You don't seem to understand how economies work. Things that are produced have very little value, the production capability itself has all the value.It’s funny because right above your post was the post about how India’s economy is all financialized smoke & mirror. But this is exactly what such economies do - they play the finance game to create a bunch of “value” from seemingly nothing and then use it to purchase things of actual value from hard working people like East Asians.
What’s sad is they get away with it more often than not as seen by the foreign ownership of so many Japanese and Korean companies.
When you dump a steady stream of products on less developed countries, they become continously dependent. What brings wealth to a country is not being able to import goods, but being able to produce better goods in an iterative manner. The importing country essentially only receives a temporary buff to living standards, which also hinges on continued foreign goodwill, whereas the exporting country receives an increased transaction size, which companies will use to recruit more/better employees and develops the local industry further, that is to say, actual value and growth.
You don't become the largest economy in the world without exploiting some other nations. And you don't become a country with sub Saharan level development without being exploited by a few others.