Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Another thing regarding vaccination. It is not only about producing the vaccine in volume, but also the packaging bottles, injectors and transportation infrastructures (refrigeration ships and lorries). I think these are strategic assets that China should keep a tight grip on.


Registered Member
Another thing regarding vaccination. It is not only about producing the vaccine in volume, but also the packaging bottles, injectors and transportation infrastructures (refrigeration ships and lorries). I think these are strategic assets that China should keep a tight grip on.
Have you heard about China's vaccination program where the authorities announced that they would vaccinate 70-80% of the population by mid 2022?
I hope thats their most pessimistic scenario because otherwise that would be a big blunder if true. China cant just keep their borders closed for another year because stopping business travel for another year while the rest of the world is open would be disastrous.

And can you imagine all the flare ups from a 4th, 5th, 6th etc. Covid waves? Or.imagine if maybe some local govs make a mistake and then the whole country must be locked down?

IMO this is the most pessimistic scenario as they are rapidly expanding production and there are other vaccines undergoing phase 3 and 2 trials so more vaccine should be available


Have you heard about China's vaccination program where the authorities announced that they would vaccinate 70-80% of the population by mid 2022?
I hope thats their most pessimistic scenario because otherwise that would be a big blunder if true. China cant just keep their borders closed for another year because stopping business travel for another year while the rest of the world is open would be disastrous.

And can you imagine all the flare ups from a 4th, 5th, 6th etc. Covid waves? Or.imagine if maybe some local govs make a mistake and then the whole country must be locked down?

IMO this is the most pessimistic scenario as they are rapidly expanding production and there are other vaccines undergoing phase 3 and 2 trials so more vaccine should be available
The Chinese government actually announced that it would vaccinate 70-80% of its population no later than mid 2022 but hope to be done by the end of 2021. Most Western media just didn't bother to translate the goal is to vaccinate 70-80% by the end of 2021. Mid 2002 is just the most pessimistic scenario.


The Chinese government actually announced that it would vaccinate 70-80% of its population no later than mid 2022 but hope to be done by the end of 2021. Most Western media just didn't bother to translate the goal is to vaccinate 70-80% by the end of 2021. Mid 2002 is just the most pessimistic scenario.

LOL. It's like the Chinese government set a target 6% growth rate for this year, and the US media jump up and down to predict that the projected US economic growth rate fueled by debt and deficit will beat China's this year based on that rate.


Registered Member
The Chinese government actually announced that it would vaccinate 70-80% of its population no later than mid 2022 but hope to be done by the end of 2021. Most Western media just didn't bother to translate the goal is to vaccinate 70-80% by the end of 2021. Mid 2002 is just the most pessimistic scenario.
Did I just get bamboozled by the biased media?.. Yes indeed, I just did another check and you right. Might have to diversify more my western media sources to avoid biased reporting. Thanks for clearing it up


Registered Member
Have you heard about China's vaccination program where the authorities announced that they would vaccinate 70-80% of the population by mid 2022?
I hope thats their most pessimistic scenario because otherwise that would be a big blunder if true. China cant just keep their borders closed for another year because stopping business travel for another year while the rest of the world is open would be disastrous.

And can you imagine all the flare ups from a 4th, 5th, 6th etc. Covid waves? Or.imagine if maybe some local govs make a mistake and then the whole country must be locked down?

IMO this is the most pessimistic scenario as they are rapidly expanding production and there are other vaccines undergoing phase 3 and 2 trials so more vaccine should be available
I don't know the relationship between your reply to my post. My post was related to "QUAD ramping up India's production", therefor not only vaccine itself but the related materials and China better not to help QUAD in any ways. And China can help ASEAN without QUAD and open up doors to ASEAN except the door to India which is closed anyway one way or the other.
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Registered Member
In what context are you using dajiangyou? Google tells me its some sort of retailer.:confused:
Da Jiang You (打酱油) means "buying soy sauce". It is a internet phrase. It describes a person passing by an incident, he makes big noises as if he knows a lot or is important. Then the police come, making inquiries and arrests. This guy becomes nervous and afraid of being arrested, so he tells the police "I am only on my way to buy soy sauce, I have nothing to do with all this".

This expression is then extended to describe any person who has no business, no significance but only trying to get attention by pretension and even turning up dirt, and in the end chicken out when being confronted.
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