally kicked off AR.


Junior Member
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I actually agree. I wasn’t making fun of you. I just thought it would be funny if after all the restraint shown by the PRC in the face of never-ending provocations regarding Taiwan, it was the issue of Indian-worker residency that finally kicked off AR.
They don't have official permission to stay in China, we can just ship them all home. Like how some other countries did with Indian workers whenever they had political turmoil.

Raising alarms over relatively small numbers of migrant workers won't be productive, but the KMT is playing at a potentially deadly game here. The current level of Indians is far from levels that threaten a great replacement of Chinese in Taiwan, but if it is the long term intention of KMT to genocide Chinese citizens through replacement by Hindus, then there would be no solution but military defense of the locals and violent expulsion of the Indian threat.


Registered Member
Japan and Korea integrated for much longer in ASEAN and they still declined despite Arab support. The only reason Soviet is not here for much longer is Gulf Arabs do not want it. I have really studied this topic.
India is far ahead in extracting wealth from West (despite Gulf Arab opposition during previous Cold War) and it is not just CEOs. If India does not have worth inside West. i doubt Gulf Arabs would have engaged India on this scale. Gulf Arabs may appoint India to manage Global North. Just like they have African for Global South.
here again Indian minister visit to an Arab country and they are going to talk about Afghanistan. ( The first visit was about to gain Insights).
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without this picture there would not be the scale of investment in Uzbekistan. to reach to this picture it need years of work. and than look at SCO map. It only function is to make it useful for Gulf Arabs.


Registered Member
Japan and Korea integrated for much longer in ASEAN and they still declined despite Arab support. The only reason Soviet is not here for much longer is Gulf Arabs do not want it. I have really studied this topic.
India is far ahead in extracting wealth from West (despite Gulf Arab opposition during previous Cold War) and it is not just CEOs. If India does not have worth inside West. i doubt Gulf Arabs would have engaged India on this scale. Gulf Arabs may appoint India to manage Global North. Just like they have African for Global South.
here again Indian minister visit to an Arab country and they are going to talk about Afghanistan. ( The first visit was about to gain Insights).
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without this picture there would not be the scale of investment in Uzbekistan. to reach to this picture it need years of work. and than look at SCO map. It only function is to make it useful for Gulf Arabs.
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View attachment 131835
Did you forget to mention the tremendous soft power from oil wealth? You're slipping.