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In the end, grip strength doesn't really matter. What matters in warfare is how disciplined your armies are and what their tactics and equipment is. The Sino-Indian kerfuffle at the border only happened because of special arrangements that bans the use of firearms to be used against the opposing side. A full confrontation between India and China, without these silly club or fist fights, will never happen simply because both are nuclear powers. So in a sense, that entire discussion is moot.


Registered Member
In the end, grip strength doesn't really matter. What matters in warfare is how disciplined your armies are and what their tactics and equipment is. The Sino-Indian kerfuffle at the border only happened because of special arrangements that bans the use of firearms to be used against the opposing side. A full confrontation between India and China, without these silly club or fist fights, will never happen simply because both are nuclear powers. So in a sense, that entire discussion is moot.
Why is this discussion moot? If China aiming for nuclear parity, do you think those nukes are all aimed at US and no one else? Don't be naive, US, Russia and China all have targets aimed outside. India and Europe aren't getting a free win out of a full on US-China war.


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Depends on which flavour, Singapore has lots of Indians but they're mostly from Dravidian South or Tibeto-Burman North east, Tamil is even an official language in Singapore, However the Indians Taiwan will probably be importing is the Northern Indo-Aryans since they make up majority of Modi's Jai Hind vote bank and have a Western zero sum victim game colonial mindset and can become a burden easily, Ask Canada.
What Canada recieved of Indians are overwhelmingly anti-Indian Sikh Punjabis with separatist tendencies; their culture differs from your regular jai hind nutter. From an Indian Jai Hind perspective, these guys are better off outside India than inside seeking secession. "Ask America" would've been more appropriate in your reply.



Horrific conditions at the Uyghur detention center:


Senior Member
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Like I said, Indians are basically not Indian anymore when they come to the US. They hold no allegience to India and no hostility to China as best I can tell. Unlike some lighter skinned Latinos who gain US citizenship and immediately start talking pro-Trump trash in a heavy Spanish accent, Indian Americans are rather pragmatic; they don't jump up and down about being Americans. They just want to live a comfortable wealthy life. They'll value their license infinitely more than screwing over Chinese patients.
Not true. They hold onto their culture and prejudices, just like other immigrants.

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For example, law suits by Indian Americans against their Indian American bosses in Silicon Valley for enforcing caste code.


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One of the most watched video of Indian who visit China. China's new tourist policies not only help other countries learn more about China, it also helps Chinese learn more about the world.

A f**king masterpiece in cultural exchange. Found a good comment that summarizes her youtube series in China.
You didn't hear her Hindi.

"Hello Chinese kid"

"There are lots of Chinese here"

"This Chinese girl has invited me to dinner"

"This Chinese brother (taxi driver) is laughing"

Literally every person she encountered, she called them Chinese. As if it isn't obvious enough... you are in China!


Junior Member
One reason why Indians lose in unarmed combat is because their muscles have high fat content, good only for sissy push around.
Singaporeans should know how badly most Indians do in "pull-ups", with their weak arms.

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06 September 2000

The paradox of low body mass index and high body fat percentage among Chinese, Malays and Indians in Singapore

RESULTS: Compared with body fat percentage (BF%) obtained using the reference method, BF% for the Singaporean Chinese, Malays and Indians were under-predicted by BMI, sex and age when an equation developed in a Caucasian population was used. The mean prediction error ranged from 2.7% to 5.6% body fat. The BMI/BF% relationship was also different among the three Singaporean groups, with Indians having the highest BF% and Chinese the lowest for the same BMI.

The BMI/BF% relationship was also different among the three Singaporean groups, with Indians having the highest BF% and Chinese the lowest for the same BMI.
View attachment 131838
I'm curious if they ran these health tests within different caste groups, particularly those of the Kshatriya class. Years of endogamy have made the genetic diversity between the Indian castes as vastly different as that of a Norweigan and a Greek.