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It's always just some variation of this

View attachment 127029
You e just found the prevailing western sentiment towards China during the 90s. Apparently the soulless Asian Chinese with their rigid hierarchy and Confucianism could never innovate the same way free thinking western white caucasoids could because whites are chosen by god, can’t you tell by how powerful the west is? Never mind the centuries of rapine and genocide, never mind China being the fount of pivotal human innovations like gunpowder, rockets, the wheelbarrow, compass, stirrup, 5G, quantum comms etc


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You e just found the prevailing western sentiment towards China during the 90s. Apparently the soulless Asian Chinese with their rigid hierarchy and Confucianism could never innovate the same way free thinking western white caucasoids could because whites are chosen by god, can’t you tell by how powerful the west is? Never mind the centuries of rapine and genocide, never mind China being the fount of pivotal human innovations like gunpowder, rockets, the wheelbarrow, compass, stirrup, 5G, quantum comms etc

Many people, especially in academia, science & technology, absolutely still do believe this - Hacker News, Arstechnica where the tech bros hang out you can tell this is genuinely what they think.
Liberals like Noah Smith will blame it on the education system/CCP and more right/alt-right folks tend to say Asians/Chinese are just not very inventive but the gist of what they're trying to say is the same: China is a follower not a leader.



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Many people, especially in academia, science & technology, absolutely still do believe this - Hacker News, Arstechnica where the tech bros hang out you can tell this is genuinely what they think.
Liberals like Noah Smith will blame it on the education system/CCP and more right/alt-right folks tend to say Asians/Chinese are just not very inventive but the gist of what they're trying to say is the same: China is a follower not a leader.

View attachment 127039
Isn't this a good thing? Don't interrupt enemy when they mistake, It's better they underestimate China


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Many people, especially in academia, science & technology, absolutely still do believe this - Hacker News, Arstechnica where the tech bros hang out you can tell this is genuinely what they think.
Liberals like Noah Smith will blame it on the education system/CCP and more right/alt-right folks tend to say Asians/Chinese are just not very inventive but the gist of what they're trying to say is the same: China is a follower not a leader.

View attachment 127039
Are you sure that person who wrote this works in tech? Any person who actually works in the weeds of high tech should understand that innovation has always been done in steps since it is based on previous research and generations of development. Also, Steve Jobs is a great marketer and visionary, but solelygiving him the title of a "disruptor" is laughable.


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Are you sure that person who wrote this works in tech? Any person who actually works in the weeds of high tech should understand that innovation has always been done in steps since it is based on previous research and generations of development. Also, Steve Jobs is a great marketer and visionary, but solelygiving him the title of a "disruptor" is laughable.
You're telling me I don't have to invent a new programming language when I want to change the colour of a button? What have I been doing with my life...


Senior Member
Something seriously annoys me about youtube nowadays, you try to raise awareness against war crimes and your comments get deleted automatically, it feels like they want you to support war crimes nowadays, does anyone get this feeling
I'm sure they are suppressing anti Israeli comments on YT but some of my comments on other issues are also deleted. My feeling is YT definitely getting more "censory" these days


Registered Member
Are you sure that person who wrote this works in tech? Any person who actually works in the weeds of high tech should understand that innovation has always been done in steps since it is based on previous research and generations of development. Also, Steve Jobs is a great marketer and visionary, but solelygiving him the title of a "disruptor" is laughable.
yes. I've seen 2 kinds like this:

1. aerospace and mechanical engineers who are white nationalist, ex military, rah-rah "all murican all the time", "murica fuck yeah world police", "this is why we don't have free healthcare bitch", "rather dead than red", "just work harder bro", “we're gonna put your kind back in your place."

2. small, pencil neck software guys who think that all you need is a computer to get to a billion dollar company and that they're just temporarily embarassed billionaires.