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This is the reason why China should have built more CVs, rather than just testing and evaluating their CVs before making more.
Do not need that. China's show of force comes from an object that is at the same time manufactured for fun but that imposes fear on the American military. In fact, not even during the Cuban Missile Crisis did the American military face so much fear:


Senior Member
Registered Member
Do not need that. China's show of force comes from an object that is at the same time manufactured for fun but that imposes fear on the American military. In fact, not even during the Cuban Missile Crisis did the American military face so much fear:
View attachment 125408
Unlike the missiles, the Ballon managed to get past their air defense and hung around for 3 more days before leaving via f22. You don't see missiles damaging someone's military and pride as much as that ballon.


Registered Member
As it turned out, it's basically this:
View attachment 125389

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Russians working on space-based nuclear ASAT weapon.
The U.S. tore up the Outer Space Treaty, this is on them.
Also, what does it matter if nukes are a few thousand kilometres from space or from the sea?
Also, I hear tell on twitter it could actually be a particle beam like in Generals Zero Hour with the capacity of a directed energy weapon on the level of nuclear blasts.
when a bunch of European bankers decide to LARP as Bronze Age hebrews, the effects are deadly. Also, how cheap for the British royalty to allow themselves to be infiltrated and compromised by merchant bankers of all people. That’s how you know the royals of England are weak blood.

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leave the land, not the people.


Registered Member
Don’t worry. Your western overlords has sent their thoughts and prayers in support of you.

Azerbaijan planning 'full-scale war', Armenia warns

Tensions between the two Caucasus neighbours have remained high since Baku re-captured the Armenian-populated region of Nagorno-Karabakh last September in a lightning military offensive.

"Our analysis shows that Azerbaijan wants to launch military action in some parts of the border with the prospect of turning military escalation into a full-scale war against Armenia," Pashinyan said at a government meeting.

"This intention can be read in all statements and actions of Azerbaijan," he added.

Yerevan is concerned that Azerbaijan, emboldened by its success in Karabakh, could invade Armenian territory in order to create a land bridge to its exclave of Nakhchivan.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who won re-election this month, said in an inauguration speech Wednesday it was Armenia, not Azerbaijan, that had outstanding territorial claims.

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This is the reason why China should have built more CVs, rather than just testing and evaluating their CVs before making more.
Panic-building large numbers of super complicated warmachines before proper testing and evaluation is just about the stupidest idea one can have, and it's even moreso when you consider that carriers are countered by anti-carrier missiles, not other carriers like in WWII.


Registered Member
Panic-building large numbers of super complicated warmachines before proper testing and evaluation is just about the stupidest idea one can have, and it's even moreso when you consider that carriers are countered by anti-carrier missiles, not other carriers like in WWII.
They could have built another one. They do this all the time in the frigate program. It allows more than one shipyard to get experience with building the ship before serial production happens.


Registered Member
Don’t worry. Your western overlords has sent their thoughts and prayers in support of you.

"Yerevan is concerned that Azerbaijan, emboldened by its success in Karabakh, could invade Armenian territory in order to create a land bridge to its exclave of Nakhchivan."
So they say "could". Neat. It is more like "will" though.
It is only a matter of time before Azerbaijan tries to connect to its exclave and create a land bridge to Turkey. Armenia trying to cozy up to the West will only lead to their own doom.


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The American market has unique characteristic. The vehicles are larger in size and alot of parts goes to Mexico for final assembly. If Mexico imports more Chinese vehicles. it just frees up Mexico domestic production. I doubt Mexico earns enough to afford American style vehicles. Corolla in US is 2.0 litre engine (larger engine longer life). while Asia its 1.2 or 1.5 or that old 1.8.
they are looking into Chinese content in European vehicles.
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They could have built another one. They do this all the time in the frigate program. It allows more than one shipyard to get experience with building the ship before serial production happens.
It's fucking expensive as hell to keep building these, especially if you have better ones designed that can be built upon the experience of the former ones. Did you ever think how stupid it is to have have multiple aircraft carriers built, all 5 years old, all obsolete to the ones in construction? And then, did you think how useless they are in a real conflict against 5 US carriers that can 1. outmatch these initial Chinese ships in carrier-to-carrier warfare and 2. that can be sunk by ASBMs without endangering any of our carriers or sailors?