Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Western MSM just can't stop gaslighting their readers. In the first example, they try to set up a false equivalency between the criticism of social degeneracy and the criticism of democracy, as though beggars and begging are par for the course for democracy. In the second case, they want you to believe that China and Russia vetoed America's resolution for an immediate cease fire, while the opposite is true.
notice how the propaganda of the west requires the fertile ground of ppl assuming democracy = US liberal capitalism. As Xi has mentioned, there are many forms of democracy worldwide. The fact that britons never voted for the last 3 prime ministers is testament to that fact.
Isn’t that literally just tape?
if you think that’s stupid, people were paying hundreds of thousands for jpegs at the last crypto bull cycle, to say nothing of the current crypto industry.


Registered Member
Bhutan is completely dominated by India. Its geography dictates it. Its on the other side of the Himalayas. If India takes over Bhutan and makes it another Indian state similar to Sikkim, is there anything China can do to stop it? I don't think so.

So, I do believe Bhtuan's independent status is only temporary. Bhutan is essentially at India's mercy.
Yeah if India does go ahead and annex Bhutan, there would be little that China can do to stop it due to its current foreign policy stance. Nevertheless, China should express outrage and not recognize that annexation. The monarch, leadership, and elites of Bhutan might flee to Switzerland or the West and live a life of luxury in-exile. But the people of Bhutan will be left at the mercy of Hindutva tyranny by India. China should at least give them a voice, and support grassroots Bhutanese independence movement. If India oppresses them like how it does in Kashmir and Nagaland, then China can expose it to the world and empower the secessionist movement even more. After enough bloody repression by Hindutva India, an armed secession could be on the horizon.

Hindutva India annexing Bhutan and then violently suppressing the Bhutanese population will not sit well with its South Asian neighbours. Everyone will be on high alert, because they could potentially be next. So they would start to look for some sort of protection from outside powers, especially China. Nepal might seek for military agreements with China. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives might seek for Chinese naval presence in the Indian Ocean region. Pakistan will just double down on its alliance with China. It might make China's "String of Pearls" project in the South Asian region that much easier to execute.
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Frankly if there are Chinese dumb enough to buy packing tape for $3K just because it came from a Western luxury brand, they should be executed right on the spot. How hard is it for China to police this? You always hear about consumer scams getting busted, why not this?
There's plenty that are still getting scammed by the whole circumcision scheme from private hospitals which are allowed to operate
unabated despite causing literal physical harm or death. Despite the vast amount of knowledge available to them, people still choose to do it for false or nonexistent benefits. People are stupid and policing stupidity is a waste of time.


Senior Member
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The US embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow, hours after Russian security services said they had foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue by a cell from the Afghan arm of ISIS.
What the actual F would the "Afghan" arm of ISIS have to do with Russia?

ISIS in Afghanistan itself is one of the biggest farce propagated by the US. If anybody knew the social and religious ideology of Taliban and even the opponents of Taliban in Afghanistan and of Afghans in general, they'd know that it's impossible for ISIS to proliferate, let alone survive, in that country. Afghans and Taliban are Deobandi and Hanafi, while ISIS is Wahhabi and Hanbali. It's literally like water and oil in ideology.


Lieutenant General
If you sit back and think about it, ISIS was a really ingenious move by the CIA. At the time, the biggest homeland security threat to the west was home grown lone wolfs rather than foreign organised terrorists, so co-op the most ridiculously over-the-top group to create a caliphate in the ME and get all your domestic would-be terrorists to self deport themselves.

Then get them to ramp up the ridiculousness to 20 to poison pill the entire cause to young Muslims in the west for a generation and attack everyone in the region to create blood feuds that will keep the Muslim world at each other’s throats for the next century rather than focus against their common enemies in Israeli and the west.

It was a very obvious play, the main reason the world doesn’t see it is because they are still largely fooled by America’s carefully crafted and ruthlessly maintained illusion of nobility and goodness and cannot image the US government being so ruthless. But anyone who has studied American history properly will know that being heartlessly ruthless has always been a hallmark of American imperialism since before the birth of the nation.


Senior Member
Registered Member
He stated that at least 100 people were dead from what he had saw. One of the terrorists has a beard, and they were silent. Didn't shout out anything. I believe others described them as "professionals".
Some Russian sources say the beards were fake add ons.
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^^ This same source quotes Russian media as saying "this was Khorkol" (Russian slur for Ukrainians).

The US claim of ISIS is highly suspect imo for two reasons:
  1. You cannot blame anyone without investigation within hours of the attack, especially if you're a foreign country that is at odds with and have a strong bias against the country in which the attack occurred.
  2. Vehemently blaming a specific group and having your allies chant the same only indicates that you are trying to push an agenda (note how US blamed ISIS while simultaneously absolving Ukraine of any involvement). This is a tactical blunder imo of informational warfare.

If you sit back and think about it, ISIS was a really ingenious move by the CIA. At the time, the biggest homeland security threat to the west was home grown lone wolfs rather than foreign organised terrorists, so co-op the most ridiculously over-the-top group to create a caliphate in the ME and get all your domestic would-be terrorists to self deport themselves.

Then get them to ramp up the ridiculousness to 20 to poison pill the entire cause to young Muslims in the west for a generation and attack everyone in the region to create blood feuds that will keep the Muslim world at each other’s throats for the next century rather than focus against their common enemies in Israeli and the west.

It was a very obvious play, the main reason the world doesn’t see it is because they are still largely fooled by America’s carefully crafted and ruthlessly maintained illusion of nobility and goodness and cannot image the US government being so ruthless. But anyone who has studied American history properly will know that being heartlessly ruthless has always been a hallmark of American imperialism since before the birth of the nation.
I see ISIS as nothing more than an imaginary boogeyman created by CIA/MOSSAD after the previous boogeyman (al-Qaeda) stopped trending. Do covert attacks against your enemies and then put the blame on this imaginary boogeyman man to absolve yourself from the attack.

Al-Qaeda was more real as a boogeyman because it atleast had some actual, verifiable figures who released verifiable statements of intent (i.e. Osama's Manifesto, intent to destroy Israel, etc). ISIS has none of this.

Another interesting thing about both ISIS and al-Qaeda: US claimed to have captured/killed OBL and bury him at sea as per Islamic funerary rites (which btw are nonexistent; there's no such rite), but never provided any proof, and they did the same with Baghdadi. Zero proof. US government even went further to say that it will never release any evidence.