Miscellaneous News


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Almost 1 in 4 adults is considered overweight or obese in India. Obesity is set to increase by 80% by 2035.
Partially due to Modi's loosening of health and food regulations in effort to attract overseas investment from big corps.
Such a strange stat to have for a country that simultaneously is #1 in the most malnourished countries list.

I went to San Francisco and had a great memory of it but now the pictures are unrecognizable and the homeless encampments look like a third world country.
Off topic, speaking of San Francisco, the only city in the world I've seen that has a "poop map", displaying which locations in the city currently have poop deposited in the public. (The cause is open defecation by homeless people).

This is from today,
Doesn't seem too bad ... until you zoom in,

Red Moon

Junior Member
Albania has puzzled me becaused it sided with China against Soviet Union, then relations got frosty when China made good with the US/West, and has stayed cool even after Albania aligned herself to the West.
Maybe this has been answered by now, but China Supported Yugoslavia against dismemberment, and Albania was rabidly anti-Serbian on the question of Kosovo.


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Junior Member
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I disagree. The anglos were already facing large scale anti-colonialism efforts from multiple colonies during that time. The Sino-Soviet Split was already underway and the global embargo on China didn't end until 1972. Nixon would still need to court China in order to put pressure on the Soviets. HK meant nothing to them at that time.

The Brits lacked the means, while the Yankees lacked the will to resist a PLA liberation.
HK was essential for the modernisation and opening up of China at the time, a gateway for both China and the West to do business behind the scene. Taking HK by force would not have helped China at that time at all.