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Also, the US debt to China is still 850 trillion $, so China should have all the legal and moral rights to confiscate all the assets that they like after the collapse to pay that back.
If the situation becomes that bad for the US, it will probably default on that debt. US cares not of legal and moral (seizure of Russian reserves is an example). This idea of "cancelling the Chinese debt" has floated in Washington before,
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“They should be paying us, not us paying China,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., backing a proposal that the U.S. should cancel its sovereign debt held by China.


Just Hatched
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Anime is still quite popular in China, but Korean popular culture has become significantly less popular in China in the last couple of years. This is coming from someone who semi-regularly uses Chinese sites like Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Douban, Weibo, etc.

Back in 2017, most of the popular songs on Douyin were either American or Korean. Nowadays, they're mostly Chinese. I listen to them all the time. American and Korean shows used to be the most-discussed shows on Chinese social media but nowadays, they're simply not as popular as they were before. In my opinion, Chinese shows are not the best in the world, but they've definitely improved. Even someone like me, who is used to the quality of Western shows, started watching Chinese shows a few years ago.

Anime is enduringly popular though. I think that's because Japanese plots tend to be more interesting and I think this is one of the major downsides of China's censorship regime.

It’s the plot or maybe it’s the soft-porn part that we could not make in mainland China


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This soft power - hard power dynamic thing can be challenging to come to a definite conclusion. There were cases where soft power organically grew on its own. And there were cases were hard power had backed up soft power.

Soft power could grow organically. Sometimes, someone just writes a good story, a good song, make a popular religion, or makes a good product. Then, by simple merit, many people around the world embraced it, thus creating soft power. For example: the spread of Hinduism or Buddhism from the ancient Indian subcontinent. Japanese anime in the post WWII period. HK pop culture in the 1970s to 1990s. Taiwanese pop culture in the 1980s to 2000s. The first generation of SK pop culture, before American corruption. The rise of Nokia and Ericsson. The rise of Swiss engineering and products. The rise of the Japanese car industry. The rise of Huawei, DJI, and ByteDance started long before the current Cold War, they arguably were one of the triggers for America to launch the latest Cold War on China. The rise of China as the factory of the world is not because of China using gunboat diplomacy to open countries to trade. It's because China is just so damn good at producing stuff at scale and acceptable quality.

Now there were also many instances where soft power is backed by hard power. Such as the spread of Christianity, and also some sects of Islam. The spread of Western culture, language, political systems during the Age of Colonialism. US pop culture, such as Hollywood is very often backed by US finance and its military. Western countries have very often used gunboat diplomacy, financial coercion, and colour revolutions to open up markets for its products and influence. US military bases in foreign countries will always make the local populace embrace American pop culture, whether for business, or coercive reasons. Contemporary SK and Taiwanese pop culture is heavily backed, marketed, and corrupted by America. Much of American power to market and influence is backed by it's financial and military might. Don't wanna accept American NGOs or Hollywood? Then something bad is gonna happen to your nation soon. Nations or regions like SK, Japan, Taiwan, Israel, and modern India, whose soft power punches above their weight have often been backed by the American power. Individuals like the Dalai Lama and Joshua Wong were artificially propped up and given soft power by the US. America often uses its soft power, backed by hard power to impede the organic soft power rise of nations it doesn't like. It was successful in doing it to 1980s Japan, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Mao-era China, and various anti-imperialist movements.

In a world without the hegemonic powers pushing their will on other nations, more soft power can grow organically. But since we are living in an era of Western hegemonic dominance, nations who do want to rise to the level of the West must adapt. The West will challenge your rise with both soft and hard power. If you rely too heavily on soft power, you end up like Japan. If you rely too heavily on hard power, you end up like the Russia. You need both to challenge the US-led Western hegemony, and China understands this game all too well. There was an era when China wanted to quietly rise within the current US-led world order. Hoping to rely more on its soft power to rise. But Trump had ended that era, and awoken the sleeping giant. Now China will have little choice but to substantially grow both its hard power to back up its soft power. But unlike Japan, and Russia, China can actually build both substantial soft and hard power at the same time.

