"Let's not just attempt to jam-pack China's doorstep with missiles, warships and warplanes - But now, we're gonna have those missiles tipped with tactical nukes! What could possibly go wrong?"
TBH, the more the China-hawk Blobs in DC came up with stunts like this, the more I seriously hope that a certain shipyard in Huludao would be working 24/7 to pump out as many "Big Black Fish" as quick as possible.
Given that we're already seeing certain Chinese naval institutes working on VPT-like multipack VLS tubes for submarines right now and submarine-launched long-range strike missiles - It wouldn't be difficult for China to have her own Ohio-conversion SSGNs and Block 5 Virginia SS(G)Ns sometime in the not-so-distant future. In fact, those multipack-VLS tubes will be capable of launching land-attack/anti-ship ballistic/hypersonic missiles (LA/ASh BM/HM) that can reach as far as 1500-2500 kilometers away.
And if those submarine-launched missiles can be made longer (the older JL-2 SLBM is ~3 meters longer than the longest possible missile that can fit into the UVLS found on Chinese DDGs, let alone the newer JL-3) - The strike ranges can even be expanded upwards of 3000 kilometers.
In fact, here's what a 2500-kilometer strike radius looks like in the EastPac:
View attachment 130215
Besides, given how SSNs are growing in size as they got more advanced and more capable - We may be reaching a point sometime in the future where it would be more cost-effective and effort-effective for SSNs and SSBNs to share a largely similar hull design. And given that the multipack VLS tubes have pretty much similar dimensions as a typical SLBM - Any SSBNs can have their role swapped between that of the SSBN and the SSGN by simply swapping the SLBMs with multipack VLS tubes (and vice versa), instead of having to go through a lengthy SSGN-conversion process like the first 4 Ohio boats did.
In fact, China won't even need to have a Cuba Missile Crisis 2.0 of her own (and unlike the US, China has neither the need nor justification to find her own sacrificial lambs in the Murican backyard). The PLAN could then have these SSGN armed with LA/ASh BM/HMs conduct regular patrols in the Eastern Pacific, which can actually provide similar value of conventional deterrence and warfighting capability as those Typhon MRC systems through the capability of threatening strikes against Hawaii, Alaska and the western CONUS (just like hot the Typhon threatens the eastern and southern seaboard of the Chinese homeland) - All without not requiring the political and financial minefields of having to establish and maintain these weapon systems and the manpower that operates them on foreign soil.
These LA/ASh BM/HMs should also be equipped with the capability for its conventional warheads to be swapped with nuclear warheads for countervalue strikes against US&LC targets in the Pacific and western CONUS, in case the US thinks that it is funny to have a go tactical with their nuclear arsenal again like during the 1st Cold War.
The point being - If the China-hawk Blobs in DC believes that they can shoehorn China into a corner without the need to expect payback, then Beijing should make them rethink again.
Two can play that game, after all.