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My entire point wasn’t that things are perfect, it was that most things are getting better in the United States with time and that things aren’t perfect compared to an ideal
Your not fooling anyone sleepy, anyone with common sense can tell that having an increasing number of tent cities sprouting up all over the place while California smells like a toilet dump due to the homeless defecating everywhere and being 34+ trillion dollars in debt that the situation in the USA is not good, is going to get worse and that nothing will be done about it and no, the situation back then is no where near as bad as now


Peaceful as in there is no conflict in conus. The reason, of course, why the U.S. gets involved in so many foreign wars into perpetuity is that they are cost less (miniscule shares of gdp and the national budget), riskless (the U.S. is so militarily dominant that no one can do anything about it), and meaningless (the worst case outcome for the U.S. is that there are angry broadcasts for 3 minutes on Fox News or CNN)
Like many Americans, you don't see the cost of your mistakes even after they are repeatedly committed, and neither does your government. Every war you enter causes America to bleed resources that should have been invested in itself, most specifically, the education of your children. Instead, you kill people abroad driving the global south to China's benevolent rise while droves of American public schools are reporting 0% mathematic literacy rate. You have no investment in the future, a future that China invests greatly in, and a future that will increasingly become the present. Losing the race to China because you spent the time bullying people by the side of the road while China runs forward is the cost you pay. Losing American global dominance is the curse placed on the US by the spectors of those that America has murdered. And hey! That's another point for poor American governance!
We were citing the same data from the Census CPS, CDC NHIS and CDC VSRR, and various HUD surveys on homelessness. We disagreed on the time-frame to use, causality, and the significance.
That's why it's shaky. I've given it to you, to be fair, that I'm weighing your data against mine and now the result is shaky rather than being unambiguous on short term US growth, stagnation or decline.
If the U.S. was running solely on inertia (as you originally claimed) even as a force is acting on the U.S.; you’d expect outcomes to be strictly worse or equal, not better off.
I'm sorry that you took that as if it were a physics equation. To me, inertia, as it pertains to a country or a person's trajectory, basically means to run on an already well-established system. This is capable of generating mild growth, as is the trend of growing technology and inflation in the world. Even countries that are not known for any competence usually cruise on mild growth as the years pass. But to forcefully grow due to excellent/competent management means to accelerate growth like China is doing in technology, for example the lithography sector.
Yeah, lol. A well managed poor country will converge to the U.S. level given enough time and sustained competence
A moves faster and overtakes B due to superior governance in A. There is no way to rephrase that to make it look like American management may be on par with China's while it is being run down by China.
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