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>J-20 number ramps up, 2 seater shows up. No F-22 or F-35 2 seater.
"Not as good as ours, but we should take it seriously"

Notice they can still get closer to reality even though never quite get there. All you need to pull them in the right direction within their landscape of acceptance.
And who actually takes it seriously in the US? Apart from a few military analysts, the vast chunk of the general population still view such achievement as substandard copies.

You cannot pull them in the right direction when their coping mechanism is reinforcing their false belief, a mechanism that is imparted at the State level, atleast not very quickly. I don't see this happening for generations. Most Americans aren't shown the details of Chinese developments that can liberate them from their dissonance towards something positive.

The average Westerner still views China as substandard, poor, undeveloped and backwards people living in cells and working in sweatshops. Like that guy somebody posted a video of here, the American who saw the light show in Shenzhen and immediately sunk into cognitive dissonance, associating it with a sinister development. This is a grown adult witnessing the event in person.


Registered Member
And who actually takes it seriously in the US? Apart from a few military analysts, the vast chunk of the general population still view such achievement as substandard copies.

You cannot pull them in the right direction when their coping mechanism is reinforcing their false belief, a mechanism that is imparted at the State level, atleast not very quickly. I don't see this happening for generations. Most Americans aren't shown the details of Chinese developments that can liberate them from their dissonance towards something positive.

The average Westerner still views China as substandard, poor, undeveloped and backwards people living in cells and working in sweatshops. Like that guy somebody posted a video of here, the American who saw the light show in Shenzhen and immediately sunk into cognitive dissonance, associating it with a sinister development. This is a grown adult witnessing the event in person.
Too much pessimism. Attitudes are changing with the newer generations. Old boomers with one foot at the grave are the most dismissive of China while the newer generation is much more aware of the real China.

But in any case this doesn't matter because US strategic policies aren't affected by the public but instead by its deep state


Registered Member
Question is, how do you disabuse them of this notion?

Hit them in the face with reality.

Repeat the process until they get it.

It is going to take a while.

The reasons being, ignorance, as China is not a country that many in the West knows much about, and even those China hands kind of missing the picture.

Stubbornness is a major factor too.

Then for some people it is stupidity. That Senator Tom Cotton, after repeatedly asking where that TikTok CEO was from, no one can think of Tom Cotton other than he is stupid.


Once, a while ago, I posted a video with a Chinese drone swarm in some forum that only had white people. Those Canadians never saw anything like it, and thought it could not be real.

What chance do they got? If they want to confront the challenge of the rise of China, then they have no creditable strategy at all. They really think they can take on China with ignorance, stubbornness, and stupidity?

China will continue rising, some people will complain bitter about it, then the rest of the Global South will try to maximize their own gains from this.

In short, the West's misconceptions about China, makes it easier for China to rise. Basically, they do not know what they are dealing with, and are totally unprepared.

The Chinese EV take could be coming to America is a good story. It is not coming to America, because the protectionism will kick in.

That is how America intends to compete with the Chinese on EVs, they won't.


Registered Member
Only the ones who bother looking at military topics/planes are around step 3 or 4. Which does not account for the other 99% who are sitting around step 1 or 2.
Yes it depends on their information access and the person framing the question. The example is there to illustrate the point that with right information people can gradually shift, even if they still refuse to accept things. Not easy. People who do it professionally are called therapists. I certainly don't go out of my way to do that every time.


Registered Member
Finally, someone made an accounting of global military spending that includes all US military spending instead of just that of the official DoD budget. True total US military spending is over $1.5 trillion per year and more than the rest of the world combined.

View attachment 127008
If budget = quality, then American health care must be best quality and most affordable!


Registered Member
Just take a look at the people who own Alphabet, which owns YouTube
Seriously going to enjoy myself when a civil war finally happens to those b@st@rds, then we can see if they can spin sh!t. It’s like just trying to say that genocide is bad is grounds for your comment to be deleted. Seriously this isn’t going to win Israel support in all honesty if they think they can delete simple comments that anyone with a heart and brain can conclude as being completely obvious. It’s like they want the world to hate Israel because they are definitely on the right track in going about it
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