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Israel and the US control the entire right wing politicians in Latin America.
More like Israel and Jewish-Americans. Most young Americans hate Israel these days. Anti-Jewish sentiment is spreading like wildfire here. The situation reminds me of the movie Inception in the sense that the idea that Jewish people control the US government has been planted in the minds of almost every young American and I don't think it will be possible to remove it within our lifetimes.


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Unfortunately, the West really is that bad.
As I said before, of course the West has its own national and geo political interests and issues vis a vis Russia but that doesn't means Russia/Putin is a saint. They also have their own national interests and internal political machinations which is normal not to recognise this is being deceitful. I don't blame the West or Russia for anything since each side is only after their own national interests(thats how geobpolitics have always worked for centuries now, nothijg new there). Blaming one side only usually means biased towards one side(which is normal since most humans tend to choose a side they view as more favourable for them). Russia has killed many dissendents who fled Russia to the West several times. I don't blame them either since they are merely following their interests just like Putin has gotten rid and imprisoned many who tried to go against him. He's only trying to protect his power and get rid of his political opponents which is normal for a politician as far they know they can do so and their political system and power base allows that. To claim that everything is the fault of the West is rather weird.
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Florida deputy Jesse Hernandez screamed “shots fired,” and frantically fired his gun after an acorn fell onto the roof of his squad car, making him jump.
Apparently there was a handcuffed suspect in the back seat of the car, and Hernandez thought the suspect was shooting at him. So he shot up the car.
Imo it's very likely the cop was high or doing some kind of substance abuse, acting like that is simply too insane.


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Speaking of Singapore, I know some Singaporean posters will not agree with me, but I'm really not optimistic on the future of it. The place is supposedly like 75% Chinese and the rest are from other races. There were some Indians previously but that's fine because they were born and raised as Singaporeans. The problem is in recent years, there was an agreement to bring over workers from India directly to SG. And unlike the Indian Singaporeans, those guys bring over the worst traits of India to it. Then they slowly make their way in a parasitical/clannish manner to take over positions of power to let in even more mainland Indians. And soon all the crappy habits are brought in to bring down Singapore.

This would also be affecting HK but China said no.

It's an over simplistic take.

Prior to that "flood" of Indian non-residents being let in, there was a similar wave of Chinese/China origin migrants being granted PR/Citizenship over a 10 year period (iirc). Yet, historically, the racial demographics of Singapore hasn't changed much, +/- 3 percent for the Chinese resident demographic.

Singapore is also almost 1/3 non-resident and out of that very fluid demographic, there is a very significant proportion that is Malaysians working blue collar jobs as well as the South Asian construction workers. This, though, is a historical trend and their presence and impact on the ethnic landscape of Singapore is largely part of the accepted fabric.

So whatever crappy habits you mention, trust me, they are already part of the SG experience (and practiced by all alike) on a daily basis for the years that I've been Singaporean.

Specifically about the Indian problem you speak of - traditionally, the Indian population is derived from South Indian, Tamil speaking, peasant-migrants. Which is why you have a rather odd situation where the official "Indian" language in Singapore is Tamil rather than Hindi. The new(er) wave of Indians in Singapore are mostly Hindi speaking and white collar so friction is to be expected as these are really 2 very different Indians rather than a homogenous Indian mix ... North vs South, Rich vs Poor, Hindi vs Tamil is surely going to bring to fore caste/cultural differences, wealth disparity, educational heritage and language snobbery causing friction with the resident population - which is similar to the friction seen when the wave of Chinese immigrants came before them.

Suffice to say, there is always going to be friction and push back against immigrants, regardless of source - even when said incumbents are really recent migrants themselves. No one loves extra competition and population pressures on housing, transport and space that increased population in a limited area will sure bring. The clannish behaviour is no different from Chinese hiring Chinese and only probably more prevalent in recent times due to an increase in MNC HQs in Singapore with their hiring policy that brings in these Indian expatriates.

One last thing ... the political elite in Singapore has always been dominated by non-Chinese, even if they look Chinese. The Straits Chinese a.k.a Peranakans along with Eurasians and Indians have always been pulling the strings in SG politics. You only have to look at the eradication of Chinese culture in SG during the early post-independence years to understand how a Chinese looking population with a Chinese looking PM is actually NOT a very Chinese country.


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China offers to back Hungary in security matters

China offered to support long-time strategic partner Hungary on public security issues, going beyond trade and investment relations, during a rare meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

China hopes to deepen law enforcement and security ties with Hungary as the two mark their 75th year of diplomatic relations, Public Security Minister Wang Xiaohong told Orban last week.

During a visit to Budapest, Wang said he hoped such efforts would be "a new highlight of bilateral relations" in areas such as combating terrorism and transnational crimes.

#China #Hungary

It's an over simplistic take.

Prior to that "flood" of Indian non-residents being let in, there was a similar wave of Chinese/China origin migrants being granted PR/Citizenship over a 10 year period (iirc). Yet, historically, the racial demographics of Singapore hasn't changed much, +/- 3 percent for the Chinese resident demographic.

