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Registered Member
I agree. Unfortunately, I believe that the chances of the US and China getting along are 0. The US is intent on bringing about the destruction of the Chinese people. I'm aware that this sounds like fear-mongering, but it is the only conclusion that I can draw based on the behavior of the US in the last one hundred years. Even in the event of an alien invasion, the US would still find a way to backstab China.
Bro the inflection point is 2025 (full tech independent), one year from now, if nothing happen, the cascading effect of China ascendancy will force the American to accept the Chinese as peer competitor. They will still play a proxy war BUT the advent of full scale conflict is low.


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Anglos haven’t missed anything about Indian infiltration. They have merely (correctly) concluded that the Indians pose zero threat.

None of those Indians in positions of power and authority in the west truly earned their positions. They didn’t create something out of nothing, they just middle managed themselves to the top.

But as the Space Nazis correctly surmises, what is given has no value, because it can just as easily be taken away again. Aka, being Cancelled. All the ‘power’ and wealth Indian figureheads in the west enjoys are just guilded chains binding them tighter to their true (white) masters’ will. Don’t heed the leash and you will be cancelled and in a puff, all your phantom power and wealth disappears and you are at best back to living a middle class life, at worst you go to prison, have all your assets confiscated and maybe get Epsioned if you are particularly annoying.

But those with hard power doesn’t give a shit about soft power bullshit. The west would love to Cancel Russia and China but couldn’t. This is why they are obsessed and paranoid about China most of all.

While westerns love to harp on about how they made China rich, it, as with most of what they say, are a gross distortion of history and reality.

What happened was that they allowed their corporations to go try to make money off of exploiting China’s national and Human Resources.

At first, they arrogantly assumed the simple Chinese are too inferior and stupid to learn western secrets. But as soon as they realised China could assimilate their technology and improve upon it, they created all sorts of barriers and sanctions to limit Chinese access to high tech. Then when that failed, they actively tried to sabotage and destroy the best Chinese high tech companies.

China didn’t get rich because the west allowed it, China got rich and developed despite the west doing everything in its power to try and prevent it. That is what threatens and scares the west.

The Indians are just fundamentally an irrelevance as far as the west is concerned. Their only real value is in having a billion potential foot soldiers the west could use to soak up Chinese bullets in an expanded version of Ukrainian. But to be brutally honest, a billion Indians could only wet dream about fighting as well as 37m Ukrainians. They will have as much impact in a potential future Chinese-US war as they did in the previous two world wars, which was barely worthy of a footnote and participation prize.

At the end of the day, India is already a western slave race mentally. The west can collapse their entire society with a few tweets. Worse case, they can bomb them back to the Stone Age and simply forget about them for minimal cost. This is why nobody spares the mighty India any real thought.
Anyone remember Parag Agrawal, the former CEO of Twitter? No? Indians sure as well wouldn't shut up about him when he was in charge. Then Elon Musk fired him so easily and they now pretend he didn't exist like the fairweather cheerleaders they are. Thats coz he proved CEO it just an officer rank at the end of the day and the actual guy with power aka the owner with capital can remov him at will.

Btw I think he probably intended to bring out a toilet here but that would be too obvious and be considered racist against Indians. So he got a sink instead.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Anglos haven’t missed anything about Indian infiltration. They have merely (correctly) concluded that the Indians pose zero threat.

None of those Indians in positions of power and authority in the west truly earned their positions. They didn’t create something out of nothing, they just middle managed themselves to the top.

But as the Space Nazis correctly surmises, what is given has no value, because it can just as easily be taken away again. Aka, being Cancelled. All the ‘power’ and wealth Indian figureheads in the west enjoys are just guilded chains binding them tighter to their true (white) masters’ will. Don’t heed the leash and you will be cancelled and in a puff, all your phantom power and wealth disappears and you are at best back to living a middle class life, at worst you go to prison, have all your assets confiscated and maybe get Epsioned if you are particularly annoying.

But those with hard power doesn’t give a shit about soft power bullshit. The west would love to Cancel Russia and China but couldn’t. This is why they are obsessed and paranoid about China most of all.

While westerns love to harp on about how they made China rich, it, as with most of what they say, are a gross distortion of history and reality.

What happened was that they allowed their corporations to go try to make money off of exploiting China’s national and Human Resources.

At first, they arrogantly assumed the simple Chinese are too inferior and stupid to learn western secrets. But as soon as they realised China could assimilate their technology and improve upon it, they created all sorts of barriers and sanctions to limit Chinese access to high tech. Then when that failed, they actively tried to sabotage and destroy the best Chinese high tech companies.

China didn’t get rich because the west allowed it, China got rich and developed despite the west doing everything in its power to try and prevent it. That is what threatens and scares the west.

The Indians are just fundamentally an irrelevance as far as the west is concerned. Their only real value is in having a billion potential foot soldiers the west could use to soak up Chinese bullets in an expanded version of Ukrainian. But to be brutally honest, a billion Indians could only wet dream about fighting as well as 37m Ukrainians. They will have as much impact in a potential future Chinese-US war as they did in the previous two world wars, which was barely worthy of a footnote and participation prize.