Nevertheless, something interesting is happening these days. US soft power is actually declining organically. Contemporary American music and Hollywood sucks. The US establishment and military have lost its moral authority. Western media are losing believers, and the Western elites are losing their influence. So basically if you start to suck, your soft power declines naturally. This, and the additional pressure of the rise of alternative powers will essentially end the era of Western hegemony.


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Posted before but I do believe when Chinese victory over the five eyes is secured, that all nations of the anglosphere must be “Morgenthau’d” is rendered into pre industrial arable agricultural land save for five major cities in each of the former five eyes all under the commandery of the CPC.


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Interesting question from this tweet I never thought about seriously. Unlike the USSR, the US doesn't have 'its Russia', the dominant sub-entity that would inherit all of the nuclear weapons.

If the US collapsed like the USSR, which looks more likely by each day, they are the USSR 2.0 in all characteristics, so what would happen with their 5000 nuclear warheads arsenal?

Imagine those 50 states (or if some of them form smaller federations, then less than 50, but still numerous) each having a part of that arsenal, it would be crazy.

So, after Civil War 2.0 ends, maybe China should first ask for all those nuclear weapons to be confiscated before starting to give them BRI loans for recovery individually.

China, Russia, and Brazil, the top seats of the new international organization could start putting sanctions on those new rogue countries out of 50 who refuse to give their weapons away.

No trade, no investment, no finance, no loans, no weapon procurement for any of those states that refuse to get their nuclear weapons confiscated.

The new top security body of the world, of China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, the former BRICS could then divide those weapons amongst themselves for disposal.

Also, the US debt to China is still 850 trillion $, so China should have all the legal and moral rights to confiscate all the assets that they like after the collapse to pay that back.

Some states that cooperate with China well, get their 'protection' against other neighboring states. China and Russia could even turn them against one another to control them better.
I for one so not WANT THE U.S. TO COLLAPSE as it will BECOME AN EXISTENTIAL ISSUE for the world to deal with. A wounded and cornered animal would lash out and America not having experience a defeat so massive and life changing it might unleash its nukes, terrorism, bio-terrorism, cyber you name it.


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This seems like it could cause a few social issues.
They have accused China for creating maritime militias. Now they are encouraged the creation of their own militias. This is just cowardly, and pathetic. Arming civilian idiots to potentially shoot at the Chinese CG. Then crying crocodile tears and condemning China if they shoot back. If PH wants to show bravery to China, just go to war already and settle this the old fashion way. Don't cry to the daddy USA when things get ugly.


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I for one so not WANT THE U.S. TO COLLAPSE as it will BECOME AN EXISTENTIAL ISSUE for the world to deal with. A wounded and cornered animal would lash out and America not having experience a defeat so massive and life changing it might unleash its nukes, terrorism, bio-terrorism, cyber you name it.
It already does all of that.
If it collapses, it will probably fragment internally. Their biggest concerns will be their own neighboring states and civil wars.
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I don't agree. It's not sneaky when those companies are clearly Chinese. Is there a single person who uses TikTok, Shein, etc. and doesn't know that those companies are Chinese?

Western companies succeeded in China because they were incredibly pragmatic. They didn't care about "Western pride" and formed joint ventures with Chinese companies. Western companies were willing to put aside their "pride" and they profited enormously as a result. At its height, Volkswagen alone was making more than $100 billion a year in China. They even shared some technology with Chinese companies. For this, they were lambasted as traitors in the West. Foolhardy companies like Facebook and Google got banned in China because they refused to comply with Chinese laws. Chinese companies shouldn't act like that.
Yeah this guy is talking like at Ford China they have a giant US flag with a statue of a bald eagle underneath and a big banner reading "BUILT TOUGH WITH ALL AMERICAN FREEDOM" over it or something.