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TikTok is part of the circus half of "panem et circenses" in the US now. If it gets sold to someone else and it keeps operating then the people won't care. If however bytedance retreats from the US and shutdown TikTok because of the ban on sale of algorithm from CPC then it could have unpredictable societal impact. Even Roman Emperors know you don't screw with panem et circenses.
Breads and circuses is one thing, but when TikTok allows the mobilisation of the people of the West against the depravity of their ruling elites, TikTok becomes too much of a threat, even if several anglo elites are shareholders of the TikTok franchise. For all their talk of liberal democracies being great for accountability, the elites of the west hate accountability and being held to a standard, otherwise they would not imprison and torture Julian Assange.

Another reason why the Anglo elites want to ban TikTok is because it reveals and amplifies reports of the sins of the anglo ruling class. Take the Netflix documentary re the rape of Nickelodeon child actors by the foot fetishist and bad hairdo aficionado Dan Schneider
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In China, such child abusers are executed. Small wonder the anglo elites are so afraid of China.


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What goes around comes around. Chinese leaders understand this because of the philosophy of Taoism and yinyang and cycles. Western leaders being avid producers and consumers of cocaine and heroin are simply unable to predict second order effects. They effectively can’t imagine how they would have felt if they hadn’t had breakfast this morning,

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Theres a great bit in Heller’s “Catch 22” where he talks about how the war profiteering capitalists worked in both the American and nazi governments, where an American capitalist officer named Milo Minderbinder rents the planes used to bomb his own base,

Yep, this is the reason why I advocate confiscating all territories of the five eyes save their ancestral island.
I am sorry to say but INDIA (NOT ALL INDIANS) WAS JUST AS SHITTY, IF NOT MORE SO than some of the western countries it purported fight against when it became a modern country. I had no clue that India engaged in pretty unfortunate stuff against Chinese in India placing the Chinese in CONCENTRATION/INTERNMENT CAMPS as their way of retaliation for LOSING THE BORDER WAR IN 1962.

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The social media penetration of bytedance is amazing.
View attachment 127122
Half the population of US and Indonesia watch tiktok. 2/3 of Vietnam's population watches tiktok.
Is TikTok being banned for clips like this?

Philippines is alone, while the US is paying lip-service behind the scene.

In case you are wondering why the terrorist attach in Moscow occurred and who might have done it:

The Economist, nuff said.


Registered Member
What does it mean to live as a Chinese, or even as any Asian person in the world that the white anglos wish to foist upon us? This 'Rules Based' World Order?

Besides being a second class citizen where you must always defer to white anglos or any caucasoids, you must not succeed at capitalism too well otherwise you will invite the jealousy of white anglos who will pursue law fare against you:

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tl;dr taiwanese chinese family builds a vitamin empire in Australia to the point where it gets investment from Chinese state funds. during the sale process, the Australian government targets each and every member of the Chinese family and even comes after them after they settled their tax bill with the tax office.

You don't see this level of frenzied obsessiveness when the australian tax office goes after caucasian or anglo families, but you will when it's a Chinese family. Needless to say, this vitamin empire went into receivership thus destroying the investment of the Chinese state funds. This is what an all of society war on China looks like, law fare such that even if you succeed on their terms of free market capitalism, they will still rob you and your family as they did to Chinese gold miners in australia and america.

Now this Chinese family just minded their own business, didn't put money into politics, didn't make any waves and still the descendants of convicts and pirates saw fit to target them especially because they were successful asians.


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The article is essentially about making the 1% richer.

How to make India richer. It would help if more people moved within the country

Housing is expensive and jobs do not pay enough to cover it
Migrants lose welfare benefits, such as access to public health care, when they cross state borders.

The only ones whose gonna get rich is the wealthy, which the economists seems to be advocating for.


