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Registered Member
Oh come on, the establishment doing anything useful is impossible at this point, I mean look at the Texas border, a simple solution is doing something about the border but Biden refuses to do so out of pure stubbornness when he simply shouldn’t be doing so, he will default to stupid whether anyone likes it or not but since this benefits China more then anything, I think it is a safe conclusion right now that he will take the USA from bad to worse no matter what anyone including Tucker does (besides his anti China angle yields nothing useful because honestly what does he really offer in that department other then similar talking points of Sepertaza)
OK but imagine this: we gotta fix our border cuz China.
Now they are motivated to fix things when helping their people is not enough motivation.


Registered Member
OK but imagine this: we gotta fix our border cuz China.
Now they are motivated to fix things when helping their people is not enough motivation.
Hmmm, but regardless of motivation, there is still division regardless which will make things worse in the long run. As long as the US government is not United on this problem, i don’t see this problem being solved even if the election is over and done with


Registered Member
Hmmm, but regardless of motivation, there is still division regardless which will make things worse in the long run. As long as the US government is not United on this problem, i don’t see this problem being solved even if the election is over and done with
Hence the China bashing, it's the only issue that both side of the aisle can agree. The American political elite which Tucker Carlson is a part of are praying that China will do a Pearl Harbor, it's their only Hail Mary pass to rebuild and maintain PAX AMERICA. The strategy relies on building multiple trip wire to force the Chinese to act. So far the Chinese ain't biting, if you studied history they employed the same strategy against Japan, which in turn make the US the Arsenal of democracy.

Whoever suggested it need to retake his/her history class especially on the geographical aspect. China is a continental power and Japan isn't. Plus the Chinese had the industrial capacity to overwhelm the American many time over making it a short war favorable to the Chinese.


Registered Member
Hence the China bashing, it's the only issue that both side of the aisle can agree. The American political elite which Tucker Carlson is a part of are praying that China will do a Pearl Harbor, it's their only Hail Mary pass to rebuild and maintain PAX AMERICA. The strategy relies on building multiple trip wire to force the Chinese to act. So far the Chinese ain't biting, if you studied history they employed the same strategy against Japan, which in turn make the US the Arsenal of democracy.

Whoever suggested it need to retake his/her history class especially on the geographical aspect. China is a continental power and Japan isn't. Plus the Chinese had the industrial capacity to overwhelm the American many time over making it a short war favorable to the Chinese.

Check out this article brother ansy1968

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Registered Member
Check out this article brother ansy1968

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This is one point about this tech war and trade war between China and America.

The Chinese are straight up telling you what they are going to do.

The Chinese intend to have a more robust economy than the Americans.

The Chinese intend to beat the Americans at tech.

In a trade war and tech war, what is the path to win it or to do well?

The Americans believe it is to pass more anti-China legislation.


And people take that seriously!

Get the freak out of here!



Registered Member
Hence the China bashing, it's the only issue that both side of the aisle can agree. The American political elite which Tucker Carlson is a part of are praying that China will do a Pearl Harbor, it's their only Hail Mary pass to rebuild and maintain PAX AMERICA. The strategy relies on building multiple trip wire to force the Chinese to act. So far the Chinese ain't biting, if you studied history they employed the same strategy against Japan, which in turn make the US the Arsenal of democracy.

Whoever suggested it need to retake his/her history class especially on the geographical aspect. China is a continental power and Japan isn't. Plus the Chinese had the industrial capacity to overwhelm the American many time over making it a short war favorable to the Chinese.
Which is funny because the only reason that they were able to get Japan to attack (other the some conspiracy theory) is because Japan is only an island with limited resources compared to China and them attacking Pearl harbor was a vain attempt to scare the US away from interfering in the pacific which is basically a stupid action on their part.

China on the other hand is not stupid no matter how much the west believes they are and Tucker unfortunately is one of those people who thinks that they can bait China into such an action due to failing up until now to understand China on even a surface level. Seriously its one thing to respect Putin but I get the feeling that one of the biggest mistake the USA is making, in fact the entire west is making is that all of them have very little respect for Xi JinPing himself who I honestly believe that while he doesnt make is presence on the global stage as widely known as Putin does, he is in no way less effective then him (heck I believe he is even more effective based on how scared the USA that they refuse to sale there carriers close to China from threat of being blown up) given that unlike Putin, Xi has managed to navigate China through multiple crisis's created by the west for the last decade and has managed to beat the USA time and again for maximum benefit to China with little loses to China.


Registered Member
Which is funny because the only reason that they were able to get Japan to attack (other the some conspiracy theory) is because Japan is only an island with limited resources compared to China and them attacking Pearl harbor was a vain attempt to scare the US away from interfering in the pacific which is basically a stupid action on their part.

China on the other hand is not stupid no matter how much the west believes they are and Tucker unfortunately is one of those people who thinks that they can bait China into such an action due to failing up until now to understand China on even a surface level. Seriously its one thing to respect Putin but I get the feeling that one of the biggest mistake the USA is making, in fact the entire west is making is that all of them have very little respect for Xi JinPing himself who I honestly believe that while he doesnt make is presence on the global stage as widely known as Putin does, he is in no way less effective then him (heck I believe he is even more effective based on how scared the USA that they refuse to sale there carriers close to China from threat of being blown up) given that unlike Putin, Xi has managed to navigate China through multiple crisis's created by the west for the last decade and has managed to beat the USA time and again for maximum benefit to China with little loses to China.
Thus the stinging and demonize attack against Xi, I agree with your analysis, I respect Putin so much BUT I worship Xi, both have the same problem, but Xi did it masterfully, I'm not saying he is invisible, but compare the performance between the two he didn't need to resort to war to achieve its goal. He is a student of Sun Tzu, achieving victory without fighting is the hardest thing to do.


Registered Member
This is one point about this tech war and trade war between China and America.

The Chinese are straight up telling you what they are going to do.

The Chinese intend to have a more robust economy than the Americans.

The Chinese intend to beat the Americans at tech.

In a trade war and tech war, what is the path to win it or to do well?

The Americans believe it is to pass more anti-China legislation.


And people take that seriously!

Get the freak out of here!

And the American had the temerity to accuse the Chinese of being sneaking and sly... Lol

I had to hand it to the American, they lie in your face and people actually believed it, what an excellent snake oil salesman.