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Imagine getting lovemaking advices from Senile Joe...

Also is there no Human Resource Department in the White House??!

It matters to Biden cuz he wants to sniff them.

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it’s not enough for the west to profit from trade with China, the west feels entitled to the hard earned savings of the Chinese worker because….reasons.
mind you, this is still in the face of the growth of the Chinese consumer market.

I hope CPC will order no to forced sellout. I don't remember how much, but I believe Bytedance owners are in majority western funds. If they want to ban, ban it. It will hurt to some degree also Chinese, but it will be less humiliated than forced sellout. Also maybe we can see young girls rioting in the streets in the USA, lol
any ban of Chinese firms and tech is a tacit admission of the inferiority of the western nation and its admission of an inability to compete in terms of innovation and IQ.


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Why China Wants to Attack Russia - The Military Show

Dive deep into the intricate geopolitical histories of Russia and China! Explore their economic ties, historical conflicts, and the potential for a Sino-Russian war. What factors could lead to an attack, and who would emerge victorious? Uncover the century-long disputes over territories and treaties, and how current events in Ukraine and the melting Arctic ice could reshape global dynamics.

The Truth About China and Russia's Relationship - GeoPolitico​

In today's video we explore the intricate geopolitical dance Xi Jinping navigates, balancing China's ambitions with global relations amidst the Ukraine crisis. This video delves into the ramifications of Russia's actions on China's strategy, highlighting the delicate equilibrium between fostering ties with both Eastern and Western powers while advancing military prowess.

Disclaimer: The Military Show and GeoPolitico are both trans-atlanticist propaganda and misinformation outlets.

IMHO: There are still efforts being made via their propaganda outlets by the neocon/neolib establishment to drive a wedge between Sino-Russian relations. Propaganda such as the one posted above only serve to convince the public in the US and US satellite states in Europe that Sino-Russian corporation will not occur in case of further neocon/neolib aggression in Europe and/or Asia.
Lol! That's pure copium. There is a much higher chance of a breakup of NATO than China invading Russia.
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This good article shows the fate that awaits whatever is left of Ukraine under US control after the war ends, on a much larger scale than Kosovo.

Companies with US government officials links will directly come in and suck the wreckage dry, leaving the 100-200 euro monthly wages max.

Subsequently, Albright - via her personal investment firm Albright Capital Management - sought to make a mint from the wreckage. She gradually began buying up Kosovo’s newly-privatised telecommunications sector, and in 2013 was on the verge of seizing a 75% stake in the formerly state-owned
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, the province’s postal and telecommunications authority. Major controversy over the deal at home and abroad eventually forced her to back out. Local celebrity not dimmed, six years later a statue of Albright
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in a Pristina square named after her.

Politico records how Albright’s “family and colleagues remain active” in Kosovo, including her daughter Alice, who as chief executive of US government aid agency Millennium Challenge Corporation, “issues development grants” to Pristina, which then get handed back to US corporations via government contracts. Meanwhile, Wesley Clark has been attempting to profiteer in the would-be country for over a decade. He is reportedly “unapologetic about his efforts to reap financial benefit from his reputation as one of Kosovo’s saviors.”

Politico observes that the “failure of US nation-building” in Kosovo is particularly conspicuous, given the province is “tiny, roughly one-third the size of Belgium, with a population of 1.8 million,” with a GDP of just $10 billion - “less than one-quarter the size of Vermont’s, the smallest US state in terms of economic activity.” As such, “making a difference there would not require the US to invest the trillions poured into Afghanistan and Iraq.” Furthermore, “the population loves the US.”

Of course, the US is
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the world’s most powerful country. The military, diplomatic, and economic clout it exerted during Yugoslavia’s destruction has been lost, and will not be returning. This decline is writ large in Kosovo, which is home to
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, the largest and most expensive foreign military base built by the US in Europe since the Vietnam War. Covering almost 1,000 acres, it was meant to house 7,000 troops, although typically just 1,000 are stationed there.

Yet, Western investment to rebuild what was destroyed during the 1990s proxy wars - in
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by NATO bombing - and renew roads and other logistics structures and facilities has been almost entirely unforthcoming in the decades since. A chronic lack of employment opportunities and derisory average incomes have moreover precipitated a grave, region-wide
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. In “American protectorate” Kosovo, these issues are particularly pronounced, with the highest unemployment and poverty rates in Europe by some margin.

Bondsteel, Politico reports, has been nicknamed the “Forgotten Battalion” in Washington as a result. Despite its manpower shortages, “the troops there are nearly the only thing standing between Kosovo and Serbia.” The long-term viability of the base, and the corrupt, collapsing protectorate posing as a state it supports, is an open question.

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Nikki Haley drops out. Indians, you know what you must do (to Biden) to put an Indian in the White House.

Does that mean her campaign team can finally stop sending spam text messages to me even though I told them to stop for the 100th time with no avail and every time I block them they come after me in a new account? Good grief!