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The democrats are the biggest joke in US history, at least the republicans are upfront about it, Netanyahu own the White House to the point the US doesn't even have the balls to tell the Israelis: "HEY YOU ARE GOING TO PAUSE, WE ARE GOING TO DELIVER AID BY TRUCK AND IF EVEN ONE OF OUR SOLDIERS IS EVEN INCONVENIENCE BY YOU YOUR SOLDIERS WE ARE GOING TO CUT EVERY SINGLE DIME TO ISRAEL, WE OWN YOU NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND" Not even the bare minimum. A pause. this is the biggest joke.
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Speaking of France, a bit off topic,

CFA Franc was the currency developed by France for it's West African neo colonies. 14 African countries use it. The CFA was set up originally to prevent the Africans from suffering from the devaluation of the French Franc (FF) after WWII. The French called it "an act of generosity".

Former French colonies are still paying a ‘colonial’ tax​

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France has halted its colonisation policy, but its economic colonisation of these African states persists. A portion of the colonies’ budget continues to flow to the French central bank under various names and categories.
This process allows France to appropriate about
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% of the former colonies’ annual income.
❗ As a result, African countries face financial difficulties, and have to borrow back their own money from the French central bank as debts.
To reclaim their funds, African countries are limited to applying for no more than 20% of the transferred amount. If they seek a larger sum, it can be vetoed. France argues that it is the money it spent on buildings and infrastructure constructed more than a century ago.




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Any savvy observer of geopolitics should already know this: the ISIS is probably a CIA and Mossad construct.
We had already known this for ages because ISIS is involved in targeting only Islamic countries while always refraining from targeting Israel which is right next door. They are unlike any other Islamic extremist group because the latter always has some element of disdain for Israel. Even far away extremist groups in distant lands, who are only active in their local regions, totally despise Israel. ISIS is that o̶d̶d̶ exception. Also, Israel has never made an intent to target ISIS.

Funny thing is, when ISIS first appeared, a spokesman of al-Qaeda said to them: you are too extreme.


Lieutenant General
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Any savvy observer of geopolitics should already know this: the ISIS is probably a CIA and Mossad construct.
It's complicated. ISIS is supposedly an offshoot of Al-Qaeda. After 9/11 the US captured a lot of Al-Qaeda's leadership and turned a lot of them to their side. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time the US would be working with these people. They did work with Bin Laden in Afghanistan against the Soviets. You can basically think of them as terrorists sponsored by Arabian Peninsula petrostates with ties to the US.
It was just part of the eternal Sunni vs Shia dirty war being exploited by the US to topple the Syrian government which has Shia loyalties.

The trouble the US had in Iraq was quite different. Since that was ISI not ISIS. ISI in some cases was former Saddam loyal Sunni military and police who turned to Al-Qaeda for financial support after the US invasion of Iraq. Who basically fought the US installed Shia government in Iraq and the US military as their backers.

It is basically too simplistic to assume the US has 100% control over Al-Qaeda. Since they are basically a puppet force of the Sunni Arabian Peninsula. Like Saudi Arabia.
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Biden announces US air drops into “Ukraine”​

The oldest president in American history, Joe Biden, made his latest mental gaffe while announcing Washington’s plans to carry out a first military airdrop of vital supplies into the Palestinian enclave.

The US leader announced a new humanitarian initiative on Friday – a day after Gaza health authorities accused Israeli forces of killing more than 100 people who tried to reach a relief convoy – but apparently misspoke and repeatedly referred to Gaza as Ukraine.

“In the coming days, we are going to join with our friends in Jordan and others in providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into Ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues into Ukraine, including the possibility of a marine corridor to deliver large amounts of humanitarian assistance,” Biden said.