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Exhibit A:

Clearly, those farmers going on strike are the luddites of India, and they are not and will not become part of this technological movement that India is leading.

Exhibit B: A white western JAI HIND presents you wumaos the real Revolution in Business Affairs (R.B.A.) that China could only dream to have.

Exhibit C:


Yes, you heard that from the Minister of School Education of Rajasthan in Akhand Bharat himself.

But he is wrong. China already had a flying machine more than 600 years ago, if those Jai Hinds want to go that far:


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Take that, JH b1tches.
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Registered Member
Hence the China bashing, it's the only issue that both side of the aisle can agree. The American political elite which Tucker Carlson is a part of are praying that China will do a Pearl Harbor, it's their only Hail Mary pass to rebuild and maintain PAX AMERICA. The strategy relies on building multiple trip wire to force the Chinese to act. So far the Chinese ain't biting, if you studied history they employed the same strategy against Japan, which in turn make the US the Arsenal of democracy.

Whoever suggested it need to retake his/her history class especially on the geographical aspect. China is a continental power and Japan isn't. Plus the Chinese had the industrial capacity to overwhelm the American many time over making it a short war favorable to the Chinese.
Agreed with most points, but maybe not the last one. The long war is always more favourable to the side who has the bigger industrial power. The side who could replace losses at a faster rate would be able to sustain its fighting effectiveness for longer into the war. Being able to replace losses has other strong strategic effects. It means that military planners could make bolder moves, and take more risks. Off course not to the point of wastefulness and stupidity. It also means that the military could recover from errors or surprise attacks better. For example, the US after Pearl Harbor, and the Soviet Union after the early phases of Operation Barbarossa. Also, if the enemy knows you that could replace losses faster than them and keep coming, it becomes demoralizing.

China today has the combined industrial strength of the US + several other major industrial powers. China is one of those nations that nobody should provoke into going into a war economy. They have done that to Russia already, and that is just the appetizer. Russia, with an economy that is about 1/20th the size of US's economy can vastly outproduce ammunition and war materiel than all of NATO combined. They can't even handle the appetizer, and yet they dream of going for the entre. Imagine a China, fully mobilized for war, with its people fighting for China not to return to the Century of Humiliation. The odds of the US and friends outlasting China in a long, drawn-out conventional war would be impossible. The US can't choke China's maritime trade lanes anymore, because China has worked hard with the BRI to establish overland trade routes. The Western proxy war against Russia have even made it even easier for Russia to assist China in that endeavor. Sanctions won't work on China anymore because of the West's constant efforts and threats to decouple from China, forcing China to pursue comprehensive self-reliance. The ongoing trade war had made China realize its true strength vs the US and the West.

That is why many of the hardcore neocons and white supremacists go back to the argument of using nukes. Because no matter what, China cannot be allowed to win a war with the US. It is not white, and it is not Christian. They are always much more comfortable about bombing and nuking non-Christian people of colour. That is why strategic nuclear deterrence is the one area I'm most concerned for China. Fortunately, China is seriously ramping up its nuclear arsenal build up. I just hope that they can ramp it up even faster. Because that is the one true ultimate guarantee for China's existence against the mad and racist idiots in the current established world order. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, Trump and his yellow-hating Republicans are returning to office in 2025.


Registered Member
The Chinese government has not banned Apple products, will they ban GM and tesla products?

Vast majority of those western brands cars are already manufactured in China for domestic sales and foreign export. So there is no purpose in banning them as it is already beneficial for China. This is a more symbolic action but tariffing US car export to China would be something that triggers those warmongers deeply even if the sales is in the annual tens of thousands.


Registered Member
Agreed with most points, but maybe not the last one. The long war is always more favourable to the side who has the bigger industrial power. The side who could replace losses at a faster rate would be able to sustain its fighting effectiveness for longer into the war. Being able to replace losses has other strong strategic effects. It means that military planners could make bolder moves, and take more risks. Of course not to the point of wastefulness and stupidity. It also means that the military could recover from errors or surprise attacks better. For example, the US after Pearl Harbor, and the Soviet Union after the early phases of Operation Barbarossa. Also, if the enemy knows you that could replace losses faster than them and keep coming, it becomes demoralizing.

China today has the combined industrial strength of the US + several other major industrial powers. China is one of those nations that nobody should provoke into going into a war economy. They have done that to Russia already, and that is just the appetizer. Russia, with an economy that is about 1/20th the size of US's economy can vastly outproduce ammunition and war materiel than all of NATO combined. They can't even handle the appetizer, and yet they dream of going for the entre. Imagine a China, fully mobilized for war, with its people fighting for China not to return to the Century of Humiliation. The odds of the US and friends outlasting China in a long, drawn-out conventional war would be impossible. The US can't choke China's maritime trade lanes anymore, because China has worked hard with the BRI to establish overland trade routes. The Western proxy war against Russia have even made it even easier for Russia to assist China in that endeavor. Sanctions won't work on China anymore because of the West's constant efforts and threats to decouple from China, forcing China to pursue comprehensive self-reliance. The ongoing trade war had made China realize its true strength vs the US and the West.

That is why many of the hardcore neocons and white supremacists go back to the argument of using nukes. Because no matter what, China cannot be allowed to win a war with the US. It is not white, and it is not Christian. They are always much more comfortable about bombing and nuking non-Christian people of colour. That is why strategic nuclear deterrence is the one area I'm most concerned for China. Fortunately, China is seriously ramping up its nuclear arsenal build up. I just hope that they can ramp it up even faster. Because that is the one true ultimate guarantee for China's existence against the mad and racist idiots in the current established world order. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, Trump and his yellow-hating Republicans are returning to office in 2025.
Fortunately while China may lack in numbers of nukes (even that we can’t be sure because China isn’t stupid enough to tell people the numbers like those other two powers), they certainly have the USA and even Russia (by a little at least compared to the USA where the comparison is Heaven and earth) completely and utterly out matched on the delivery of such a deterrent should those neocons get their way. And given how only one nuke can easily be used to strike Washington should it really go down this path, I am willing to believe that China will eventually make good on its promises that any idiot that tries to force China to go back to the century of humiliation is going to DIE painfully. Besides with the way the US and Europe is treating Russia right now, Russia may end up doing the honors first (Macron is truly a f&@king idiot for his statements just days ago able this EU army bullcrap into Ukraine) which means China will be in a good position to pick and choose who gets to die for democracy (helldivers anyone) because quite frankly, the USA has given countless reasons why the only route to a safe future is the summary elimination of all of these deep state and neocons actors who are quite frankly overdue for for some serious punishment at this point. I mean they openly support genocide without a cares in the world, surely most people here would support hang drawn and quartering of these worthless scum as being an appropriate ending for these freaks
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