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I find it hard not to equate these rapists to the goblins in “GoblinSlayer”, especially considering the Indian tendency to cowardly suck up to Anglo power and bully smaller nations around them, and the less said about the behaviour of Indians in Anglo companies, the better.

Also, that female victim is not a monitor lizard but apparently, the Indian police arrested a dog. What. The. Hell.

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The boycott Israel and U.S. multinationals grows. I do find it Amusing that the U.S. sanctions on Chinese tech and companies is top down, but the resistance against U.S. imperialism and capital is bottom up, not unlike a People’s War.

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north eastern India is already being overrun by monitor lizard rapists. What’s to stop them from saying they’re from assam and manipur and goin to Taiwan in large numbers to destroy a Chinese society the same way the anglos did to western nations?

I have covered this topic before
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I am also afraid that Northeastern Indians are more similar to rape-prone Hindus than to us...

Taiwan is not an insular society. I don't agree with the minister's comments. Skin color is a non-issue for me. There are South Asian Muslims in Taiwan, some of whom are darker than some Hindu supremacists, and I have absolutely no issue with them. I respect them and I welcome them.


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Would China conduct affairs differently in the Western theatre should US flair up Taiwan?

One thing I know is that the US has only known peace for 11 years out of it's 248 year history (95.5% of it's existence it has spent on war). I do not recall when the US was last at peace, not involved in some conflict. It is safe to assume that US will not sit idle for very long (less than a year) after it's loss in Ukraine and Afghanistan. It is already playing a military role against both Gaza and Yemen at the moment, but I expect a larger conflict incoming where it will be involved openly and directly.

North Korea
Boots on the ground in Yemen
Maybe Venezuela?

If it's clear that the US will not stop interfering in the east and antagonize China, then I don't see any reason why China doesn't reciprocate (like Russians do). Chinese equipment in middleast can turn the tables imo.
Kosovo Serbia


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I am also afraid that Northeastern Indians are more similar to rape-prone Hindus than to us...

Taiwan is not an insular society. I don't agree with the minister's comments. Skin color is a non-issue for me. There are South Asian Muslims in Taiwan, some of whom are darker than some Hindu supremacists, and I have absolutely no issue with them. I respect them and I welcome them.
Think of it this way, Taiwan isn't importing Indians. Taiwan is importing the people who live under the India Occupied Northeast States. Think of ethnic minorities who live in Yunnan and Myanmar except Christian, not Sikhs, not Hindutvas and not Tamils.

I'm not particularly fond of DPP's plan but in the grand scheme of things it isn't that bad. Once China reunites, those northeast state diaspora could be useful.


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Think of it this way, Taiwan isn't importing Indians. Taiwan is importing the people who live under the India Occupied Northeast States. Think of ethnic minorities who live in Yunnan and Myanmar except Christian, not Sikhs, not Tamils and not Hindutvas.

I'm not particularly fond of DPP's plan but in the grand scheme of things it isn't that bad. Once China reunites, those northeast state diaspora could be useful.
Not too long ago, I spoke to one of these minority ethnic groups. He made an interesting claim: Indian government is depopulating the separatist provinces of the young generation.

It appears the idea is to make life a living hell for minorities at home and then provide for them an exit sugarcoated with the promise of a better life abroad, while simultaneously populating the separatist provinces with Hindutva nutters. Pretty much the same thing Israel has been trying with Palestinians (most of whom refuse to leave).

On a side note,
A lot of the tactics India employs are borrowed/learned from Israel. Another one is the fantastical idea of a "Akhund Bharat", a false state portrayed as historical, stretching from Afghanistan to Indonesia and ruled by Hindus originally (not much different from Zionism and a "Promised Land" from 3000 years ago). Fabricating a casus belli to justify future expansionism.

A potato

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Think of it this way, Taiwan isn't importing Indians. Taiwan is importing the people who live under the India Occupied Northeast States. Think of ethnic minorities who live in Yunnan and Myanmar except Christian, not Sikhs, not Hindutvas and not Tamils.

I'm not particularly fond of DPP's plan but in the grand scheme of things it isn't that bad. Once China reunites, those northeast state diaspora could be useful.
They're Sino Tibetan so we can sorta see them as our kin. Even some Nagas who are seperatist see Hans as their kin despite religous differences with them being christian nationalist and hans being either atheist, buddhist and native religion.


Registered Member
They're Sino Tibetan so we can sorta see them as our kin. Even some Nagas who are seperatist see Hans as their kin despite religous differences with them being christian nationalist and hans being either atheist, buddhist and native religion.
Honestly religious differences isn't that big. China probably has the third largest number of Christians in the world already, probably over 100 millions already. They just aren't recorded on official surveys.


Senior Member
It seems that the closer Russia gets to victory in Ukraine, the more sh*t the US will try to stir up in Taiwan, forgetting that they can't even beat the sandal-wearing Taliban.

Such racist rant by the Taiwanese minister gives me the vibe of some Israelis' reaction to Indian flattery, who just don't know better about Israel.

Chinese should avoid Australia. Those ethnical Chinese who are already there must be very careful.
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That's quick.
Do people still remember that time when Taiwan official declared there no racism in Taiwan lol. Ii was an incident during the height of the covid pandemic but I can't recall exactly what it was about. Wish I took a screen shot or bookmarked it.

Regarding avoiding Aus. The thing is Chinese students are getting back here. Unfortunately. Dun know the current numbers but they are coming back after covid restrictions opening up. The climate has sort of eased since the dark days of Morrison when Aus media is constantly inundated with anti china stories. From hyped up covid harsh lockdowns to alleged spying and foreign interference to Taiwan/hk/tibet/xinjiang etc. It was non stop. It's better now but it's still there. Right now aside from that silly fake foreign interference story the main anti china propaganda is supposedly the collapsing china economy and how it will affect Aus and the world lol.
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