Singapore is also almost 1/3 non-resident and out of that very fluid demographic, there is a very significant proportion that is Malaysians working blue collar jobs as well as the South Asian construction workers. This, though, is a historical trend and their presence and impact on the ethnic landscape of Singapore is largely part of the accepted fabric.

So whatever crappy habits you mention, trust me, they are already part of the SG experience (and practiced by all alike) on a daily basis for the years that I've been Singaporean.

Specifically about the Indian problem you speak of - traditionally, the Indian population is derived from South Indian, Tamil speaking, peasant-migrants. Which is why you have a rather odd situation where the official "Indian" language in Singapore is Tamil rather than Hindi. The new(er) wave of Indians in Singapore are mostly Hindi speaking and white collar so friction is to be expected as these are really 2 very different Indians rather than a homogenous Indian mix ... North vs South, Rich vs Poor, Hindi vs Tamil is surely going to bring to fore caste/cultural differences, wealth disparity, educational heritage and language snobbery causing friction with the resident population - which is similar to the friction seen when the wave of Chinese immigrants came before them.

Suffice to say, there is always going to be friction and push back against immigrants, regardless of source - even when said incumbents are really recent migrants themselves. No one loves extra competition and population pressures on housing, transport and space that increased population in a limited area will sure bring. The clannish behaviour is no different from Chinese hiring Chinese and only probably more prevalent in recent times due to an increase in MNC HQs in Singapore with their hiring policy that brings in these Indian expatriates.

One last thing ... the political elite in Singapore has always been dominated by non-Chinese, even if they look Chinese. The Straits Chinese a.k.a Peranakans along with Eurasians and Indians have always been pulling the strings in SG politics. You only have to look at the eradication of Chinese culture in SG during the early post-independence years to understand how a Chinese looking population with a Chinese looking PM is actually NOT a very Chinese country.

One related question? Why does Singapore not have more migrants from SE Asian contries such as Philippines and Indonesia instead of from the Indian subcontinent. They are at least part of the ASEAN and their English and educational background are similar, They also have a better cultural affinity to Singapore ( Chinese cultural ties). Vietnam and Cambodia should also be a good source of migrant workers compared to current situation.


Registered Member
One related question? Why does Singapore not have more migrants from SE Asian contries such as Philippines and Indonesia instead of from the Indian subcontinent. They are at least part of the ASEAN and their English and educational background are similar, They also have a better cultural affinity to Singapore ( Chinese cultural ties). Vietnam and Cambodia should also be a good source of migrant workers compared to current situation.
I understand their hesitation regarding Indonesian BUT the Filipinos? its a complementary if you ask me, Hua Qiao here can easily adopt with the language and most Filipino can easily assimilate, my perception from my conversation with professional people with high paying job working there why they want to return is the high cost of living and the pressure of work, aside from that there is discriminate, Singaporean look down on us as they are use on seeing the Filipina domestic help and drew conclusion from what they see. And also it doesn't help with bad publicity on both side regarding abuses and violation of contract.


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Any statesman worth their salt should see it coming the first time NATO expanded. At least in China it is. Can't expect everyone to be sharp like China, but I hope Russian politicians are not totally hopeless. It certainly seemed that way prior to 2021.
Russian leadership, besides Putin, lost most if not all illusions about the US-controlled West by the time the US installed their Anti-Russian puppets in Kiev in 2014. The absurd levels of hypocrisy and dishonesty (and criminality -> see the violation of the 1975 Helsinki Agreement). For some weird reason Putin still seemed to have held out hope that some "reasonable" countries in Europe (i.e. Germany, France) would at least show some modicum of honesty and integrity. Sadly, he ended up fooling himself when both Merkel and Hollande admitted that the Minsk Agreements were never meant to resolve the conflict. With political fundamentalists/fanatics at the helm, it seems that the US neocon/neolib-controlled "collective West" will continue on this track until $h!+ hits the fan. What is so disappointing and disturbing to me is that European "leadership" seems to have forgotten the lessons of both world wars.

Yet it will be the common people in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia that will pay the price for the imperialist/hegemonic fantasies and ambitions of a tiny minority of fanatic lunatics in Washington DC, London and Brussels.

Can the world really afford another world war, even if it solely conventional? I personally think not.

IMHO, neofascist ideologies such as neoliberalism and neoconservatism belong on the ash heap of history. At the end of the day, Anglo-American fascism is not any better than German fascism. Both are heinously (self) destructive movements/ideologies.


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China offers to back Hungary in security matters

China offered to support long-time strategic partner Hungary on public security issues, going beyond trade and investment relations, during a rare meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

China hopes to deepen law enforcement and security ties with Hungary as the two mark their 75th year of diplomatic relations, Public Security Minister Wang Xiaohong told Orban last week.

During a visit to Budapest, Wang said he hoped such efforts would be "a new highlight of bilateral relations" in areas such as combating terrorism and transnational crimes.

#China #Hungary

Wow, the Chinese are confident of Russian Victory to say those words and maybe there are agreement for Russia to return Galicia to Hungary, securing a land passage for both Russia and Chinese to Serbia.