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australia is practically begging China to save its economy, I warrant we shall see renewed Chinese investment into Australia without any further Anglo harassment at least so long as labour is in power.

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im starting to see a pattern where anglos who bit the Chinese hand are quickly discovering how important Chinese trade was to their economy and therefore social and national security
I think originally they wanted dual carriers because one of them could sub for the other if it requires fixing. Now that they know neither is reliable…


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It was a joke indeed, so calm down. Anyway I deleted the “sinodefence” from the answer.
Joke or no joke, this stuff is serious. For example, when classified US material was leaked to the public, some of it got onto here. Since there were some users with secret and top secret clearances here, they immediately alerted us that such material could get any viewer with similar backgrounds in trouble with the FBI or any other similar organizations and may drag this forum into it. Because of that, WebMaster and the super mods dealt with it swiftly. Once again, be careful with what you say and do. Russia and the West and their allies are locked in a proxy war. That is not a joke.


Lieutenant General
Don't name drop SDF in there. As a matter of fact, supporting Russia verbally is one thing, but donating cash to them, in particular an active duty Russian soldier who might be associated with the FSB, on this site's behalf is another. If you do that, @Webmaster will have to take drastic actions. Otherwise, people in suits may be knocking on our doors. Talk shit about the West all you want, but I can guarantee you that no one would want a counter-espionage legal entity investigating them or their families for conspiracy with a SANCTIONED enemy. There is a reason why talking about politics in regards to the Ukraine War is scrutinized heavily here. @Blitzo @Deino this is a serious matter that needs to be addressed immediately.

That’s a reaction that would not at all be out of place in 1984, having men in black show up because someone else paid for a chalk painting as a troll.

It’s incredibly sobering that this isn’t actually an overreaction.


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australia is practically begging China to save its economy, I warrant we shall see renewed Chinese investment into Australia without any further Anglo harassment at least so long as labour is in power.

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im starting to see a pattern where anglos who bit the Chinese hand are quickly discovering how important Chinese trade was to their economy and therefore social and national security
But I heard China's economy is collapsing so there's nothing for Australia. SAD.


Junior Member
Registered Member
That’s a reaction that would not at all be out of place in 1984, having men in black show up because someone else paid for a chalk painting as a troll.

It’s incredibly sobering that this isn’t actually an overreaction.
You jest but the alphabet soup agencies 100% have a presence here.
I wouldn't be surprised if I am on a list somewhere for being a militant communist.


Junior Member
Registered Member
That’s a reaction that would not at all be out of place in 1984, having men in black show up because someone else paid for a chalk painting as a troll.

It’s incredibly sobering that this isn’t actually an overreaction.
Like I said before, the West really is that bad...

We can badmouth the West (to an extent) but those of us in the West must not betray it because it is merciless.
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Registered Member
Just remember that even right wing white guys who don't toe the line can get locked up in a max security hard labor camp for life with no parole for nonviolent crimes while actual killers walk free.

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Chinese American lawyers are getting locked up for dissent against big ag.

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If they win, the famous 1984 quote applies.

Imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever.


Lieutenant General
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It was a joke indeed, so calm down. Anyway I deleted the “sinodefence” from the answer.

Anyway is kind of representative of the current state of western dictatorships that is more punished to donate to Russia from countries not officially in conflict than donate to Ukraine from Russia

The point is, leave this forum out of this.

In fact, I would tell everyone to not namedrop this forum in other communities or places in general. There is no reason for this forum to be known outside of this community itself, and there is every reason to keep a low profile.

We have no interest in gaining notoriety or a reputation of any sort.


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I think this carrier may have alot of parts outside UK. one off parts not usually reliable after a while. They should have bought US Carrier or under license exact same thing.

70% of RR engine is sourced outside from RR factories and that is product that is mass produced.
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ALW: What proportion of the engine parts are sourced externally?

GD: The bill of material of a business aviation engine contains several thousand components, produced by over 150 suppliers globally. Of this number, approximately 70% are made in the external supply chain and around 30% are made in various Rolls-Royce factories.