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Looks like a certain bobalib Hanjian who got his makeshift hut made out of woods and sticks torn down and got scammed by a dental clinic could learn a thing or two from this Venezuelan. Same goes to another bobalib smooth-brain who's now homeless because he got pranked of his 40k USD just so he can "wash dishes for 3/4k USD per month".

TikToker tells illegal immigrants how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights

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The silence from the Russian are very deafening....lol Joking aside I think the Russian are happy about the Indian decision, they don't have to import a lot of poor quality 2 ply tissue paper, in fact the American had just given the Russian a great service, they had solve a major irritant in their relationship with India and may give impetus to focus on more trade with China and Iran. This 3 nation form a formidable triumvirate against the collective west and a major pillar of BRICS.
Both India and Russia are part of Arabic economic system. so i wont spend too much time finding there month to month figures or even rely on any data. The point i am making is both Arabs and Indians have to maintain trust of Western societies and this is there road to control and wealth. These Arabs manage Afghan airports and who knows what else as they want to see whats going on there. and they expect transparent battlefield in Ukraine. I am sure Russia showing them manufacturing quality of its missiles that fire from 2000 to 3000km moves around in curves and still hit the targets. what if a Mach 15 missile lose control and reach Berlin.

these the tourists not business/transit and i am sure this need surplus cash.
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Russian tourists bought up almost all seats on flights to the UAE for the May holidays​



Registered Member
Looks like a certain bobalib Hanjian who got his makeshift hut made out of woods and sticks torn down and got scammed by a dental clinic could learn a thing or two from this Venezuelan. Same goes to another bobalib smooth-brain who's now homeless because he got pranked of his 40k USD just so he can "wash dishes for 3/4k USD per month".

TikToker tells illegal immigrants how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights

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The restaurant jobs for 3.5K a month in NYC were true when there were only a trickle of Chinese illegal/labor immigrants. Now that price has gone down to 1.8k a month in NYC since 30k+ have decided to flood LA/NYC.

IMO, I remember service/labor workers in the US demanding more $ than suddenly the flood gate of migrants rushed in nullifying workers ability to bargain. I think its a conspiracy of the capitalist to keep the workers working and afraid.


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Looks like a certain bobalib Hanjian who got his makeshift hut made out of woods and sticks torn down and got scammed by a dental clinic could learn a thing or two from this Venezuelan. Same goes to another bobalib smooth-brain who's now homeless because he got pranked of his 40k USD just so he can "wash dishes for 3/4k USD per month".

TikToker tells illegal immigrants how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights

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Do you have a link about the first guy scammed by a dental clinic? XD


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Happy Nowruz to the Persian friends here.

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If you've ever jokingly wondered if your search or viewing history is going to "put you on some kind of list," your worries has been confirmed.
In now unsealed court documents reviewed by
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, Google
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the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and user activity of Youtube accounts and IP addresses that watched select YouTube videos to federal investigators.


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An interesting point of view from an American frequent visitor to China. He's shocked to what's transpired in the country in just 5 years from the last time he's been there.

Some of the language or adjective used to describe the country and people maybe offensive to some westernized Chinese folks but IMHO whether done deliberately or not is more effective in making his fellows listen to his message: China is progressing so fast while his country is perceived to be going into the opposite direction.

As former Czech President Vaclav Havel (a prominent human-rights critic of China) once said of China's rapid rise: "All of these (economic progress) happen so fast, we haven't yet have time to be astonished."

The western governments self-righteous, and condescending Wonka Wonka nonsense against China rather than actually doing the work of introspection, improvement and care of its people is achieving the very desire and outcome it wishes to avoid: the rise of China and the coming collapse of the western order.



Registered Member
Happy Nowruz to the Persian friends here.

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If you've ever jokingly wondered if your search or viewing history is going to "put you on some kind of list," your worries has been confirmed.

I wonder what kinda of list they are putting Chinese people on or s**tposters like some of us here are on -_- in the 1st amendment freedom land of America?


Junior Member
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An interesting point of view from an American frequent visitor to China. He's shocked to what's transpired in the country in just 5 years from the last time he's been there.

Some of the language or adjective used to describe the country and people maybe offensive to some westernized Chinese folks but IMHO whether done deliberately or not is more effective in making his fellows listen to his message: China is progressing so fast while his country is perceived to be going into the opposite direction.

As former Czech President Vaclav Havel (a prominent human-rights critic of China) once said of China's rapid rise: "All of these (economic progress) happen so fast, we haven't yet have time to be astonished."

The western governments self-righteous, and condescending Wonka Wonka nonsense against China rather than actually doing the work of introspection, improvement and care of its people is achieving the very desire and outcome it wishes to avoid: the rise of China and the coming collapse of the western order.

It's why a lot of western analysis on China doesn't work coz their data and assumptions are already several years old in a country constantly changing. People like Serpentenza haven't been in China starting from the current decade so even if what he said had any truth in it, it's may already be irrelevant.

I still hear westoids say China is polluted even though the only polluted cities in China according to the ranking are the ones next to the desert. Talks about using cheap slave labour when modern manufacturing is so complex now, even they might not be able to do it. Talk about China has no soft power when 3 body problem is already a hit right now and it was an award winning novel rather than some cheap fanservice relying anime. Talk about China not having jet engines then remaining very quiet when China completed the ws15.

There are just so many things China has already moved on and yet the westoids analysis likes to think many factors are the same as 20 years ago. I have said they are backward looking rather than forward looking. It's probably why they subscribe to that demographic collapse theory (western ones are way worse by composition right now) of China when we are talking right now about how AI will change a lot so their assumptions about needing more human manpower might not even be relevant in just 10 years time. Again not forward looking thinking.

A potato

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Nvm, I was wrong. Right after the China Eastern 5735 flight, when netizens were suspecting the pilot intentionally destroyed the plane, netizens found some ethnic Mongolian pilot who posted questionable things on weibo flying for Sichuan airlines.
It was pan mongolism for the those who don't know. Search up Pan Mongolism or Mongolian Separatism in Baidu and you can find post that mention said pilot.
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Registered Member
Remember when the Charlie Hebdo attack happened and the whole world was putting out headlines like “Je Suis Charlie” and it was all over social media? Now we have this Moscow attack and it’s just *shrug emoji*.

Now do the same for Windows and macOS. Any self-respecting socialist country should be going all in on Linux.

Blanket bans like that are bonehead American moves. Windows and macOS will continue to be big business and needed for international development. In any case, there has been a dramatic shift away from Windows anyway. Anything needing an embedded OS is running Linux/AOSP. All big scale (like Alibaba) is running Linux. If you read about Shenzhen gadget development, they really have that techno-socialism thing going as a lot of the hardware is open reference platforms (ie why there are 500 similar vacuums on Amazon)