I've been seeing hilarious ads from this Chinese glycine company on social media.Chinese pharmaceutical company is too efficient and innovative? Just ban it!
"The idea of interfering with nature is so contentious, organizers of Tuesday's test kept the details tightly held, concerned that critics would try to stop them," the Times reported.
Apparently americans don't feel like they need to ask for permission before messing with the planet.Their study plan also made no mention of its potential ecological impacts.
Sorry bro I'm not trying to discriminate, It's just an illustration cause what they are selling to you is an illusion.That's not fair man. Indians like Chinese comes in many different shapes and sizes. Also, we shouldn't be disparaging some of their people even if it's just tongue and cheek commentary, it's beneath our standards.
Personally, I wish nothing more than for India to improve its economy so that it's billion plus people can have a better life and look forward to a better tomorrow. We all deserve that.
They have to import it from CHYYNNNAAA just like the Maldives.I am wondering where they plan to source the massive amount of water needed to fuel semiconductor manufacturing.