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Quite frankly I am appalled by how many kneelers there are. It was only through the stupidity of enemy that China made the right call. This stupidity cannot be relied on. China should make good choice independent of enemy being stupid.
It does sound appalling. But what the Chinese leadership and business elites wanted to do at that time was try to diffuse tensions with the US and try to maintain the status quo. They thought that they just needed to give-in abit to satisfy Trump's ego, and then things might go back to business as usual. For example, China's relative meekness during the ZTE fiasco. China was expecting that Trump, a businessman, could be reasoned with at the end of the day. It was naive of China, but that was its foreign policy norm at that time.

What China wasn't expecting, is that Trump was far from a reasonable person. Trump and the US establishment had just initiated their project to halt China's economic rise. They saw China's acquiescence as weakness, and proceeded to escalate, targeting Huawei next, and demanded even more capitulation from China. Not only did they wanted China to stop the Made In China 2025 program. They wanted China to open up it's financial system to Wall Street banksters without oversight. They also demanded that China buy more US stuff than it needed.

After any trade meeting where China agreed to a number of Trump's demands, he then escalates the trade war. After the first meeting, he launched a barrage of tariffs on China. After another meeting, Meng Wanzhou was kidnapped in Canada. That was the point where China had woken up that the trade war is real. In between all that, there was the Uighur genocide, forced labour BS campaign. There was that HK attempted colour revolution. The that African swine fever outbreak in China. The stupid HK, Xinjiang, and Tibet Freedom bills getting passed in the US Congress. The numerous sanctions on Chinese firms and government people. Finally after the last US-China trade meeting, where China had agreed to another trade deal with Trump, Covid happened.

China was hoping that Biden would bring things back to business as usual. But alas they were wrong again. The problem is not just the US presidents, it's the whole US establishment. China had wisen up already. Now there is no going back. Trump is gonna return to office in 2025 for a Round 2 with China. But I'm sure that this time, China will be ready for him.


Registered Member
It does sound appalling. But what the Chinese leadership and business elites wanted to do at that time was try to diffuse tensions with the US and try to maintain the status quo. They thought that they just needed to give-in abit to satisfy Trump's ego, and then things might go back to business as usual. For example, China's relative meekness during the ZTE fiasco. China was expecting that Trump, a businessman, could be reasoned with at the end of the day. It was naive of China, but that was its foreign policy norm at that time.

What China wasn't expecting, is that Trump was far from a reasonable person. Trump and the US establishment had just initiated their project to halt China's economic rise. They saw China's acquiescence as weakness, and proceeded to escalate, targeting Huawei next, and demanded even more capitulation from China. Not only did they wanted China to stop the Made In China 2025 program. They wanted China to open up it's financial system to Wall Street banksters without oversight. They also demanded that China buy more US stuff than it needed.

After any trade meeting where China agreed to a number of Trump's demands, he then escalates the trade war. After the first meeting, he launched a barrage of tariffs on China. After another meeting, Meng Wanzhou was kidnapped in Canada. That was the point where China had woken up that the trade war is real. In between all that, there was the Uighur genocide, forced labour BS campaign. There was that HK attempted colour revolution. The that African swine fever outbreak in China. The stupid HK, Xinjiang, and Tibet Freedom bills getting passed in the US Congress. The numerous sanctions on Chinese firms and government people. Finally after the last US-China trade meeting, where China had agreed to another trade deal with Trump, Covid happened.

China was hoping that Biden would bring things back to business as usual. But alas they were wrong again. The problem is not just the US presidents, it's the whole US establishment. China had wisen up already. Now there is no going back. Trump is gonna return to office in 2025 for a Round 2 with China. But I'm sure that this time, China will be ready for him.
Clearly they fundamentally misunderstood the nature of the proposal, hence misinterpreted American intention. This leads to my critique of Chinese government. They are rational people, which normally is a good thing for a government. But because they are so rational they assume everyone else is like them. This make them out of touch of reality. They are like a highly intelligent professor trying to negotiate with local thugs. The reality is US made the proposal not just for show, but to actually decapitate China. Hypothetically if China got a more reasonable proposal and caved, there will be subsequent harsher demand coming with a similar artificial leverage.

