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There is no justice in international politics.

That's why I always laugh at all that Pan-Muslim unity crap. A tiny country managed to do whatever it wants (even though it has superpower-level backing) in the face of the entire world. If that's not strength then I don't know what the word "strength" means anymore.

You call it luck, skill, leeching or whatever, the point remains, in front of Israel, all these Muslim "Death to Israel!" can do is just screech in the air while getting beaten on the street by their own rulers for wanting action against Israel lmao

I mean, look at this.. "Suspension" of Diplomatic "coordination" haha. All it took was Israel killing some white men instead of the usual brown targetting it was doing so far

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I was one of those who talked about how muslims would unite to protect al-aqsa mosque whenthe gaza conflict started. I'll have to eat crow, I severely overestimated modern muslims resolve and religious fervor based on how fiercely their ancestors fought during the crusades. You talk about how they're powerless in front of their rulers, but that's not entirely true, as the arab spring has previously proven. They simply couldn't care less about the palestinians' plight when compared to their own benefits, which would be fair except the fact that they keep on posting useless slogans and symbolic gestures on western social media platforms (LOL), pretending to be sad about what's happening in Gaza while celebrating and organizing several festivals and other joyous events (in other words, virtue signaling). The only ones who are actually trying are shia muslims and Houthis, which IMO is incredibly ironic.
All in all, I'm extremely disappointed in Arabs and muslims in general. The palestinians fought the good fight and don't deserve what's happening to them, but the others kinda do (mainly due to being weak western cucks while pretending to be otherwise).


Wouldn't have imagined an actual app for this..
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5 reasons for irreversible decline
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  1. Uncontrollable debt
  2. Low student achievement
  3. Increasing income and wealth inequality
  4. Loss of identity and patriotism
  5. Widespread belief that the political system is broken
The article reveals a peculiar detail not often seen in media,

Moral decay may well be another early sign of a collapsing empire.

The British invented modern torture in their brutal, asymmetric wars against nationalist rebellions and attempted revolutions throughout the Global South. Although all Western colonizers regularly commit unthinkable atrocities against those weaker than them, even today. A history:
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Some British are very creative indeed.

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Philippines should think twice before they continue to provoke China, because their overlord the US may not come to their aid as they expect. The fact is, the US can't even defeat the Houthis.

Wishful thinking is not a strategy. By the time Australia gets its submarines in the mid to late 2030s, Taiwan probably has reunited with China already.

3 bows in a row? Too much magic mushrooms?


Registered Member
There is no justice in international politics.

That's why I always laugh at all that Pan-Muslim unity crap. A tiny country managed to do whatever it wants (even though it has superpower-level backing) in the face of the entire world. If that's not strength then I don't know what the word "strength" means anymore.

You call it luck, skill, leeching or whatever, the point remains, in front of Israel, all these Muslim "Death to Israel!" can do is just screech in the air while getting beaten on the street by their own rulers for wanting action against Israel lmao

I mean, look at this.. "Suspension" of Diplomatic "coordination" haha. All it took was Israel killing some white men instead of the usual brown targetting it was doing so far

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What that indicates is the successful corrupting of Arab leaders; Arab Nationalism and Nasser and the 1970s oil embargo frightened the West and the Zionists so much that they made a point of targeting arab ruling elites and their children into becoming good Westerners. China would have followed the same path if not for Xi's anti corruption campaign.
Wishful thinking is not a strategy. By the time Australia gets its submarines in the mid to late 2030s, Taiwan probably has reunited with China already.
Australians just paid for submarines it won’t even have command over. What just happened was the USG got Australian taxpayers to spend $400bln to subsidise U.S. arms companies and you can tell it was a grift when the previous China hawk scomo gov. Cheated the French out of the sub contract for the Americans.

So now, not only will there be American bases in Australia, since Australia as a nation state doesn’t exist per se and hasn’t existed since Gough Whitlam, but all those fleeing British coming to Australia because they cant handle Brexit UK, are gonna turn this island paradise into another shithole as president trump once put it, by inviting war and destruction to its shores.


Junior Member
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Moral decay may well be another early sign of a collapsing empire.

Some British are very creative indeed.

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Philippines should think twice before they continue to provoke China, because their overlord the US may not come to their aid as they expect. The fact is, the US can't even defeat the Houthis.

Wishful thinking is not a strategy. By the time Australia gets its submarines in the mid to late 2030s, Taiwan probably has reunited with China already.

3 bows in a row? Too much magic mushrooms?
John Kirby is someone who is in a position that he has to literally kill off his conscience and his empathy and even his common sense to remotely function because if he says one thing out of line, he would lose his job but on the event that loses that job or even leaves this world into thereafter, he will go down in history as a utterly heartless coward without a shred human dignity and he will most definitely suffer in the thereafter for his actions. But his position is not very enviable at all but I guess he has no choice in the matter given that he is in way to deep to ever change course, still he does look aged and almost always about to breakdown and cry. Not worth selling his soul to the devil so to speak

Still expecting China to assist the USA without anything tangible in return like the recalling of all US bases around the entire Asia pacific to start, is literally the definition of terminal stupidity and quite frankly speaks volumes as to how poor the current administration is at handling anything requiring diplomacy. They are literally tearing the nation to pieces at the seams.


Junior Member
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Moral decay may well be another early sign of a collapsing empire.

Some British are very creative indeed.

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Philippines should think twice before they continue to provoke China, because their overlord the US may not come to their aid as they expect. The fact is, the US can't even defeat the Houthis.

Wishful thinking is not a strategy. By the time Australia gets its submarines in the mid to late 2030s, Taiwan probably has reunited with China already.

3 bows in a row? Too much magic mushrooms?

Whats the saying? Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result... Eh Yelen?


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Two articles. Both from German media.

One is news. One is sort of like propaganda disinformation, actually, I thought they were really confused.

DW is as German as Ronny Chieng! It's literally US state Dept owned and operated English news disguised as German. Lol it's like VOA but for Germany.


Registered Member

After Latvia, now comes Germany; the Anglo Zionists demand more blood for their money laundering machine in Ukraine.

Currently in Australia, the cowardly Britons are trying to escape to their former penal colony so that they can cheer on the war from the safety of the south Pacific. I detest these people. They turned europe to crap and are now trying to instigate war in east Asia.