Miscellaneous News


But what China did to Australia was extremely weak. They had legitimate reason to be angry at Australia. Australia is NOT the US. Its not a massive 25 trillion market for Chinese goods. Its China that is a huge market for Australian products. And look how Australia is even more anti-China than US at the moment. What China should have done is a Iran style comprehensive sanctions on Australia. A Cuba style Trade embargo. Instead what they did was they did impose some trade restrictions, Australia kept responding by making even more anti-China moves, finally a change of Govt in Aus, they changed some anti-China language but did not change any of the anti-China moves. But China still gets happy and appeases australia by removing all trade barriers.
With my personality, I would stay away from Australian products and if I were in charge, I would keep the tariffs on these items to show them that slipping into China's bad side is easy but getting back on the good side is harder than scaling a mountain of fire. But that's just me and I'm more of a loggerhead when someone pisses me off than a strategist.

But at least I'm not too much of a loggerhead to realize that trust in the CCP is never wasted when the end product is presented so even though I may not see what I want to see, I support them and their design. I would never insult a government that has achieved so much because such an insult as you made is actually only a reflection of one's own foolishness.
Pretty much all China watchers called China's actions on Australia very weak. All anti-China people laughed at China's weakness.
Pretty much all China watchers don't matter. Only the inner workings of Zhongnanhai and their plans that time and time again end up besting the West, matter. The beautiful thing about not being a democracy is that we have no need to beat our chests and broadcast our plans for elections. We do what is best for us and we implement decade-long plans and we don't care who laughs or thinks we're weak. They've been laughing for decades from the time China could barely produce a bicycle to the time when China makes everything that their countries cannot. So the joke's on them; fools can laugh to the grave.
China needs to stop appeasing its enemies. Australia is essentially using China's wealth to develop a military to attack China in the future.
China needs to implement its own plans and march to its own pace rather than take armchair general advice on the internet from randos whose knowledge ends where the media text stops.
China has a major weakness in that it runs a trade surplus vs the West. Your ammo is limited in a trade war when you’re the one making the profits and the opponent doesn’t care enough about their own people’s purchasing power to avoid raising tariffs. Even with a ban on Chinese EV, China would still sell more to Europe than it buys, so retaliating hurts China more than it helps. This is a similar issue vs the US.

Ultimately the problem comes down to demographics and the fact that China has no way to shore up long term domestic demand due to a falling population. In a world where there is no trade, China’s industries would struggle because of a demand crunch. Hence China’s current push for more globalization and trade despite the West being done with it.

You can’t manufacture your way out of a demand crunch. Robots don’t consume.
Don't think so. When push comes to shove, when the world is not at peace or civilized with each other, manufactured items are everything and artificial fake cash is nothing. If trade stops, they no longer have the things they need to live. We can power on with subsidies to keep people employed and distribute their goods within our country. It would essentially be a forced wartime transformation to a balanced producer and consumer economy.
it is the other way around.
Your head and ass are on the other way around.
It is the Arab Wealth powered by immense Soft Power.
What would happen if a technology were developed that made oil worthless and thus, left the Arabs without anymore wealth? Soft power? People would love a bunch of broke sand monkeys and invite them to everything? LOL No, they wouldn't even be allowed on the streets in other countries to panhandle.

Everything that Arabs are worth is in the wealth of oil. There is no soft power, only soft Arabic belly.
you can clearly see Saudi attending BRICS in invited status.
So are Egypt, Ethiopia, and almost Argentina.