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Interesting question from this tweet I never thought about seriously. Unlike the USSR, the US doesn't have 'its Russia', the dominant sub-entity that would inherit all of the nuclear weapons.

If the US collapsed like the USSR, which looks more likely by each day, they are the USSR 2.0 in all characteristics, so what would happen with their 5000 nuclear warheads arsenal?

Imagine those 50 states (or if some of them form smaller federations, then less than 50, but still numerous) each having a part of that arsenal, it would be crazy.

So, after Civil War 2.0 ends, maybe China should first ask for all those nuclear weapons to be confiscated before starting to give them BRI loans for recovery individually.

China, Russia, and Brazil, the top seats of the new international organization could start putting sanctions on those new rogue countries out of 50 who refuse to give their weapons away.

No trade, no investment, no finance, no loans, no weapon procurement for any of those states that refuse to get their nuclear weapons confiscated.

The new top security body of the world, of China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, the former BRICS could then divide those weapons amongst themselves for disposal.

Also, the US debt to China is still 850 trillion $, so China should have all the legal and moral rights to confiscate all the assets that they like after the collapse to pay that back.

Some states that cooperate with China well, get their 'protection' against other neighboring states. China and Russia could even turn them against one another to control them better.
There will only be China and Russia on the body. Russia is in because I don't want China to be there alone getting cocky like US, eventually destroy itself. India is too irresponsible. Rest too weak to take seriously. Any country weaker than Pakistan is too weak to be taken seriously (high population, nuclear armed, up to date conventional weapons).


Junior Member
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Obviously China won't be agreeing to this so suppose US bans Tiktok what would be China's response?
They will say look we are so much better, we never ban American Apps, they just have to follow our laws. But US forces a ban even if it is willing to everything to assuage US security anxieties.


There is no bigger Supporter of Israel than Trump and there are no bigger supporters of Trump than Royal families.
They dont care iota about Biden or the whole of Europe in supporting Trump. look at there Arabic media. you will get the answer. Trump and his family. and its irrelevant any way since Royal families did not took entrance exam of who is muslim or not based on there criteria.
Trump = deals = money. He also doesn't give a shit how many reporters or dissidents the Saudis chop up. All hard power, nothing to do with anything soft
Saudi founder got 60+ kids as no one can count the girls at that time.
this Arabic Royal culture has tremendous influence over Russian Muslims. and this women very close to Putin gave birth to 7 kids in marriage from Orthodox priest. Putin goal is 8 kids per woman as he see the data.
I have no idea what the f you're talking about with 1 dude who had 60 kids or Putin having 7. Elon has 13; what does that have to do with anything? Here's Russia's birth rate. Shows absolutely no upward trend, Saudi, Muslim, Arab, completely irrelevent.
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they are not long term. its already there. It is based on planning to build Gulf Emirates look like Cities.
Building cities don't mean increased population; China's population isn't growing and we're the biggest city builders in the world. Doesn't matter what the cities look like; they don't change anyone's allegiance. And even it they did, construction takes money and capability, all hard power metrics. Soft power doesn't exist.
sophisticated and complicated words i use that i dont want to write about it.
Puahahaha LOLOL Yeah it's really "sophisticated" and "complicated" to run faster than Usain Bolt or swim faster than Michael Phelps and I don't "want" to do it. Clown.
Soft Power is complicated anyway otherwise no need to write so many pages about it.
You can start by writing a single example that makes sense but you can't.


Registered Member
Is Jeffrey a deciple of Comrade Trump?

View attachment 126354

Trump is truly our comrade and a true friend of the Chinese people!
I think Prof Shen Yi's take on this Tiktok and anti-China business legislation is correct. People spearheading the anti-China business like Gallagher are forced into retirement by Mega rich doners and corporations e.g., Blackrock.

Is this American 买办?


Registered Member
I think Prof Shen Yi's take on this Tiktok and anti-China business legislation is correct. People spearheading the anti-China business like Gallagher are forced into retirement by Mega rich doners and corporations e.g., Blackrock.

Is this American 买办?
"My fellow countrymen, it's going to be messy if you make a big deal out of this. Us Yankees still have to do business with the Chinese going forward."