Sometimes I gotta ask the authors of FP articles who recommended leaving middle east to mobilise in Asia, how are you supposed to do that? When the whole of u.s govt is controlled by zionists? Leaving Israel alone when they are going to have final showdown against Iran and hezbollah? Lol dream on
Also asking Indonesia to allow the u.s to open military bases there is peak delusion. If there is one basic thing foreign policy experts needs to know about Indonesia is; our non-negotiable non-alignment policy and no foreign bases on our soil. We have maintained that position since we achieved independence. Any Indonesian presidents that dare to deviate from that positions will get couped by either the military or brought down by the people
It is all bullshit. That is my loud opinion.
Simply put, China offers you a deal. America on the other hand, wants to have a military base.
So let's just imagine something here. That nickle mining in Indonesia that turned themselves into the world's biggest nickle producer, and making a lot of money in the process, is giving land for an American military base a better deal?
Those people really do not realize what they are saying.
China, economic development, and nice tech.
America, wants more military bases.
This is literally a choice between peace and war.
Yet, those people who write those articles, do not see it that way.
What will happen next, is no one in the Global South will takes these people seriously.
Like, do they really have to ask, what do you like better, peace or war?
That is what we are being told, that the Americans believe some in the Global South are really interested in war.
This is the worst thing that the Americans can do, and for some reason, they boxed themselves into that.
Then the kicker, when a dust up does happen, see the South China Sea with China Coast Guard, and PLAN and PLAAF has Taiwan surrounded, the US military no where to be found within the vicinity.
What gives?