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They are fvcking at it again!

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View attachment 126537
They can't get Xi's sh*t and DNA, so they resorted to analyzing Xi's facial expressions.

Self-inflicted wound, if you buy it.
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I believe it 100%, just like how Epstein was suicided, and how the Nord Stream pipelines blew up themselves.

The world will create a 'backlash' for China from getting cheaper exports, hence higher standards & qualities of living for them because getting more advanced products to lower income groups previously impossible, bridging the gap with the Western countries. Wtf?

Also, countries generate more economic activity from more intermediate goods incoming - boosting their own industries and exports, boosting the GDP, etc. This is not the first brain-dead title I have seen from these Westoid journalists and 'economists' of a similar notion.

Yeah, the developing world will get mad because they are about to displace the Western more expensive products with cheaper products from China. Haha.

It is better said that the West is mad because of its dying manufacturing and economic comparative advantages, hence the zero-sum mentality, so they can just whine.

Since the US has poor human capital (political, societal, educational, etc), and any other capital, broad societal degeneracy, can't compete in creating new value for the world, so let's bring others down & gossip. But just imagine trying to sell this 'story' to any country in the Global South, haha?

Classic "at what cost".


China, China, China!


Registered Member

You can’t slander the Chinese like that. Approximately 35 million Chinese people died during world war 2. This is anti-Sinoism.
Witness the cowardice of those who claim to fight for freedom. They’re too scared to name their true elites so they decide to pogrom and scapegoat Chinese. Pathetic.

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indians are far too eager to attack Chinese, they need to be taught a lesson.


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Another reason is the world witnessing a non-democratic, non-US-styled political system able to attain such high degrees of development. I wrote of this before. The US has spent a lot of resources on preventing the world from adopting anything other than a US-styled democracy. The reason being that this democratic system allows anybody with money to buy out politicians in opposition parties. It's a gateway to corruption, allowing the US to control poorer countries and keep them inline with American interests.

Now when the world sees that democracy is not really necessary for high degrees of development, adoption of a Chinese-like political system would significantly reduce the capacity of Americans to meddle in foreign political affairs. Therefore, it is necessary (for Americans) to always present the Chinese as subordinate, below-average, and substandard in every metric.

We see the Americans usually fall prey to this type of American propaganda, but the question is: how much of the world will also fall prey?

China, China, China!


Registered Member
If you ever played TIE Fighter, you know the Imperial Navy was just trying to keep peace and order in the Galaxy.

The Galactic Empire lifted living standards of their equivalent of the Golden Billion in the Core Worlds by robbing the Mid Rim and Outer Rim, as such you will always have those who benefited under imperial rule defend it like the guy above.
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and the corpse of their civilisation harvested for more resources to feed the core worlds. Eventually the empire found itself stretched too thin and their military mighty though it may be could not defend this economic system across the entire galaxy and a rebellion made up of all the disenfranchised people toppled it.

Take what lesson you may.


Registered Member
Oh it definitely is. European success depends on Chinese imports and Russian oil. The US made it do away with both. German cars may be expensive and complicated but that system worked like a fine-tuned instrument expertly handling an egg before America made Germany throw its egg onto a Chinese rock and kick the instrument into a Russian Grinder.
Chinese imports and Russia oil came much later part of Cold War when European societies start deforming. i will not explain what that deforming means. Europe success post war is built on American R&D, American protection and American financial system. It is the same system that produced enormous wealth that rise to Desert civilization It is the same wealth that keep Dassault/Airbus afloat.
which stock market has this size of portfolios?
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or that Green Soft Power built on Boeing 787s. or all the Royal family planes and Choppers. It is not just final assembly that matter but all the subcomponents all the way to Japan. it is all one system.
