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Watching Indians get angry that Taiwan (born from a right wing party) has racists is always funny. It's also amusing how people go, I always knew those Taiwanese were just Chinese.

Just shows how weak this Taiwanese identity is if it can change so easily coz you made someone upset. Then again before 2016 they were supposed to be the real Chinese and all of a sudden they aren't? Seems like some meme identity that changes so easily depending on whos in power.
I don’t know why these Indians get so upset. The Anglo world order which they support is an apartheid world order which naturally places white anglos at the top, you’d think they would already be used to it, the most pathetic Indians I’ve ever met were those who changed their last name to something more English like “st George“ or “dean” so they could get ahead in university placements and work.

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CIA pay ops to get the American public to divert support for war for Ukraine to war against China


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Same thing with Meta AI. Wondering what they've been doing in the past year if they fail to prevent even these egregious hallucinations.

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Hm. Perhaps it is a feature, not a bug.
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I expect a lot more nonsense going into LLM given how politicised western information sphere has become the last 4~6 years.
Also im sure most training sets already have the top quality data on the internet in them so you might see a lot more politicised auto generated data just to boost up numbers.


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I find it hard not to equate these rapists to the goblins in “GoblinSlayer”, especially considering the Indian tendency to cowardly suck up to Anglo power and bully smaller nations around them, and the less said about the behaviour of Indians in Anglo companies, the better.

Also, that female victim is not a monitor lizard but apparently, the Indian police arrested a dog. What. The. Hell.
I have seen and read news like these more than a decade ago. The PC Anglos and the Jai Hinds said that things are improving with Modi in charge. No, nothing has changed. How can you change the Indian rape culture when the Indian police are rapists themselves? There is no true rule of law, hence these kinds of horrible things will continue to happen. They are not afraid of the law, they are not even afraid of the afterlife.

This is not a judgement on a religion as ancient and widespread as Hinduism. I think that original Hinduism may have been a proper and good religion. But in my observation, the way contemporary Hinduism is practiced in modern India, especially under BJP rule, has a hand in what we see in the Indian man's moral degeneracy. For example, Hindus in India are allowed to wash their sins in the Ganga river, or through other Hindu rituals. This means that they can get a clean slate after doing bad things. Karma is always negotiable, as long as they satisfy their Hindu gods (or gurus). Been a bad boy? Just make sure to follow your guru's instructions to clean your sins before you enter the afterlife. You are also allowed sin, as long as you're doing that for the benefit of your religion. What use is the police, if the gods don't mind you doing bad things.

In East Asian confucian cultures. They don't totally rely on the police to enforce the law. The society are obliged to police themselves. Even their religious afterlife system is way more unforgiving for the sinful. The East Asian concept of hell keeps a score on the good and bad, so no one escapes final judgement. It is far from a perfect system, but it does work to a large extent.

Abrahamic religions do this too, but their rules have been twisted so many times to suit numerous political agendas. Hence we also see moral degeneration amongst the Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

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north eastern India is already being overrun by monitor lizard rapists. What’s to stop them from saying they’re from assam and manipur and goin to Taiwan in large numbers to destroy a Chinese society the same way the anglos did to western nations?
The Taiwan of even 10 years ago would not have allowed this. This is proof that the Pan Green leadership and their Boba lib followers have strayed away from their original Chinese identity. No pragmatism, just politics first. ASEAN has been the best choice of foreign labour for Taiwan for decades. Yet they don't even care about public safety anymore. All they care is that they score political points with their Anglo masters. Especially woke points.

The Anglos are slowly transforming Taiwan into a woke hellhole. There are some disturbing signs, but Taiwan is still not there yet. For now, this battle for Taiwan's Chinese soul is still for the Chinese people on Taiwan to fight. I still trust that at least a slim majority of them will eventually fight to keep their Chinese souls, and push back against the madness. If I'm wrong, then god help Taiwan.
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Registered Member
The Anglos are slowly transforming Taiwan into a woke hellhole. There are some disturbing signs, but Taiwan is still not there yet. For now, this battle for Taiwan's Chinese soul is still for the Chinese people on Taiwan to fight. I still trust that at least a slim majority of them will eventually fight to keep their Chinese souls, and push back against the madness. If I'm wrong, then god help Taiwan.
Eh, don't worry.

Taiwan will be taken back (likely this decade, definitely before end of next decade), and afterwards, correcting and improving things will take time (1-2 generations, so like 40-50 years).

like, even in just like ~5 years, we're already seeing improvements in Hong Kong, give it another decade and 2, and it be much more obvious.


Registered Member
The Taiwan of even 10 years ago would not have allowed this. This is proof that the Pan Green leadership and their Boba lib followers have strayed away from their original Chinese identity. No pragmatism, just politics first. ASEAN has been the best choice of foreign labour for Taiwan for decades.

All spiritualism aside, this is almost proof that DPP is just CIA trash.

The moment that Ma Ying Jeou meets with Xi and gets a favourable free trade in services agreement (which was meant to combat the same kinds of problems as this Indian labour agreement does), a “spontaneous” Sunflower movement pops up and Tsai is elected?

Now we see obvious racial pushback against this Indian labour issue and the best response the DPP has is to stretch the truth to the point where it strains credulity. Yet somehow there is still no sunflower movement for this…