Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
I've already paid for an artillery shell drawing other day of turtle eating otter, 44 euro. He says it will be done in next 30 days.

Let's see what Ayi says when it shows up.
€44 and 30 days per painting just also ridiculously expensive and inefficient. Someone should crowdfund a laser engraver and set up shop in North Korea and engrave the shell casings en mass at the factory. Charge €4 per engraving and do thousands per month.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
The EU-established European Endowment for Democracy (EED) fund is interfering in the parliamentary elections to come in Georgia by financing various political parties, Georgian parliamentary speaker Shalva Papuashvili said.
"EED does not disclose its own expenses in Georgia. Apparently, the fund directly finances political parties and interferes in the elections," Papuashvili told reporters.
If not stopped, foreign funding will harm the elections, which are scheduled to take place in the country, on October 26, and hinder the choice of the Georgian people, the parliamentary speaker added.
The Georgian government should have passed that law against foreign agents like they wanted to and ignored the foreign funded agitators protesting against it. Now it might be too late.


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India’s Feet of Clay​

How Modi’s Supremacy Will Hinder His Country’s Rise​

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How independent is India’s Supreme Court?​

Despite its enormous powers, it rarely challenges the government​

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What Has Happened to the Rule of Law in India?​

A once-feisty supreme court has gone supine under Narendra Modi.
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Three hit pieces against Modi's India.

Jai Hind film trailer related to India's recent supreme court decision.
India has only a 12-year "demographic dividend", while Japan and South Korea are going down the tubes demographically.

Births in Japan hit record low as government warns crisis at ‘critical state’​

Birthrate continues to fall as young people increasingly reluctant to have children due to bleak job prospects, cost of living and work culture

The number of babies born in Japan last year fell for an eighth straight year to a new low, government data has shown, and a top official says it is critical for the country to reverse the trend in the coming half-dozen years.

The 758,631 babies born in Japan in 2023 were a 5.1% decline from the previous year, according to the Health and Welfare Ministry on Tuesday. It was the lowest number of births since Japan started compiling the statistics in 1899.
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In South Korea, world’s lowest fertility rate plunges again in 2023​

Record-low births were also reported this week in Japan, as women worried about their careers and finances decide to delay childbirth or not have babies at all.

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s fertility rate, already the world’s lowest, continued its dramatic decline in 2023, as women concerned about their career advancement and the financial cost of raising children decided to delay childbirth or not have babies at all.

The average number of expected babies for a South Korean woman during her reproductive life fell to a record low of 0.72 from 0.78 in 2022, data from Statistics Korea showed Wednesday.

That is far below the rate of 2.1 per woman needed for a steady population and well behind the rate of 1.24 in 2015, when concerns about issues such as the cost of housing and education were lower.
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Well, China doesn't waste trillions on "wars of choices".

China Isn’t Just Spending More, It’s Spending Smarter​

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Good news for China.

EU fails to pass supply chain law that would have required firms to carry out human rights and environmental audits on Chinese suppliers​

  • The rules did not name China directly, but major EU firms would have been required to carry out detailed audits on foreign business partners
  • Germany and Italy were among the countries that failed to support the measure which businesses feared would create an ‘uneven playing field’ internationally
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LMAO: a German frigate in the Red Sea mistakenly fired two missiles at a US drone. However, the drone escaped destruction because both missiles malfunctioned.

German Navy Almost Shot Down US Drone In Red Sea: Reports​

A German naval frigate sent to protect commercial ships in the Red Sea nearly shot down a US drone by mistake, German media reported Wednesday.

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Junior Member
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India has only a 12-year "demographic dividend", while Japan and South Korea are going down the tubes demographically.

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Well, China doesn't waste trillions on "wars of choices".

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Good news for China.

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LMAO: a German frigate in the Red Sea mistakenly fired two missiles at a US drone. However, the drone escaped destruction because both missiles malfunctioned.

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Good thing Schultz declined to send German troops to Ukraine. Their tank guns might've jammed and became a further laughing stock.
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India’s Feet of Clay​

How Modi’s Supremacy Will Hinder His Country’s Rise​

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How independent is India’s Supreme Court?​

Despite its enormous powers, it rarely challenges the government​

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What Has Happened to the Rule of Law in India?​

A once-feisty supreme court has gone supine under Narendra Modi.
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Three hit pieces against Modi's India.

Jai Hind film trailer related to India's recent supreme court decision.

Western Model Democracy

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Deliberate shutdown NOT outages.

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