Good thing China did not take the bait, but it was only a close call thanks to Trump being too damn greedy. The reason being Chinese politicians likely did not expect such absurd plan by US to ask China commit economic suicide. So they likely rationalized it was a temporary political show. If it was temporary, then it made sense why some would consider cave in and be done with it. As a solution I recommend the leadership to familiarize themselves with the hostility and absurdity of US politics. Sometimes a ridiculously hostile demand is not a 4D chess asking you to play along. It is just a ridiculous demand.


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Clearly they fundamentally misunderstood the nature of the proposal, hence misinterpreted American intention. This leads to my critique of Chinese government. They are rational people, which normally is a good thing for a government. But because they are so rational they assume everyone else is like them. This make them out of touch of reality. They are like a highly intelligent professor trying to negotiate with local thugs. The reality is US made the proposal not just for show, but to actually decapitate China. Hypothetically if China got a more reasonable proposal and caved, there will be subsequent harsher demand coming with a similar artificial leverage.

Good thing China did not take the bait, but it was only a close call thanks to Trump being too damn greedy. The reason being Chinese politicians likely did not expect such absurd plan by US to askChina commit economic suicide. So they likely rationalized it was a temporary political show. If it was temporary, then it made sense why some would consider cave in and be done with it. As a solution I recommend the leadership to familiarize themselves with the hostility and absurdity of US politics. Sometimes a ridiculously hostile demand is not a 4D chess asking you to play along. It is just a ridiculous demand.
The idiots recently removed from power don't know what it is to be robbed at gunpoint. Hence they did not mentally or emotionally understand what was happening to them at first. Hopefully the people who have been recently promoted to top positions understand what this is, instead of just being more pro-American idiots.


Registered Member
To be fair I can’t tell different Asians apart either, at least not without my trusty protractor that most hate crime perpetrators can’t properly operate.
Hairstyle resembles some K-pop star, but face is nowhere near as good looking. Looks nerdy, and eyes are kinda narrow. He's probably a South Korean dude.

Hairstyle is slightly longer and kinda loose spiky like one of those Final Fantasy characters, or those 2000s J-pop stars. Hair could be dyed. Face could look kinda effeminate. Probably a Japanese dude.

The hairstyle is very short, following the contours of his head. Face looks a kinda rougher and rugged. Wears either a simple T-shirt, or a cheap jacket over it. Probably a mainland Chinese dude.

If the hairstyle looks like something from 1990s or 2000s. Very often wearing specs. Maybe ear rings. Face looks nerdy or not too manly. Have an unusual, but cringe English name like Moses, or Bosco. Probably a Hong Kong dude. Special mention for the ones with even cringier names like Sixtus Baggio, and an even uglier nerdy look. He is probably a HK roach. You might feel an urge punch that one in the face.
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Registered Member
It's not just Koreans. China's soft power is super weak. Unless someone has a significant interest in China, they're likely to be completely ignorant or hostile due to a lack of media presence.
No, China’s soft power is incredibly strong, so strong in fact that white westerners owe so much of their advances in the humanities, science and technology to China eg Confucianism influencing humanism, American theft of 5G, western theft of silk, tea and gunpowder.

Chinese influence is so strong, that to be the very best of humanity is synonymous with Chinese culture eg environmentalis, human rights, women’s equality in opportunity and before the law, such that westerners are averse to crediting China with anything because they cannot control China, as much as their rapey intentions wish it so.

In the heart of your average Golden Billion westerner are two wolves: racism that is wishes to destroy what it perceives as an upstart nation disturbing the white supremacist great chain of being, and an inferiority complex at being unable to match the Chinese civilisation in glory, history and uncontested beauty.

What is the point of trying to impress someone who has a vested interest in your own enslavement and genocide? It’s like going to a job interview when you know the corporate board are whites supremacists who only promote white Anglo’s and slave Indians to middle management slash board positions whilst stonewalling your every career progression. That’s what China was doing whilst working with the iMF and the world bank and the U.S. dollar system. Was, because it’s BRI and Huawei, chinas done the equivalent of quitting that corporate job and starting its own startup that directly competes against that white supremacist led corporation.