At the end of the day, India is already a western slave race mentally. The west can collapse their entire society with a few tweets. Worse case, they can bomb them back to the Stone Age and simply forget about them for minimal cost. This is why nobody spares the mighty India any real thought.
Indian CEOs of American companies is just a continuation of British legacy of colonialism where British Raj appointed 400-500 Indian vassal Kings ("Princely State Kings") who administered British India on their behalf as princely vassals. Europeans owned the land, Indian Kings vassals operated as middle-management with great pride too serving the Great.

Once you understand how British shaped Indian vassal Kings to administrate White Man's colonies, then you will see why Indians find great pride as middle-management of American corporations - Indian vassal Kings literally served as regional CEOs of the British East Indian Company in British India Raj.


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The two sides also discussed important global and regional security issues, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Middle East including the Red Sea, DPRK, the South China Sea, and, of course, Burma.

They discussed cross-Strait issues. Mr. Sullivan reiterated that the United States remains committed to our One China policy guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, Three Communiqués, and Six Assurances. He indicated the U.S. opposes unilateral changes to the status quo from either side, that we do not support Taiwan independence, and that we expect cross-Strait differences to be resolved peacefully.

US press briefing, Wang Yi and Sullivan talked about affairs all across the world.


India's strategy is to export its people to neighbouring and western democracies in the hope that they will promote their own people into power (Rishi Sunak) or form a large enough voting bloc to facilitate more and more indian immigration and influence politics (the Turkish Gastarbeiter strategy). Anglo Zionist elites are so obsessed about China that they've overlooked the impact of indians in key positions and wealth and influence.
That's a horrible strategy; Israel is the king of that strategy not because it wants to be but because that's the only game it can play. Israel is small and its population is small. So they need to use this strategy, which is essentially like some parasitic amoeba infecting a host's nervous sytem to control the host's body. They can get away with it because they're white but Indians can't go anywhere with this strategy. They just don't look the same and the second they try to push for something in India's interest, their loyalty will be heavily questioned and attacked by local rivals; as a matter of fact, while Jews can use this strategy highlighting that they are true to their Jewish heritage, Indians can only get anywhere by distancing themselves from India and highlighting how Western they are. Its truly sad because Indians don't need this strategy; if accomplished Indians in the West were willing to sacrifice what they had to go back to develop India, it has the potential to be a serious power, one that Israel could never become. But Indians will not do this and India is forever the nation of unrealized potential. This strategy from Indians is truly worth nothing but a good laugh... and pity.


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India's strategy is to export its people to neighbouring and western democracies in the hope that they will promote their own people into power (Rishi Sunak) or form a large enough voting bloc to facilitate more and more indian immigration and influence politics (the Turkish Gastarbeiter strategy). Anglo Zionist elites are so obsessed about China that they've overlooked the impact of indians in key positions and wealth and influence.

As the Indians are now flooding all the western countries with their own people, it is even more important for China to grow its population, just in case China enters a war of attrition against those Indians worldwide. Even though China has modern war robots, but still you need people for controlling and maintaining those AI war machines.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
As the Indians are now flooding all the western countries with their own people, it is even more important for China to grow its population, just in case China enters a war of attrition against those Indians worldwide. Even though China has modern war robots, but still you need people for controlling and maintaining those AI war machines.
China should grow it's living standards on per capita basis, not GDP growth for the sake of a large GDP.


Registered Member
China should grow it's living standards on per capita basis, not GDP growth for the sake of a large GDP.
China has the proletariat of the Global South on our side, 4 billion strong.

The greatest force for empowering the poor and the downtrodden of the world has been China, this is a fact. The Chinese smartphones, TVs and telecom networks have democratized the economy and modern information. Anyone willing to open their eyes will easily see the self evident benefits for the average person to siding with China. Today even people in Somalia have smartphones and TVs.


Registered Member
there is already market price for German car, EV electricity and sandwich. you willingly paid for it to get things in return.
Soft Power is some thing you pay for it (monetary/non monetray) but not see the return or Adverse Returns. how many people can follow culture of Royal families of Arabia?. Few people can afford Arabian Stallion but thats the easy part.
This operational conduct of Ukraine war is great example of purchasing Royal Arabic Soft Power. so much so they are spending it on
not so affluent areas of global south to let every one know that you are with Royals.

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WHAT?? I am sorry man, what planet are you living on right now buddy? ARABIAN POWER? Where and how the bloody F are these SUPER DUPER ARABIAN POWERS are exercising their influence? Who's leading the ARABS? K.S.A. Bahrain? I mean, if that's what looks like leading and influencing to you, I would shudder to even consider the opposite meaning of that word. Palestinians aren't Arabs I guess since those hapless people are busy getting turned to crisp as we speak. Hmm...wow what a super duper power they must have.