Miscellaneous News


Yet anime and K-pop are extremely popular in China. Go speak to people in the metropolitan areas of China, ask them what they prefer in terms of media, products, and even governance. Chinese soft power is so powerful that Chinese don't support their own industries. My own aunt is a diehard iPhone fan despite being a party member. Chinese soft power can't even convince the vast majority of Chinese within the country. People still worship the ground white people walk on.
The sales of iPhone dropped to the 4th place in China this year. The first 3 are all Chinese brands. China's auto industry has turned the table and Chinese EVs are the most popular ones, beating their European, Japanese, and South Korea counterparts, some ICEs included. Just two examples.

I don't watch Chinese animation much, but I used to watch a lot of anime. In my opinion, Japan has produced many masterpieces like Death Note, Attack on Titan, Your Name, Castle in the Sky, etc. In your opinion, has China produced any comparable shows/movies? If so, I'd love to watch them.
There are plenty Chinese TV shows on Netflix. Some of China's sci-fi novels such as The Three-Body Problem garnered worldwide acclaim. Netflix has produced a TV series based on it and it will be premiered this month. Story of Yanxi Palace was one of the most searched TV shows on google a few years ago.

Talking about K-pop, it's sad to live in an occupied country.

This deserves today's vomiting gif.

Yeah, right - the Victoria "Fukk the EU" Nuland Street.


Registered Member
Counterexample: Isrl.

Nobody watches their TV or movies.

Nobody listens to their music.

Nobody plays their video games.

Nobody dresses how they do.

Nobody learns their language outside family reasons.

Nobody else follows their religion.

99% of people can't name a single product made there under their own brands.

Their diplomacy must be the least convincing in the world. They have only 2 modes: warmonger (I can give plenty of examples) or crying racism.

This has alienated even neutrals like South Korea and Japan who have 0 interest in the Middle East.

Yet they're getting away with everything.

Why is that even verbal condemnations of their actions are so hard to muster up?
I agree with your overall point. Just on the media influence thing, Israel should be one of strongest despite nobody watch their media. That is because western media are all owned by Jewish people sympathetic to Israel. No need for Israel itself to own it. They can even put Mossad asset into mainstream media like the other day.


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Counterpoint: Isrl has the worst MFA and literally 0 soft power.

Yet nobody is able to punish them for anything except via hard power because despite rock bottom soft power their core allies haven't left them, at great cost to themselves.

These Korea guys are thinking too highly of their Squid Game TV series and that Parasite movie which won the Oscar award.


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Registered Member
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Serious question, dude, are you in your teens? What are you babbling about? Can any country survive the level of all spectrum attack with a budget of $500 MILLION U.S.D. tacked against you and come out looking rosy? Geez..I am sorry to say, but I interpret your crying as begging for WESTERN ACCEPTANCE AND TO SHOW THAT CHINESE ARE JUST AS COOL AS THEM SUICIDAL KOREANS AND JAPANESE.


Registered Member
These are China's closest partners, no? I'm not impressed by favourability statistics in what should be strongholds. I care whether Kenyans are more inclined to send their kids to school in China or the US, to buy Chinese or American EVs, to support China or the US when armed reunification happens.
Again, YOU SOUND LIKE A CHILD. Geewis.. The level of insecurity I am getting from your comments is off the charts. Kenyan will buy whatever is affordable to them and that usually means CHINESE. What EV are they going to be able to afford that's American made? Tesla? With what money?