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Which is why I said more data points are required.
Required for what? I thought you already concluded that Chinese soft power in China is "objectively terrible." That's why we're having this discussion.
Frankly, I couldn't give a single shit what Americans virtue signal. The fact that they haven't used their 2A to arm up and overthrow their government means they tacitly approve of what their government is doing.
So the threshold for Chinese soft power at home is that it needs to continuously rise or that it cannot experience any decline even when above 90% but the threshold for American soft power at home is that as long as the government isn't completely overthrown by violence (2020 assault on the White House doesn't count), that it's... what? Highly approved? Not objectively terrible? Better than China's?


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Required for what? I thought you already concluded that Chinese soft power in China is "objectively terrible." That's why we're having this discussion.

So the threshold for Chinese soft power at home is that it needs to continuously rise or that it cannot experience any decline even when above 90% but the threshold for American soft power at home is that as long as the government isn't completely overthrown by violence (2020 assault on the White House doesn't count), that it's... what? Highly approved? Not objectively terrible? Better than China's?
Because my standards are higher for China as I want its ascendance over the ill-gotten hegemony of the US. I admit my stance is highly cynical but it's out of passion for China and hatred for the US. I have double standards, bite me.

Honestly speaking, do you really think that the Capitol Riots would have ultimately changed the white supremacist goals of the US? I don't think so. As long as the populace reaps ancillary benefits, Americans will do anything, no matter how foul.


Because my standards are higher for China as I want its ascendance over the ill-gotten hegemony of the US. I admit my stance is highly cynical but it's out of passion for China and hatred for the US. I have double standards, bite me.

Honestly speaking, do you really think that the Capitol Riots would have ultimately changed the white supremacist goals of the US? I don't think so. As long as the populace reaps ancillary benefits, Americans will do anything, no matter how foul.
LOLOLOL My standards are higher for China too and I want the same thing as you but it's gotta stay within the realm of making sense and being helpful. When you say things like China's whatever is "objectively terrible" when it's already so good that it's hardly possible to improve while implying that it's much better in the US, which is actually doing notably worse, you're not doing China any favors. You're basically doing the same thing Western media is doing. This is just called talking shit about your own country at this point.


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Tiktok spokespeople including Tiktok CEO constantly says Tiktok is not a Chinese company anymore. Its a singaporean company owned by Bytedance but not Chinese, this is how they portray it. When asked are you under the jurisdiction of Chinese government, they act sneaky and say no, no we are not.
What is the problem? If Tiktok is a company registered in Singapore it is a Sigaporean company, period. Even though it is owned by Bytedance which is a company registered in China, Tiktok is ONLY under jurisdiction of Singapore. That is the law. I don't see how Tiktok is sneaky in this regards.

Imagine Chinese government asking an American Company, "Will you follow your government orders?", they will say yes we follow all US laws and government executive order. They will never ever deny their Americanness for one bit.
Are you sure? Have you ever see any such example? You are mistaking financial ownership with legal status. For example, Microsoft (China) Ltd is NOT Microsoft Ltd. They are two legally independent entities. The first is a company headquartered in China, legally a Chinese company. The second is indeed an American company. The "Americanness" of Microsoft (China) is only about their share holding structure, but nothing else. I assure you that the moment Microsoft (China) says it follows US laws inside China, they will be deregistered immediately.

This is the difference. Its just being sneaky to survive. Maybe its the pragmatic way, but not respectable and not showing confidence in your own nation.
Wrong conclusion from wrong knowledge.


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LOLOLOL My standards are higher for China too and I want the same thing as you but it's gotta stay within the realm of making sense and being helpful. When you say things like China's whatever is "objectively terrible" when it's already so good that it's hardly possible to improve while implying that it's much better in the US, which is actually doing notably worse, you're not doing China any favors. You're basically doing the same thin Western media is doing. This is called talking shit about your own country at this point.
I've seen Weibo. People there use language that's a lot stronger than mine. But I suppose I can tone it down to be more neutral.

That said, America's xenophobia is truly powerful. I've never seen people so distrusting of everything yet believe everything their media says about competitors.


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There already have started and are willing to give full access for scrutiny without selling the technology

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"Oracle will have the “authority to check the source code of TikTok” in the U.S."
What is your fixation on Tiktok? Huawei has offered long ago to setup lab in Europe (partitularly UK) for government agents or Operators to examine their code. Microsoft did the same in China. Why Tiktok is a thing worth to repeat?


