Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Might have something to do with France losing grip on Africa while Russia to get their piece of pie there.
Its much more than Africa. French are waking up two years later that de industrialization of Europe will have direct impact on them. do you think French can make 100% of there products domestically?. and when Europe gets poor they may not afford French products/services like vacation. and already new residence permits in France are from outside Europe.
Africa and Europe are basically single theatre for Arabs and if Arabs manage to dominate them it will be ultimate humiliation for West Europeans.
you only show history to a new guest when you see some thing long term.



Registered Member
Pretty much every single "cool" stuff mentioned here are from chinese companies. What a spectacular turn of events.

And yet, China's economy is doomed and US is going to boom because of magical ChatGPT.
Lol clearly a "wumao" you just simply have not seen the coolest stuff from India. Whatever you think is cool, pales in comparison to what the true tech superpower and hyper-innovator that's India.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I've already paid for an artillery shell drawing other day of turtle eating otter, 44 euro. He says it will be done in next 30 days.

Let's see what Ayi says when it shows up.

That's you.
Starship Troopers.jpeg

And this is your reality check:

44 EUR is either ~1800 UAH (current rate) or ~3600 RUB (rate from Dec 2021, before trading was suspended). I'm using both because this way comparison is meaningful. Otherwise lack of reliable information from Russia would completely obscure the picture.

The average monthly salary in 2023 was ~23 000 UAH in Ukraine and ~63 000 RUB in Russia nationwide, but the poorer regions have average salaries ranging from ~36 000 (Altai Krai) to 46 000 RUB (Belgorod, Kursk Oblasts).

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44 EUR is equal to either 1,5 day of average salary labour in Ukraine (average) or in Belgorod Oblast which is consistent with pre-war data.

But the minimum wage, which will be more relevant for the affected populations, was only ~6700 UAH in Ukraine (in 2024) and ~16 000 RUB in Russia (in 2023).

44 EUR is equal to ~1 week of minimum salary labour in Ukraine or poorer regions of Russia.

In comparison 44 EUR is ~74 AUD at current rate and the current hourly minimum wage in Australia is 23AUD. It takes slightly over three hours of minimum wage work for someone in Australia to afford 44 EUR.

Naturally taxes have to accounted for in all scenarios but taxes on that 44 EUR in Australia will constitute additional hour of work and in Russia or Ukraine they will by additional days of work.

You chose to send 44 EUR to that person instead of choosing to fund either:
  • medical supplies for wounded soldiers, or
  • material aid for families of killed soldiers, or
  • aid for civilians living in the war zone, or
  • aid for any other victim of armed conflict, especially children, anywhere in the world (e.g.Gaza)
You can order the items online and pay for delivery to a specific location and arrange for proof of receipt. The cost is slightly higher and not entirely tamper-proof but at least most will gets through while the money is almost entirely stolen by rank and file of the "charity".

All it takes is good will, some effort and time and an online translator.

If you really want to support Russia you can support a family of KIA veterans in Russia with 50EUR monthly and it will make a whole lot of difference to them while costing you half a day of work. These people will not be otherwise helped by the Russian government. That's the reality of Russia that GrishaPutin gets paid to distract from.

You're not helping anyone who needs help by paying him. You also have to be severely deranged to not ask yourself a question "what kind of charity helps those in trouble by selling tools that put others in trouble"?

That's not logical because that's not a charity.

GrishaPutin is a propagandist and a FSB asset. His goal is not to gather money for troops and families but to get people like you involved in Russian propaganda networks. The money is also not the aim of the operation. It is the means. It legitimises all his claims. It's not a fundraiser, but a "honey trap" for who will not only do the online disinfo leg work for free but will also pay for the privilege.

In other words it filters for expendable useful idiots.

The money will reach only those who his handler approves. Most of it will be to facilitate his act. The rest will be taken by all the people involved in it as usual. He will be allowed to keep a share, but only if he performs. That's how these things work. Anywhere in general but in Russia in particular.

Not that GrishaPutin would do anything else other than keeping it all to himself and lying about everything else like all the other grifters.

That's your hero brainwashing children. Most likely one of the urban schools since it wouldn't be such an easy job in the regions that have higher participation rate.
GrishaPutin 2.jpg

Note the strong and heroic profile that attracts his fanbase as much as his insight into world affairs. He posted the picture on the left accompanied by some grandiose drivel without any self-awareness. He is the ideal operational asset.
GrishaPutin 1.jpg

There are people who pay money to online prostitutes to fulfill their fantasy of having intimate interaction with a "famous" person.

You paid an online prostitute to fulfill your fantasy of "doing your part" in killing people you don't like and to get your fifteen minutes seconds of fame on someone else's Twitter feed in 30 days' time.

Like the people who paid for a round with "free Palestine" intended for killing Ukrainians, instead of sending aid to actual Palestinians who need of all the help they can get. I fail to imagine how the former solves the latter. And, trust me, I have great imagination.

I expect that when it's ready you will show off your donation here as if it was an achievement. I expect many people here to applaud you as if it was an achievement.

It is an achievement, but not that kind that you imagine. So let me close it off with just one thought.

Wouldn't it be funny if - just hypothetically - someone registered all these transactions coming out of countries within "western" internet just in case of another conflict, and then paid you a visit since you already revealed yourself to be a problematic individual willing to support the other side?

After all you paid an FSB asset and then bragged about it on a public forum which indicates that it wasn't a misunderstanding.

Starship Troopers 2.jpeg
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