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Is this why they feel they have greater connection to God?


Read an article about how war criminals of the past went to great lengths to hide their crimes. Not just war criminals but pretty much every sane criminal would do the same. It's pretty logical; there is a fear of being caught or it resurfacing against them in the future.

Schizophrenics often develop a notable symptom: lack of fear; which is also associated with aggressive psychopathy. It is observed also in the animal kingdom where rodents (who are innately fearful of cats) smell a particular molecule in feline urine repeatedly that induces schizophrenia; the rodents develop a lack of fear, standing brave and tall at the sight of a cat (for an easy meal).

When the tables are turned (inevitable), these receipts will be used in the Nuremburg Trials 2.0.


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India’s Feet of Clay​

How Modi’s Supremacy Will Hinder His Country’s Rise​

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How independent is India’s Supreme Court?​

Despite its enormous powers, it rarely challenges the government​

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What Has Happened to the Rule of Law in India?​

A once-feisty supreme court has gone supine under Narendra Modi.
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Three hit pieces against Modi's India.

Jai Hind film trailer related to India's recent supreme court decision.


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Read an article about how war criminals of the past went to great lengths to hide their crimes. Not just war criminals but pretty much every sane criminal would do the same. It's pretty logical; there is a fear of being caught or it resurfacing against them in the future.

Schizophrenics often develop a notable symptom: lack of fear; which is also associated with aggressive psychopathy. It is observed also in the animal kingdom where rodents (who are innately fearful of cats) smell a particular molecule in feline urine repeatedly that induces schizophrenia; the rodents develop a lack of fear, standing brave and tall at the sight of a cat (for an easy meal).

When the tables are turned (inevitable), these receipts will be used in the Nuremburg Trials 2.0.
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To be fair, Germans have a lot to be proud of. Their accomplishments in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and music in the last three hundred years are the stuff of legends. However, the reality is that past glory doesn't mean all that much in the present. German cars were superior to Chinese cars for more than a hundred years, but Chinese cars are better than German cars in 2024. That is hard for some people to accept. The semiconductor industry stands on the shoulders of legendary German scientists such as Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Planck, Boltzmann, von Laue, and Kirchhoff, but the reality is that the Chinese semiconductor industry is more sophisticated than the German semiconductor industry in 2024.

If enough Chinese people believe that they are better than others simply because they are Chinese and not because of their hard work, then China will die. I hope that day does not come.
They don’t have more than any other typical European country, all of them have their portion of philosophers, scientific and mathematicians. The Germans are just more known because they reach their peak later, in the late 19th century and beggining of 20th.
And, how many of those scientific were Jewish if we enter in this ethnic stuff?

Also their accomplishments are based in accomplishment of other countries and people that came before. Like Arabic/Indian numbers mathematicians, Mediterranean civilisation and so on.

Moreover they maybe contribute a lot in science but their contributions in fine art, architecture and literature are average at best, not to say med

I don’t accept that argument as justification and nobody should.

If one scientific is great, he is great, and this does not mean at all that the rest of their country can have supremacist attitudes

No people and no country is superior to other, and any group of people pretending to be superior in based to their race should be hardly rejected and marginalised by the world.

As other comment says above I have the impression that Japanese are same breed in this .


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India’s Feet of Clay​

How Modi’s Supremacy Will Hinder His Country’s Rise​

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How independent is India’s Supreme Court?​

Despite its enormous powers, it rarely challenges the government​

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What Has Happened to the Rule of Law in India?​

A once-feisty supreme court has gone supine under Narendra Modi.
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Three hit pieces against Modi's India.

Jai Hind film trailer related to India's recent supreme court decision.
The trailer for the movietaintment title article 370 is such A BLATANT PROPAGANDA movie purported as some sort of historical film by the fanatical supporters of Modi is quite hysterical.

It looks polish and production seems very good though. But movies like this give your average Indians an overestimation of their actual capabilities and power, plus the very real danger of severely underestimating her perceived enemies and making a caricature out of Pakistan (full of irreconcilable terrorists) and China ( a nation held under hostage by the evil See See Pee). The end result a total misunderstanding and folly for the country, unable to correct its policies on both countries since the population has been heavily propagandized on two countries as it's existential threat that must be dealt with no matter the cost.

It's a dangerous road and games these people are playing.


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The EU-established European Endowment for Democracy (EED) fund is interfering in the parliamentary elections to come in Georgia by financing various political parties, Georgian parliamentary speaker Shalva Papuashvili said.

"EED does not disclose its own expenses in Georgia. Apparently, the fund directly finances political parties and interferes in the elections," Papuashvili told reporters.

If not stopped, foreign funding will harm the elections, which are scheduled to take place in the country, on October 26, and hinder the choice of the Georgian people, the parliamentary speaker added.

"We are seeing that a significant part of the opposition is being financed directly from abroad and, given the fact that the current year is an election year, this is equivalent to foreign interference in the elections in Georgia. Foreign interference is one of the threats expected in these elections … For the elections to be transparent, it is necessary to prohibit and stop direct or indirect funding of parties in Georgia through European channels," Papuashvili said.

Established in 2023 by the European Union, EED officially aims to promote democracy in the European Neighborhood, the Western Balkans, and Turkiye.

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