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Registered Member
That guy Matt Stoller seems to be out of touch.

TELSA is not a Chinese company, they build EVs in America.

The value of TELSA stock is more than all the traditional auto makers stock combined. IIRC.

US investors are saying, show me that you can survive GM and Ford, when compared to TELSA.

The American government can ban Chinese EVs from competing against GM and Ford in the US market, but how are they going to ban TELSA from doing the same?

TELSA and BYD, are solid competitors leading the pack.

If the legacy auto market supplied by GM and Ford cannot compete with BYD, hence the recent talk about banning Chinese EVs in America, then they will not be able to complete with TELSA neither.

Ban or do not ban Chinese EVs, this automotive industrial base that this Matt Stoller refers to could still wind up in the same spot, which in the worst case scenario, dead as a door nail.


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The Russians certainly have a way with words.
“The hegemony is dwindling, it is going away, hence the many abrupt, aggressive actions of the West US (against China).”

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When the bad thing is getting gang raped I don’t know how good the good thing has to be to compensate.
Well, there are better places to be, for example, Taliban's Afghanistan.

Let the sanctions begin! Spoiler: there are hundreds Chinese suppliers for some of the defense contractors in the US.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think Koreans in general just don't know much about China. Last year, my older sister came to visit me in Pennsylvania, and we ran into one of my Korean classmates on campus. Obviously I'm not going to post a picture of my sister, but she looks really, really similar to this YouTuber called Aini. Basically, she looks like a typical Chinese girl. Anyway, this guy messaged me the day after and asked me if my sister is Korean. Obviously, I was confused and told him that she isn't Korean, but then he asked me if my family has any Korean ancestry. I told him that the chances of that are close to zero since our ancestors are from Fujian, but he kept on insisting. This was an isolated incident, but it left me with the impression that Koreans don't really know much about China or Chinese people.
It's not just Koreans. China's soft power is super weak. Unless someone has a significant interest in China, they're likely to be completely ignorant or hostile due to a lack of media presence.


Registered Member
This is why all that soft power and hard power discussions were so time wasting. If one has no hard power, no amount of soft power will make others look up to you.

One needs hard power, technology, economic dominance to have others look up to you then one can use their soft power.

A lot of these Asian countries look down on china since china was so behind for most of their memory. That perception can't change unless china has overwhelmingly strong hard power. Once that happens, and china cango toe to toe with the US without issues, more people will look up to china and take in Chinese soft power.

This goes for other Asians and people from Hong Kong. If china exceeds the US in hard power, many of them will change their tune and be more pro china. Everyone likes a winner.
It is not time wasting. The party themselves publically admited wanting to improve soft power. The debate on that is over.


Registered Member
It's not just Koreans. China's soft power is super weak. Unless someone has a significant interest in China, they're likely to be completely ignorant or hostile due to a lack of media presence.
Buddy, FOR AS LONG AS CHINA'S POLITICAL SYSTEM IS RUN BY THE CPC all your wishful thinking and angling for SOFT POWER will not go anywhere. People in the west ARE HIGHLY IDEOLOGICAL contrary to what the rest of the world has been led to believe.

Only the defeat of the west on the battlefield can China achieve these nonsensical soft power.

If America was weak militarily and economically do we honestly flipping believe that it's SOFT POWER would have achieved the mythical status it gained with many people around the world?

Please don't use the useless Koreans, or the hapless Japanese. They're so called soft power were only made possible since they are nothing but conquered and controlled nations by America.

I can't believe we're still talking about this dumb sssh about soft power.