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Lieutenant General
From the Sun -
"Crucially, it is understood that had the firing taken place on a real patrol mission rather than under test conditions it would have been successful."

From the Indian LFX ...

No points for guessing where they learnt their cope from. :rolleyes:

It seems like obvious and ridiculous cope, but it would be hilarious and scarily plausible if the reason the launch failed was because the British Defence Secretary Grant Shapps caused the misfire by doing something idiotic while onboard.


Senior Member
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And note that it doesn't come with the emergence of the "gay" portion of "identities" but only when the "trans" and related portion. They didn't care about the gays. The only started caring after transgenderism got involved. That's because one comes with birth. The other doesn't.

It's not a bug. It's a feature.
Homosexuality was a disease according to the [American] DSM, until 1973, when it was partially normalized along with LGBTQ and all of them put in another category called Ego-Dystonic Sexual Orientation. At this point, they could still be "treated" because it was still considered abnormal. This lasted until 2013 in DSM, and 2019 in WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

"It's not a bug. It's a feature."
This is a good description of normalizing what has historically been seen as a disease everywhere on the globe. That means: no more looking at how to ameliorate this obvious deviation in human behavior.

From a purely scientific, evolutionary and biological perspective, this is a death sentence, abnormal, outlier; considering that the biological sciences define the purpose of all life, from microbes to animals to trees, as the propensity to reproduce and procreate. But here we have orientations that refuse to procreate employing both physical and behavioral barriers.

By this crooked logic ("it's not a bug"), I wonder what prevents them from declassifying other mental disease as normal "features". Say, for example, a pedophile.. why not also label his mentally deviant preferences as just ... "personal features"?


I don't think that's Sen. Rubio's daughter crying nor it's Rubio on the background of the video.
Of course not, but it's fun to pretend that's the case.

As you note, there the news is reporting an imminent economic collapse in China, low consumer confidence is often cited as a factor
Another story:
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Yet why are we not hearing about the imminent collapse of the USA?
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It's called projection. In fact, it's US' economy that are in a lot of trouble.

A Famed Analyst’s Final Forecast Is the Fall of the U.S. Economy​

Dick Bove, the ubiquitous banking expert, is going out swinging after more than half a century in the business.

“The dollar is finished as the world’s reserve currency,” Mr. Bove said matter-of-factly, perched in an armchair outside his home office just north of Tampa, from which he predicted that China will overtake the U.S. economy. No other analysts will say the same because they are, as he put it, “monks praying to money,” unwilling to speak out on the mainstream financial system that employs them.
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Jamie Dimon believes U.S. debt is the ‘most predictable crisis’ in history—and experts say it could cost Americans their homes, spending power and national security​

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Bad property debt exceeds reserves at largest US banks​

Loan loss provisions have thinned even as regulators highlight risks in commercial real estate market
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On the other hand, Chinese consumption and high-tech stocks are recovering.
Some 474 million trips were made in China from Feb. 10 to Feb. 17, a jump of 34.3 percent from a year earlier and a gain of 19 percent from the same period in 2019, according to official data.

Tourists’ spending climbed 7.7 percent from the same period in 2019, and soared 47.3 percent from 2019 to CNY632.7 billion (USD87.9 billion), according to official data.
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Telecom rally signals broader China tech shares surge​

Telecom stocks’ rise against the rest of the market suggests investors expect high-tech investment to outperform
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Some of the warmongers in the US are either desperate, deranged, or both. China must prepare for the worst.

Global Hunger Index:


Junior Member
Registered Member
The reason you misrepresent the claim in the study is two-fold, first you didn't read the context and second, the study itself is flawed and probably worthless. First let's tackle the problem of ignoring context.

That's not what the study examines. It examines the statistical effects of two general therapeutical approaches - one advised against by the authors and another promoted by the authors.

The approach that the authors promote was associated with intense feeling of mistrust. And while the approach rejected by the authors may have been associated with similar attitudes it is not the same thing. Correct approach should not cause intense feeling of mistrust from the patient because then the therapy can never be successful.

Your argument that the therapy method promoted by the authors is associated with feelings of mistrust is inaccurate because the study's authors claim that the source of the distrust is not from therapy but from conditions before it. Specifically this mistrust originates from psychological therapy being used as a disciplinary method against students which are the subjects analyzed in this study. Your second second claim that the rapy should not cause mistrust is irrelevant in the context of countering the claims in the study. Here's what the authors wrote.