I've seen Weibo. People there use language that's a lot stronger than mine.
Other people being crazy and ignorant about the rest of the world is no reason to allow yourself to become like that. Most Chinese people complaining about the Chinese government don't know how things are done in the West. Imperfections that cannot be put into competitive context look like fatal flaws. Chinese people complain about Chinese environmental safety (smog) until they find out that all of America's freshwater systems are contaminated from the Palestine train chemical wreck. Chinese people complain about Chinese healthcare until they find out that in Canada, they just recommend you kill yourself. Chinese people complain about censorship until they find out you go to jail in Germany for wearing a t-shirt with a Z on it.
But I suppose I can tone it down to be more neutral.
Being objective is in everyone's interests, for rational discussion, self-improvement, and truth-seeking.
That said, America's xenophobia is truly powerful. I've never seen people so distrusting of everything yet believe everything their media says about competitors.
America is bifurcated because of its Democrat vs Republican, Liberal vs Conservative split personality disorder. Actually most Americans don't trust their own media at all.
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But when it comes to a powerful rival like China, they lose their heads and want to believe every negativity possible. One thing American media doesn't get wrong is that China is the power that Americans should hate and fear, if for no other reason than them wanting to keep the throne.


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The net approval rate decreased. We'll see if there's a consistent downwards trend when further surveys are conducted.
Decreased by a small margin. But still above 70%, which is the benchmark for "landslide" approval. Western politicians would kill to get even 50% approval rating. Don't be fooled by the Western mindset that the Chinese government is obsessed with public approval. The Chinese government are long term thinkers, and they do what is right for China first, even if that hurts its ratings in the short term. They would listen to the local officials talking about real issues rather than worrying about approval numbers. They want to solve the real issues first, even if that pisses off millions of Chinese citizens. The average Chinese will disapprove of government measures that hurts them in the short term, but would be beneficial for the longer term. When they finally enjoy the long term benefits, then they'll give the government their due approval.

Good governments always do what is right for the nation. They don't always do what is popular. What is popular is not always good for the country. Tax cuts and free handouts are some of the most effective ways to make you popular. But are they good for the country? The Indian government gives free food handouts to 800 million Indians. If you trust India's numbers, Modi is incredibly popular, hovering around 70% approval rating. A very popular move, but did Modi did the right thing for India in the long term? Handing out free food for the poor appears noble, but why are there still so many poor people in India even to this day? Its because Modi had failed to lift them out of poverty after almost 10 years in power. So he is giving out free food to keep the impoverished masses happy and sweep his policy failures under the carpet.

Popularity is not everything. Long term planning, decisive action, wisdom, and good governance is what truly matters. Fortunately China is not an electoral democracy. The CPC could appoint China's leaders by merit, without concern for poll ratings. If China was an electoral democracy, then there is a high chance that they vote into power not real leaders, but politicians. There are exceptions, but in general, short-term thinking, self-interested politicians tend to do better in electoral democracies than actual leaders. That kind of political system will decrease the quality of China's leadership and severely impede China's rise to become a new superpower.


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Makes no sense. You are the public. You're imagining that royal Arabic families are actually Israel supporters and thus using some soft power to help Israel against Arabs? In actuality, whatever kindness or blind eye they turn to Israeli attrocities against Muslims is because they are forced by the greater hard power of the US.

There is no link. How does Arab soft lead to stronger demographics? In Russia or where? How does a Russia city built to look Arabic lead to stronger demographics?

Also, demographics is a long term force, not so much on a short (or supposedly short) Ukraine conflict.

It's so "sophisicated" that your explanation makes no sense LOL. This is the second time you've used "complicated" or "sophisticated" to describe something that you cannont explain because it's actually nonsense. It's imaginary.

The cities? They are, but their effect is not.

Puahahaha LOLOL No oil = no money. Why would anyone follow them? Because they're so cool; people love to hang out in the desert in 120 degree weather looking at their robes flutter? LOL Arabs wouldn't even have food to eat if it weren't for their oil. No poor country has "soft power"; you have confused the Arabs buying influence with their hard power money made from their hard power oil with "soft power."

He seems to be intent on making it. Other than that, this is irrelevent.

That just shows American legal systemic corruption. If you judged China's soft power as poor due to its 80-90% approval rating, what would you consider good? North Korea's 100%?

Pmc is just delusional, he needs to take his medication on a regular basis, that Arabs are some sort of 4th dimensional chess players are laughable.


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indians better know their place, a pristine western Brazilian woman was raped so her husband gets a payout, never mind the countless other rape victims who didn’t get shit. Indian gov and police are only doing this because of the worldwide backlash.

Basicslly, this man was paid about 12K USD for Indians to receive the opportunity to gang rape his wife “Goblinslayer” style. Cucks in the anglosphere get paid more and they don’t get beaten up or a knife at their throats.

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This is what the diseased mind of Anglo hegemony does; turns brother against brother, all so Anglo Zionists may continue ruling.
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