Lieutenant General
Anyone see the new HBO show The Regime? It’s a satire about a fictional European dictatorship. I knew it was going to be pretentious because it’s really about how the West would wish how a dictatorship would be like if they had no say over it in the place. It’s like an article I was reading about a prediction that Trump MAGA voters are going to realize Trump is not good for America and will save the day and Biden will win. Typical American romantic bull they’re known for. MAGA are a bunch of idiots and are like a b*tch. They’re completely motivated by spite and hatred of Democrats. Romantic images aren’t going to motivate them.

So in the last episode, the leader, played by Kate Winslet decides to invade and annex neighboring territory. Someone in her cabinet talks about going to plan “C” to avoid Western sanctions. The Foreign Minister says in a dreadful tone, “Oh yes… China!”, like China is a pariah state looked down at by the world. You think a dictator that doesn’t care what the West thinks is going to have pro-West Foreign Minister…?

The West treats the world in an unrealistic manner and that’s why they fail in the global south. I saw a story on CNN where it said the US was upset that they’re being kicked out of Central Africa and being replaced by Russia. Well that’s because the US supports French colonialism and its legacy that continues to this day. That’s what Central and West Africa is revolting against. Yes the US only gives themselves a romantic reason why they’re there that’s not true. So the only people the US is sending this message to are the American people so that they're okay with US occupation in a foreign country despite how the reason is all a lie.

China provides real investment and money. The West gives fake romantic promises. The only reason why the West uses democracy as a determining factor on whether they will help you or not is because it could mean anything the West doesn’t like they’ll use as an excuse not to help. It’s like how the West expects China to conduct itself in a Western manner before it even considers giving China respect. Look at how much wiggle room the West gives itself to deny what it promises. It could mean how much China volunteers to be the West’s slave.
In the latest episode apparently China is bleeding the country dry much like how the West claimed China was doing to Russia. Sanctions are about punishing a country economically. Does it matter which country does it or can they only bleed a country dry like the US is exclusively to its own allies?


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Israel is shooting itself in the foot and stabbing the West. By committing genocide and showing the intent openly, while it's Anglo-Saxon Zionist supporters are trying level hard to portray the opposite, the credibility of the latter is going down the drain. The first loss comes to these Western propaganda organizations who are taken less and less seriously around the world. Then the second loss ultimately is dealt to Israel itself as it loses more and more support from the globe.

One has to wonder: why doesn't Israel attempt to hide it's genocide like all other genocide perpetrators of the past?

Even the US went to great lengths to hide it's crimes while it was the sole superpower on earth.

I don't think the Western, particularly American, propaganda machines will be able to recuperate after these events led by Israel. Forget the world audience, even at home the American citizen will lose total faith in the system.. which opens the doors for serious domestic issues.

America, for it's own security, should dump Israel right about now.
This is what an all of society war on China looks like, law fare such that even if you succeed on their terms of free market capitalism, they will still rob you and your family ...
Free market capitalism, democracy, freedom, etc are just specious costumes on Anglo-Saxon fascism. The costumes are a product of advancements in philosophy and science, of deductive logic. It spread in the general populace, the yeoman and peasants which constitute the majority of the population.

But the historic power-wielders, the feudal lords have always been reluctant to adopt it because it requires relinquishing their power.

Thus, to avoid the inevitable conflict of the feudal aristocracy & gentry versus the yeomanry & peasantry, these masks are feigned to give the (false) impression that products of societal advancement are enacted which include the de-stratification of society based on social equality, while the reality is still the same as the European middle-ages where the minority upper class possesses all the power and resources, ruling over the majority lower class that live and die in servitude.

The only real advancement that occurred is the wool over the eyes of the peasants who now think that they are equal.


Registered Member
The ban is for its dissents on Israel. Roman Emperors do not have a Jewish overlord do they? If the country fall apart then so be it. Its Jewish ruler may escape with their money elsewhere.
There is a new financial hub. look like Africo Atlanto. There will be no Arab name in it like there is no Arab name in Indo Pacific.

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