Those who did visit community clinics, often referred by schools, arrived having had negative experiences with counselling at school. As those leading psychiatric reform explained, during the dictatorship, cognitive-behavioral theories gained traction in schools more to maintain order than to help students [44]. Although changing, this trend has persisted.

From young people’s perspectives, teacher-initiated referrals to psychologists were, by and large, not seen as a form of care. The emphasis on "behavior" in schools was viewed as demeaning, unjust, and even discriminatory (Box 1).

It's not relevant for you to say that "therapy should not cause feelings of mistrust" as an argument against the authors' preferred method of therapy because the authors themselves don't explicitly claim that their preferred method or any other method of therapy leads to better or worst patient trust. Rather they argue that mistrust comes from a situations prior to using therapy. Two asides, first, the authors make an implicit argument supporting their preferred method of therapy (I'll come to this point), and second, there are no data beyond 5 patient anecdotes to support the claim that disciplinary psychological therapy was prevalent in Brazil during the study's time period so the authors are also guilty of poor argumentation.

Now onto more of the study's flaws.
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This entire quote is unsupported by the study's data.

Though the socially attuned therapies described in this paper were not common or mainstream, they hold considerable potential. Young people who returned to the clinic, despite intense feelings of disappointment and mistrust, used the therapeutic encounter to engage in social and political debate and explore new modes of agency. Clinical interactions came to center not on treatment of disorder or symptomreduction, but on crafting self-worth, political awareness, and social influence [45]. What seems to have made a difference for young people were therapists who responded flexibly recognized the limits of their own positionality, and main-tained dialogic openness to unstructured reflection and the productivity of confrontation.

The author's intent is for the reader to infer that quote that unorthodox therapy methods lead to higher success rate or lower rates of wash out but the author doesn't state that explicitly which means they cannot actually make that argument due to not having any data to support it. This means the study should not be taken seriously. There may be anecdotal evidence from patient self-report but the actual data analysis in tables 3 and 4 are completely irrelevant to the author's intended claims. It is merely correlations between whether the patient participated in various kinds of political activism and whether or not they used therapy.

So the argument you made against the author was a misrepresentation of their claims, but their claims too were built upon quicksand. Ultimately the fault lies with the new article which produced a misleading interpretation of the study's (shoddy) results.

Finally, returning to your earlier claim that the study compares different therapy methods, while the study does compare different approaches, it doesn't actually compare their effects in terms of mental health outcomes. It correlates the self-reported political activism with usage of therapy, then it injects some interview anecdotes from a group of patients identified as "marginalized" about their perceptions and experiences with therapists. There is not even any data to prove or disprove the claim in the quote: "Young people who returned to the clinic, despite intense feelings of disappointment and mistrust, used the therapeutic encounter to engage in social and political debate and explore new modes of agency." We don't know if orthodox or unorthodox therapy made it more or less likely for patients to return.

This study appears to be yet another article published to fill a paper writing quota and was probably approved by reviewers who were asleep or agreed with the authors' unsupported conclusions. From tables 3 and 4 in the study, it doesn't present any novel or meaningful discoveries. All we learn is that politically active people are more likely to use therapy. The problem isn't that the data proves or disproves the authors' prescription of a need for "a shift from static and individualized understandings of the social to ones that are dynamic and dialectical", the problem is that the data are irrelevant to such claims.


Staff member
Super Moderator
From the Sun -
"Crucially, it is understood that had the firing taken place on a real patrol mission rather than under test conditions it would have been successful."

From the Indian LFX ...

No points for guessing where they learnt their cope from. :rolleyes:

Isn’t it usually the other way around? What works under test conditions usually don’t work as well in real world conditions.


Lieutenant General
Isn’t it usually the other way around? What works under test conditions usually don’t work as well in real world conditions.

RN Admiral with a totally straight face:

Firstly, under wartime conditions there won’t be idiot politicians pressing buttons.

Secondly, under wartime scenarios, if one missile launch failed, the sub would just launch another one. The Vanguards carry 16 missiles for a reason. They can’t all be filled with water!


Registered Member
RN Admiral with a totally straight face:

Firstly, under wartime conditions there won’t be idiot politicians pressing buttons.

Secondly, under wartime scenarios, if one missile launch failed, the sub would just launch another one. The Vanguards carry 16 missiles for a reason. They can’t all be filled with water!
It's always funny how the Western propaganda and gloating over China ends up coming true on themselves just a couple months later.

First it was celebrating the HK riots, which ended up with riots in Capitol and BLM
Then it was the "Chinese banks collapsing" which ended with the US bank collapses
Now it's the "Chinese missiles filled with water" revenge

What else? I remember there were a few more but can't recall it now