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The latest thorn in Taiwan-China tensions: pineapples

March 7, 2024

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Decreased by a small margin. But still above 70%, which is the benchmark for "landslide" approval. Western politicians would kill to get even 50% approval rating. Don't be fooled by the Western mindset that the Chinese government is obsessed with public approval. The Chinese government are long term thinkers, and they do what is right for China first, even if that hurts its ratings in the short term. They would listen to the local officials talking about real issues rather than worrying about approval numbers. They want to solve the real issues first, even if that pisses off millions of Chinese citizens. The average Chinese will disapprove of government measures that hurts them in the short term, but would be beneficial for the longer term. When they finally enjoy the long term benefits, then they'll give the government their due approval.

Good governments always do what is right for the nation. They don't always do what is popular. What is popular is not always good for the country. Tax cuts and free handouts are some of the most effective ways to make you popular. But are they good for the country? The Indian government gives free food handouts to 800 million Indians. If you trust India's numbers, Modi is incredibly popular, hovering around 70% approval rating. A very popular move, but did Modi did the right thing for India in the long term? Handing out free food for the poor appears noble, but why are there still so many poor people in India even to this day? Its because Modi had failed to lift them out of poverty after almost 10 years in power. So he is giving out free food to keep the impoverished masses happy and sweep his policy failures under the carpet.

Popularity is not everything. Long term planning, decisive action, wisdom, and good governance is what truly matters. Fortunately China is not an electoral democracy. The CPC could appoint China's leaders by merit, without concern for poll ratings. If China was an electoral democracy, then there is a high chance that they vote into power not real leaders, but politicians. There are exceptions, but in general, short-term thinking, self-interested politicians tend to do better in electoral democracies than actual leaders. That kind of political system will decrease the quality of China's leadership and severely impede China's rise to become a new superpower.
From my experience Chinese government care more about public opinion than west. The latter can just blatantly lie, even though theoritically public opinion has greater influence in a democracy. It is not reflected in practice due to media control.

The difference is China can plan for long term despite managing public opinion. Western government cannot plan long term regardless of how favorable public opinion is.


Registered Member
Congratulations Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia. A proper leader of an independent ASEAN nation.

Australia was probably hoping that Anwar might bring up Malaysia's dispute with China in the SCS and welcome Australia's military support. But they are dealing with Anwar, and not those corrupted former PMs of Malaysia. This man knows what is truly important for Malaysia and Asia as whole. He can see through Western hypocrisy and is brave enough to call it out within Australia itself.


Registered Member
From my experience Chinese government care more about public opinion than west. The latter can just blatantly lie, even though theoritically public opinion has greater influence in a democracy. It is not reflected in practice due to media control.

The difference is China can plan for long term despite managing public opinion. Western government cannot plan long term regardless of how favorable public opinion is.
The Chinese government does care about public opinion. But they are not obsessed about it. That is why they were able to do unpopular, but necessary things like the Covid lockdowns, no bailouts for the big developers, video game restrictions on minors, bans on unregulated education businesses, censorships, and affirmative actions. Many of these actions don't sit well with a large section of the Chinese populace. They'll be angry at the government in the shorter term, and can only appreciate these policies in the longer term.

Western governments, and other Western-style democracies are all obsessed about poll numbers. They spend a good chunk of their term in office to win the next election, hence their short term mindsets. Electoral democracies in the 3rd world are the worse types of governments for their people. It is fairly easy to appease the desperate and uneducated masses to get their votes. They can be angry about a politician for years, then on polling day, they get free handouts, and they'll vote for that same idiot again. That's why those nations can't go far.


Registered Member
The Chinese government does care about public opinion. But they are not obsessed about it. That is why they were able to do unpopular, but necessary things like the Covid lockdowns, no bailouts for the big developers, bans on out-of-school education businesses, and affirmative actions. Many of these actions don't sit well with a large section of the Chinese populace. They'll be angry at the government in the shorter term, and can only appreciate these policies in the longer term.

Western governments, and other Western-style democracies are all obsessed about poll numbers. They spend the majority of their term in office to win the next election, hence their short term mindsets. Electoral democracies in the 3rd world are the worse types of governments for their people. It is fairly easy to appease the desperate and uneducated masses to get their votes. They can be angry about a politician for years, then on polling day, they get free handouts, and they'll vote for that same idiot again. That's why those nations can't go far.
Nonsense. Covid lock down was the public demand. You clearly forgot the panic back then. That is reason behind long delay.


Registered Member
Nonsense. Covid lock down was the public demand. You clearly forgot the panic back then. That is reason behind long delay.
Nonsense. You clearly don't remember the early parts of 2020 do you? There was panic, but there was no mass demands for a lockdown before it was implemented.

The lockdowns were not popular, even though people understood and went along with it. They were only more supportive of it only in hindsight after the government had implemented it.

Don't just bring up Covid lockdowns! Talk about the other policies too. Don't cherry pick. Make your arguments more comprehensive!
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Registered Member
The latest thorn in Taiwan-China tensions: pineapples

March 7, 2024

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He has got limited tastes. Taiwan's pineapples are not the best in the world anyway. You can find much better pineapples in SEA. And they're cheaper. He clearly hasn't tried Thai or Malaysian pineapples.
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Lieutenant General
From my experience Chinese government care more about public opinion than west. The latter can just blatantly lie, even though theoritically public opinion has greater influence in a democracy. It is not reflected in practice due to media control.

The difference is China can plan for long term despite managing public opinion. Western government cannot plan long term regardless of how favorable public opinion is.

While both China and the west gives massive attention to public option, there is a critical fundamental difference in how China and the west react to public opinion that then determines everything else.

The Chinese government knows that keeping the people happy is both a core purpose of the government, and also how it stays in power. This is why it listens to what the people say they want, and provided it’s reasonable and achievable, it will set itself to meeting those public wants. It is only where what the public wants is unreasonable or not in the national best interest (for example shooting down Pelosi’s plane or similar excessively thuggish reactions to foreign provocations) that Beijing would work to re-shape and guide public opinion to more reasonable aims.

The western politicians in contrast, doesn’t give a fuck about serving the people. They first serve their own interests, and then their donors/backers/family and friends etc. They only serve the people the minimal amount they need to in order to stay in power.

This why western voters never ever get what they want or were promised they were voting for. Which in turn explains why there is such low trust and confidence in their leaders. Because even though the western masses are sufficiently brainwashed to never even dream of asking for a better deal, they still know they are being fucked raw.

Chinese citizens have high trust in their government even when they disagree with specific choices because the Chinese government has a proven and consistent track record in doing the right thing by the people and always looking to serve the nations best interests.

In the past, endemic corruption meant lower and mid-level officials often didn’t serve the public interest the best they can, which created a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment amongst the people, but because the central government always steered the ship well, things never got too out of hand, since as soon as some local official got too bold and attracted wider public dissatisfaction for bad behaviour, senior leaders in Beijing promptly dealt with them accordingly to the law. But with Xi’s anti-corruption drives paying off in rooting out low-level corruption to a large extent, this addressed this issue which is why Chinese public opinion is so overwhelmingly favourable of its government.


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Trump = deals = money. He also doesn't give a shit how many reporters or dissidents the Saudis chop up. All hard power, nothing to do with anything soft
Arabs invested money in Trump when he was down and complaining that American Jews dont love Israel. Gulf Arabs didnot care at time that Trump will make a come back. I cannot spoon feed the topic if you dont have that indepth knowledge about Gulf Arabs.
I have no idea what the f you're talking about with 1 dude who had 60 kids or Putin having 7. Elon has 13; what does that have to do with anything? Here's Russia's birth rate. Shows absolutely no upward trend, Saudi, Muslim, Arab, completely irrelevent.
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Elon is wealthy and not with same women to have 7 kids. thats difference in family values. I mean real data. not the data that is published. Crimea is included in that part. this is the demographic that is driving the policies.
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Putin “included” the occupied territories in the Southern Military District: what does this indicate?

Saudi/Muslim are irrelevant?. These Ministers travel around to make sure there policies are implemented in this region.

who do you think these people are and where they shop around and where is that Desert color gate?.


Building cities don't mean increased population; China's population isn't growing and we're the biggest city builders in the world. Doesn't matter what the cities look like; they don't change anyone's allegiance. And even it they did, construction takes money and capability, all hard power metrics. Soft power doesn't exist.

Puahahaha LOLOL Yeah it's really "sophisticated" and "complicated" to run faster than Usain Bolt or swim faster than Michael Phelps and I don't "want" to do it. Clown.

You can start by writing a single example that makes sense but you can't.
that sustain 130m sq of housing per year. single family will be in addition as that individual choice. last time they made like half a million single family homes a year.
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In Russia, they will begin to massively build standard villages with low-rise buildings​



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Good news everyone...
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Paid 7 million for definitely not spying/being tricked into spying
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This is a slightly more detailed article about the same news. The comments on there and on reddit were wild, some takes like 3 years for $7 million is worth it, and why should Canada have to pay for our spies, and it's all Libs/Trudeau's fault.
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